• Member Since 15th Jan, 2019


Friendship and magic

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We all know The Conversion Bureau right? Those stories where the ponies go evil and try to turn all humans into tiny zombie horses and make them into slaves ,well what if they dint have to deal with humanity but aliens much more powerful then humans ever were?

Chapters (6)

Captured by your enemy. It's something that no soldier wants to think about, much less experience. Unfortunately for one U.S. soldier fighting in Equestria, that's exactly what happens. At the mercy of the ponies, he will have to resist their attempts to extract information from him, and hope that he'll see freedom again.
(Language warning for those who care.)

Many thanks to my prereader, Cosmic Cowboy, for letting me bounce ideas off him, and not letting me upload garbage.
Cover art by the awesome (and patient) Erindor.
Appeared in the feature box for a brief time on 10/11/2015. I have no words...

Chapters (18)

The world is in shambles. All worlds are in shambles.

When in nothing short of a miracle a soldier in a united galaxy's war for survival stumbles upon a peculiar planet inhabited by equines with incredible abilities, he and his associates are determined to do whatever they can to turn the tide of their own war. But as they spend more and more time on the surface, some things there may turn out... not as foreign as they might have imagined. And not nearly as friendly.

And these poor officials are going to have a really hard time filling immigration forms of a goddamn horse.

Featured on 04/13/2020! Thank you so much! :twilightsmile:

Featured again on 05/27/2020! You wouldn't believe how much this means to me!

Editor of the first chapter: Mind Jack

Just a quick disclaimer: this IS NOT a crossover. The universe MLP interacts with here is entirely my own creation. More and more of the lore will be gradually unfolded as the story progresses.

The Alternate Universe tag is not there because, despite the changes in how magic works (most prominently the dreamscape), this is no 'alternate universe' - it's canon with small adjustments, and I ultimately decided to remove the tag as it only served to unnecessarily confuse people.
More tags will be added as the story progresses.

Also, this is my first fic, so I can't say it won't have issues. As such however, any form of feedback is greatly appreciated, be it positive or negative.

Chapters (21)

An object of unknown origins crash lands in the no-pony's land between Equestria and Gryphon territory. Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle race to beat the Gryphons to the crash site, but discover more to the crash than they originally thought.

Chapters (15)

Hanna, the CEO of Hofvarpnir Studios, just won the contract to write the official My Little Pony MMO. Hanna has built an A.I. Princess Celestia and given her one basic drive: to satisfy everybody's values through friendship and ponies. Princess Celestia will satisfy your values through friendship and ponies, and it will be completely consensual.

Chapters (13)

It has been ten years since the defeat of the Changling Queen, and Equestria is again at peace. Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony have reached their prime, and have begun to settle down. Love and life abound in Ponyville, especially for Twilight's friends, but she has nopony to call her own.

There is a reason.

A series of events lead to a horrible revelation, and Twilight is thrust deep into a terrifying web of secrets and lies. Her peace is over.

This time, however, she won't be fighting monsters or madponies. What she faces will be much, much worse.

Act One of Two.

Act Two is here.

Currently undergoing editing by the wonderful Mstar!

Chapters (44)

After the 'Canterlot Wedding' incident the Changeling swarm was scattered across the land, enslaved by pony warlords and slavers beyond the borders of Equestria. Weak, desperate and with only a dozen changelings to her name, Queen Chrysalis resorts to summoning one of the most obscure creatures in mythology; a human.

Thanks to zinger906 for giving me the idea for this story.

Chapters (5)

I really don't know where this came from.

What if the teleportation was messed up. What if Equistria missed our earth but hit a different one. One scarred by nuclear fire and humans already fighting for their right to exist. Against machines. Skynet and humans must decide. Die by the ponies or band together and fight back.

Chapters (6)

In Equestria, humans serve the ruling pony class. Their lack of magic makes it near impossible to survive on their own, and so they depend on their rulers to protect and help them, and put a roof over their heads. But on Earth, and in many other solar systems, their strength is the pinnacle of hope, as they assist those they can in their frantic search for the ones who came before.

Near the edge of the humans' empire, The USSF Monarch stumbles upon Pony kind on Tango 126, one of the many targets during their hunt for the Precursors. Their curiosity is peaked, and John Punch, a high ranking Elite, is sent in disguised as one of the many Human occupants on the planet, to learn of their culture, and the Precursors' presence on this planet.

Now the respected veteran must face the social challenges of being thrust into a gender reversed, pony dominated society.

Chapters (7)

Frank Horrigan is the Enclave's finest instrument of warfare and the best soldier they've ever had. Known to all as a "genetically engineered cyborg psycho total homicidal maniac", and a kind of "ultra super mutant in power armor". Having been witnessed laughing off plasma rifle fire, and punching deathclaws and armored humans in half, he is one of the deadliest entities to have walked the Wasteland.

Killed by the Chosen One, the Enclave Oil Rig sinks to the bottom of the ocean in a nuclear explosion. But this isn't the end of Frank's adventures. Out of all the odds, he ends up in Equestria of all places. One of the most despicable monsters of the Wasteland in a magical land full of friendship and sunshines. Yeah, this will end well.

At the end of each chapter, Frank will make a Karma Decision. You vote for either the Good, Neutral or Bad decision in the comments for what he does the next chapter. Vote wisely!

Thanks to my super awesome proof readers ArmedBrony, Eldorado and Shadowflash, all kickass dudes that can comprehend my writing! A rare skill indeed.

Chapters (6)