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NOTE: This story will be going on hiatus, to resume in early December 2013, as I will be participating in NaNoWriMo, and that will eat up all my free writing time until the end of November. Sorry for anyone who is actually waiting on it.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders are the best of friends, but when life sets them on different paths, can their friendship survive? Will they find a way to bridge the growing gap between them?

While the Mane 6 are away on royal business, the three rambunctious fillies find their lives changing. They are growing up, and growing apart. Without the guidance of their older sisters, these fillies will have to find their own answers. Their single-minded focus on finding their cutie marks is no longer enough to build a friendship on.

Is this the end of the Cutie Mark Crusaders?


This story will occur in three acts: Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. The main focus of the story will shift to
each filly in turn as the acts progress.

This story contains a romantic relationship, but will involve no more than mild reference to any mature content beyond what is roughly age-appropriate. This relationship, while integral to the plot, is not the focus of the piece, so don't be disappointed.

Chapters (5)

Meet Lavender, a rare offspring brought into the world by a loving dragon and a beautiful pony. She is told constantly by her parents that she is a beautiful gift of nature, but she is reminded everyday about just how different she is from the rest of the world. She is going to learn very rapidly how cruel and unforgiving the world can be for anything different from them.

Follow the journey of Spike, Rarity, and their offspring Lavender from birth to adulthood as they try to survive prejudice, natural impulses, and even their relationship between each other.

The character of Lavender and the artwork included all belong to Carnifex
Someone actually thought this fic was worthy to be in the Twilight Library. Well... if you say so.

Chapters (14)

After receiving two tickets to Dodge Junction's Founder's Day Festival, Applejack invites Rainbow Dash to join her in what looks to be a great time full of fun, games, rides, food, and more. But hidden behind all this is an opportunity for Applejack to finally tell Dash how she feels about her. Can the farmpony manage to confess between all the excitement?

(My entry for the AppleDash contest, image belongs to OZE-JP and not me)

Chapters (7)

(Spyro seriesXmlp) Spike's always been curious about his race, but then again what dragon wouldn't be when all they've ever known is ponies? So when a spell book arrives that may offer some answers to his questions, with a little help from Twilight of course, the young dragon is overjoyed to say the absolute least.

Though when things somehow end up going astronomically sideways, Ponyville finds itself playing host to three unexpected visitors; three scaly visitors by the names of Spyro, Cynder, and Ember to be exact, each bringing their own personal touch of chaos to the small town.

Soon awkward and unusual situations arise, tempers flare with destructive consequences, personal demons and ancient evils threaten to rear their long suppressed heads, and Spike learns that sometimes, if you wait long enough, love will find you.

Inspired by this piece of fan-art I found (not mine) featuring Spike and Ember, and the short comic 'Spyro's back'

Chapters (18)

(This iteration of the story has been cancelled. Detailed explanation + silver lining/glimmer of hope here)

Rainbow Dash always had a thing for First Officer Soarin of the Wonderbolts, even without realizing he could be such a sweet pony once she got to know him a little better. However, her affections are already tied up with the newly adopted Scootaloo, who needs guidance and care when a new disorder rears its ugly head. There's not much room in her heart for a stallion, is there?

Unfortunately, her life will get even more complicated as the Mane Six join the Wonderbolts to face a mysterious darkness in the distant land of Saddle Arabia. She must remain strong, because her entire world is about to come crashing around her ears. Is there a light at the end of this tunnel, or will everything she endured simply bring more pain down the road?

(Rated teen for the occasional instances of strong language, suggestive scenes, and scattered ponies drinkin' themselves stupid!

Chapter headers by: SparkBrony

Former editor: ShootingStar159)

Chapters (42)

Everyone knows that two mares can't have a foal. . . unless their best friend is one of the greatest magical minds in Equestria.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash went to Twilight Sparkle with a simple question: Could she make a spell that would allow them to have a foal together? After a year of magical research, Twilight thinks that she's done just that. But the spell is not without potential side effects, and AJ and Dash have to decide if they're ready to be part of a magical experiment that could give them a foal of their own, or cost Applejack her life.

Thanks to DbzOrDie and Jackie for proofreading, and to KrazyTheFox for the cover image.

Chapters (4)

After a terrible fire nearly claims the lives of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Rainbow Dash has to seriously consider what it takes to be a sister when she has to face the prospect of disciplining the newly-adopted Scootaloo.

Nopony ever said that being a good big sister was gonna be easy.

Big props to Isseus and ShootingStar159 for pre-reading and editing.

Chapters (3)

When Diamond Tiara is accused of stealing lunch money from Dinky Doo, she is put on trial by her class. Apple Bloom, who believes Diamond Tiara to be innocent, takes the stand to defend her.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight sees Pinkie Pie standing alone one night in the midst of a terrible storm, she decides to let her stay for the next couple of days. Little does she know how much her life will change in the nights to come.

Every choice we make denies ten thousand possibilities.

Cover Art by Relaxn

Special thanks to my editors!


Chapters (6)

NOTICE: This is an unofficial and highly expanded story adaptation of the "PWaaMLPfim" Youtube Video Series: Phoenix Wright / My Little Pony FIM - Turnabout Storm! The videos came first, NOT this story!!!!

A quiet summer night in Ponyville takes a violent turn when two pegasus ponies enter the Everfree Forest and only one comes out alive, leaving the second accused of murder, on trial for her life. Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright finds himself dragged from his own world, magically summoned to Equestria by Twilight Sparkle to defend Rainbow Dash from charges of killing Ace Swift, a superstar pegasus athlete and champion racer.

Trapped in an unfamiliar world ruled by magical talking ponies, Phoenix must draw on all his wits and experience to solve the crime and uncover the conspiracy behind it... before Rainbow Dash is banished to the sun for a murder she didn't commit.

Parts 1-43 written by RavenRegios, and edited by Firesight. Parts 38, 42, and 44-epilogue written by Firesight with additional input and prereads from TheGoldCrow, AJ_Aficionado, and Leo Archon.

Ownership transferred to Firesight on 1/15/2018.

Chapters (68)