• Member Since 15th Jan, 2019


Friendship and magic

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Everything dies.

Sometimes sooner than it should, and sometimes not for very long.

When death proves to be a bit more impermanent than it should be, Celestia is left to figure it out.

As well as why the new citizen of her fair land seems so intent on keeping the answers to himself.

Chapters (4)

Alright, do you want some advice?
Don't go evil if you don't want to have heroes trying to kill you repeatedly. I know, sometimes you have to do things that are morally questionable, but at others, just be a good guy. Wait in line rather than summon a horde of undead to tear the throats out of everybody except the barista. Or just freeze everybody in place. That's at least funny in a conventional sense.
I'm (sort of) reformed now.
Unfortunately, there're these six mares and their ruler who are making this VERY DIFFICULT.

EDIT: After four days, the Featured streak has ended. It was a good run.
EDIT: Featured again on 10 May? Aw, stahp it guys. Stahp.

EDIT: New coverart courtesy of Leila Drake. Go to her and commission stuff.

Chapters (20)

A changeling gets a very risky and clever idea.
Pretending to be an advanced magic doll left as an anonymous gift in front of Twilight Sparkle's home.
It's so audaciously stupid there is no way it's not going to work.

Chapters (12)

A few months have gone by since the last season of MLP, and it seemed as though the fandom would slip quietly into obscurity. But strange things are happening, things nobody can explain. People who have never seen the show report sightings of strange monsters wandering at night. Bronies develop strange powers, and sometimes they disappear. Strangest of all are the blurry images of familiar characters, all seeming convinced of terrible danger just around the corner.

Jacob never imagined his life would be anything but ordinary. He’d finish his degree, make a living, maybe have a few kids. Until he almost got eaten on his way home from school and found himself thrust headlong into danger he could barely understand. Jacob (and his humanity) may not survive it.

Updates weekdays.

Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail. Art by Zutcha!

Chapters (50)

This story is a sequel to The Last Pony on Earth

Alexandria; a name its founders hope might again become synonyms with scholarship in a world that only four months earlier hosted human civilization. Now only the last remnants known as the Human Preservation Initiative have retained their species, the remainder of the population has been transformed completely into ponies. Adapted to survive in a world now saturated with magic, the ponies of Alexandria settle in for what they expect to be long and boring lives.

They are mistaken. Between the gradual approach of winter, being completely new to the magic of their bodies, and the HPI constantly breathing down their backs, life in Alexandria proves to be anything but boring.

Note To E-Reader users: This story contains illustrations in each chapter, which will be lost in the standard fimfiction chapter export. The generous Phoen1x took the time to produce an epub version with all the illustrations intact, which you can download here.

A huge thanks to Zutcha , the artist for this story. Also a huge thanks to my editors Two Bit and Sparktail.

Chapters (46)

A collection of short stories. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. All, hopefully, about what it means to be human.

Except, you know, with ponies.

I'm afraid of Changeling: Drone 42531 is insecure and decides he needs to see a professional, whether or not the professional wants to see him. [Comedy] [Random]

One thousand and one: A family keeps a long vigil, regardless of the cost. [Sad]

Uncoordinated: Twilight Sparkle and the Cutie Mark Crusaders conduct an experiment. Accidentally. [Comedy] [Random]

But the Greatest of These: Every pony has to grow up someday. Every dragon, too. [Slice of Life]

Wonder: Pinkie Pie's farm is grey. The sky is grey. Her sister is grey. The world is grey. Until, one day, it isn't. [Slice of Life]

The Apple of my Eye: Apple Bloom finally gets her cutie mark. It's not what she wanted. [Comedy] [Random]

Bookworm: Twilight Sparkle finds an odd message in her books. [Dark]

At the End of the Day: Just what does Pinkie Pie do in her free time? [Slice of Life]

The House at the End of the World: Some promises shouldn't be kept. [Adventure] [Dark]

Pantone Perfect: Rarity and Twilight Sparkle enjoy a refreshing argument at the spa. [Comedy] [Random]

Medium Rare: In which we learn the secret, scarring horror that was Fluttershy's first experience with a dragon. [Comedy] [Random]

One Thousand Flowers: How long do gifts take to grow? [Slice of Life]

Tempest: A pegasus teaches his son the nature of the rain. [Slice of Life]

No Natural Predators: The days have grown longer as the world winds down. [Adventure] [Dark]

Six More Weeks: The first day of Spring is a wonderful time to be a pony. Just make sure you get the date right. [Comedy]

Derecho: A daughter starts a long quest in a forgotten city.[Slice of Life]

O Death, where is thy sting? Human Flash Sentry travels across the multiverse. [Adventure]

The Lotus Eaters: Heaven is different things to different people. A Friendship is Optimal vignette.[Slice of Life]

Tour of Duty: Duty can be lighter than a feather, or heavier than a mountain. [Slice of Life]

Nickel-Iron-Cobalt: An explorer discovers a world without life. Perhaps. [Anthro][Adventure]

(Based on prompts from the Thirty Minute Pony Stories tumblr. All written in 30 minutes – give or take – unless otherwise noted.)

