• Member Since 15th Jan, 2019


Friendship and magic

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For a thousand years, there was just Celestia. Then Cadance appeared, Luna returned -- and now Twilight has ascended. There are ponies who are very curious about just what happened, why -- and how. Especially the how. Twilight herself is on that list, a freshly-minted princess with far more questions than answers, about to face a brand new one: what truly makes an alicorn?

And what happens if it goes wrong?

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Cover art by Harwick.

Chapters (56)

How far will you go to save your family? Your friends? Your empire? Twenty years before the events of the Hearth's Warming Eve story, long before the pegasi had even met the other two races, Commander Hurricane was a simple farmer in the great Cirran Empire. When the neighboring griffon nation declares war on Cirra and everything it stands for, the young Hurricane finds himself thrown into the middle of a conflict with the fate of his very race put into question. Will he rise to be the pegasus Cirra needs him to be, or will the mighty empire fall to the claws of the griffons?

Officially part of "The Price of Loyalty" storyverse, in collaboration with LoyalLiar.

Now with a side story! Come check out my friend Ruirik's Wind and Stone and follow along with the journey of another legionnaire who struggled through the Red Cloud War at the same time as Hurricane. (*contains references to events in the sequel to OSLF, Snow and Shadows, so be wary*)

Cover art by Ruirik

Chapters (18)

The product of NaNoWriMo 2014.

Equestria has many odd things lurking in the shadows, but what of that which is hidden in plain sight? A massive, impenetrable wall of ascending water separates the world in two. So the question is asked, what is on the other side? A group of conspirators purpose themselves to find out, and will do anything necessary to get what they want. Join in the adventure as the ponies of Equestria are thrown into an adventure of the century, and the question that comes along with it all. Are you the prime, or are you the copy?

A great big thank you to Angelic Flight or Onyx Penstroke for the cover art. Check them out if you get the time and need a bit of art.

Chapters (14)

A crossover in the same vein as The Conversion Bureau: Wrong Universe, set in the universe of Magic: the Gathering.


Chapters (1)

The Doctor suddenly finds himself in the magical land of Equestria and soon discovers that he's regenerated into a pony. As Twilight Sparkle tries to learn more about the Doctor with the help of Spike and Princess Luna, a creature from the Doctor's past arrives in Ponyville with evil intentions.

Chapters (5)

Trixie, the mistress of magic and cutter of the cards known world-wide is a renowned magician. Many ask her, "What is your secret?". Her only response: "My magic comes from the love of the art, of course". However, in truth, her magic, unlike the magic of Harmony, comes from a deeper, darker source...

When the world goes to sleep, her wagon lights only then turn to breed her dark magic... And the beautiful feeling that comes with it.

(A humanized Trixie One-shot.)

Inspired by this song: Here.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the heart-warming YouTube videos Sharing Vision, created by the highly talented Storm Runner and Snowdrop, the video made by SFS Animation that started it all.

Long before the Mare in the Moon, before Twilight Sparkle and her group of friends, there was a pony who has been forgotten in the pages of history, washed away in the sands of time. Her name was Snowdrop, but her story is far more than anypony could have ever imagined.

You see, Snowdrop was just a filly when she created the first snowflake, but it is the rest of her story that will amazing even the most well-versed of scholars, because through the years leading up to Luna's banishment, she was not the only one who struggled to find her place in the magical land she called home. There was another being, one whom she would come to know as a friend, and more, as they forged a home for each other.

His name was Thomas, better known as "Tommy" to those that knew him well, and it is his story that we tell today, long forgotten in the faded pages of history. Only now, after more than a thousand years, can we hear the tale of Equestria's first human.

Chapters (3)

There are 100 billion stars in the Milky Way, and humanity is determined to explore every one. We send probes, probes with the blueprints to reproduce human explorers upon arrival. Uninhabited worlds the galaxy over can be colonized and populated, until after many years they too can join the vast throng of interstellar civilization. But if a probe is very, very lucky, it will land on a populated world instead. Equestria is one such world.

Even so, it's far from perfect for colonization, not with an environment lethal to human life. But each probe is resourceful and armed with the greatest machine intelligence mankind has devised. If placing a human mind into a newly manufactured human body won't work, it will just have to get a little more creative.

This book has a Hardcover! If you want to pick it up, you can grab it here: https://starscribe.net/

This story was written at the behest of Canary In The Coal Mine, who is sponsoring it on my Patreon. As usual, cover by Zutcha. Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail.

Fantastic prereading help from: Chyre, Danger Noodle, Doctor Disco, and Doggyshakespeare (who also did the Esperanto translation). Thank you all for helping to make this story more readable and more consistent for everyone.

Chapters (89)