Chapters (48)

It has been nearly sixty years since humanity witnessed the devastation of a World War, or any other kind of large-scale conflict. Equestria's abstinence has been even longer, with battles that rage across the entire land not being seen for centuries. Though both have seen their share of small-scale skirmishes, a duel of total annihilation across a large scale has been avoided by both sides time and again.

But peace is never lasting. For both sides, it lies on a cliff, requiring only one good push to send the participants into a plunge of death. Equestria's unexpected appearance may turn into that final push, as alliances, deception, and distrust threaten to launch a conflict that will lead both worlds to utter ruin.

This work contains characters and parts created and written by other authors. I am grateful to have become friends with each of them.
Captain Jack R. Williams of the U.S.S. Boxer (LHD-4) created and written by An A10 Warthog
Captain Wilbur Hart and the U.S.S. Tippecanoe (CG-74) created and written by Totallynotabrony
Captain Starry Skies and the R.E.S. Horseshoe Bay (CSG-2) created and written by The Grey Pegasus
H.M.A.S. Sydney created and written by An Iowa Class Battleship
H.M.C.S. Presence created by Sockeye101 and written by The Rainbow Brony
USAF Pararescue team Prancer Two created and written by CptBrony
Carter Jones of the 130th Engineer Brigade written by Routine Blast
1st LT. Silverglow and the Karalian Army created and written by Silverstein.
Sergeant Jeff Thompson of C Troop, Royal Canadian Dragoons created and written by Goldenarbiter
Junior Sergeant Korrector and the 115th Motor-Rifle Division created and written by Kalash93
(More may be added over time)

Rated T for violence and language.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro.
Any and all other works belong to their respective creators.

Chapters (82)

This story is a sequel to The Many Deaths of Twilight Sparkle

Twilight has discovered that Alicorns can 'respawn' when they die. Think of the possibilities! She quickly assembles a crack team of scientists* to test the frontiers of this new power.

*IE whoever was willing to respond to a letter asking for 'suggestions of practical uses for the death of an alicorn'.

An unofficial sequel to "The Many Deaths of Twilight Sparkle".

Rated T for references to death and suicide, though in context those things don't really happen.
Featured on 7/6/2020! W00t!
And featured again on 7/20/2020!

Chapters (9)

All Private Shadow Heart wanted was to protect others, so she joined the Solar Guard in an effort to fulfill that dream. However, it seems as if her dreams are crushed when her first assignment is to babysit some self-important, arrogant Night Tribe noble.

However, events quickly disabuse her of that notion as she is thrust into a world of political intrigue, espionage, and piracy.

Oh, and to top it all off, the princesses themselves have charged her with taking down an international sapient trafficking ring.

It must be a Monday...

The Dark tag is there for some more mature themes and a grittier depiction of the evil being confronted by our heroes. (namely the pirates and the slavery ring.) I don't subscribe to describing gruesome scenes of death and destruction, but the fact that there is a slavery ring automatically earns this story the dark tag in my book.

Also, the alternate universe tag is there because this is a far more seedier and troubled Equestria. All characters and events from the show still happened and are depicted as such, but there is also a distinct presence of pirates, griffin warbands and slavers, which have never appeared in the show.

The setting is just after the Canterlot wedding episode, but before Discord is set free again.

MLP:FIM and related characters are owned by Hasbro and Faust.

I only own my name.

Coverart by Esuka, on Deviantart at: http://esuka.deviantart.com/art/Cumulus-331391259

Chapters (6)

Keen Eye has a tough job as Canterlot's Animal Control officer, but it's one she loves. Surrounded by fuzzy, feathery, and scaly critters, and sometimes getting help from a certain Ponyville animal expert she definitely doesn't have a crush on, things could be worse. Then they got worse.

It started when jungle cats caused trouble throughout the city—well trained ones, at that. Then she met their bizarre master, and learned that he would be the least of her worries.

Special thanks to Sigma for pre-reading/editing

A little pet project I've been working on for a while.
Character tags will be added as they become prominent.

Chapters (7)