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Thunder Ace is a new student in Canterlot High, but there’s something off about him. It’s been almost a year since the Fall Formal and some things can’t be forgotten if you know what I mean. Now he is here not for a fight, he is here to reclaim what is his… The Hammer of Thorn.

Chapters (2)

Wallace Rudolph West, aka… Wally West, yeah every hero knows him by Wally West, while the outside world knows him as a Flash. He has been stuck for 6 years in the Speed Force, for him it was eons, he was the Fastest Man in the Universe, until everything went south. Anti Monitor was back, something brought him back to life, but this time, it was an act of surprise, the entire multiverse fell by Morbius’ hand, all but Wally, he survived, but broken, alone, lost… ended in a new world, new people, one outside the boundaries of time and space… Canterlot.

Chapters (1)

This story is a prequel to The Amazing Sunset Shimmer

Because she sealed a pact with Mephisto Pheles, a famous stuntgirl becomes, by night, the armed arm of the prince of evil whose disastrous hegemony is coveted by his own son.

Death-dodger by day, biker vigilante after the sunset,
Spitfire will have to fight to save the ones she cares about.

This story takes place in the EGFU: Equestria Girls Fiction Universe

Chapters (2)

Maverick is a 17 year old kid from CHS though he is still in 3rd year. His life is been a roller coaster and a hard working one. Takes care of his little brother who can’t walk, takes him to the same school of CHS which he is 12-13 of age, after that takes his brother to some therapy to see if he learns to walk, and while that he is a mechanic, but what they don’t know not even his brother is that he is a monster, a Ghost Rider. That all started when he was 16 so he has one year of experience. Sunset Shimmer was his ex but just when he got his powers, he learned what she was doing, making him break up with her, then was Flash which Maverick wasn’t jealous but worried that Sunset does something bad to Flash. Luckily Flash wasn’t a moron and learned what she did, they became best friends after that with Maverick spending time with his team and with his little brother, but how long will that friendship hold on? Will Sunset Shimmer separate the friendship everyone has, or will Maverick’s spirit inside him will.

Chapters (3)

"So, let’s start this at the beginning one more time,
My name is Sunset Shimmer. I was bitten by a radioactive spider... And for the past few months, I've been the one and only: Spider-Girl!

You probably know the rest... That i saved the city, helped lots of innocent people, made a very close heroic acquaintance, got a sweet new look from one of my many new close friends, told a "certain someone" about my little part time job, and now, I have finally found a way to share my new gifts with this world. As someone i may have lost but still lives on in my mind and heart once said, that "With great power, there always comes great responsibility."

Description by Hungry Hero

This story takes place in the EGFU: Equestria Girls Fiction Universe

Volume I - With great power comes great responsability :
Saga Vulture:
Arc Spider-girl : Chapters 1 to 4
Arc Electro : Chapters 5 to 6
Arc Vulture : Chapters 7 to 10

Volume II - Web of Shadows :
Saga The Fiend:
Arc Lizard : Chapters 1 to 4
Arc Rhino : Chapters 5 to 6
Arc The Fiend & Starlight Glimmer : Chapters 7 to 9
Saga Symbiote:
Arc Taskmaster : Chapters 10 to 15
Arc Fisk & Black Cat : Chapters 16 to (Ongoing)

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninjas: Friendship School

The Rainbooms, the Turtles, and the Mighty Mutanimals go dimension hopping and land in a world populated by anthropomorphic animals living in an old Western setting. They decide to stick around and help a trio of law abiding cowboys protect their town from outlaws and other lawbreaking miscreants. Join the heroes who become the Ninja Cowboy/girls of Moo Mesa.

Contains no spoilers from Equestria Ninjas Friendship School

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to I Love Being a Rainboom

After dealing with constant stray Equestrian magic threats and dimension hopping, the Rainbooms, Fugitoid, and all their friends from New York are ready for a little R&R aboard the Hamato Cruise; courtesy of Karai.

The group will be relaxing and meeting old friends again and having fun in the sun. Along with meeting a new mutant and a new friend.

Chapters (9)

A spin off story of Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane by Maximus Reborn

During her time at Canterlot High School as a new student, Twilight Sparkle learned a lot about friendship, but some students still were scared of her, because during the Friendship Games, she was transformed into Midnight Sparkle, and open portals to Equestria, even after Sunset Shimmer became Daylight Shimmer and saved Twilight from her corrupted magic hungry mind, she stills holds Midnight inside her. And she fears if she can be unleashed upon the world. She became inspired by her friend Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man and became a coping mechanism superheroine called Spider-Girl.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninja Girls of Moo Mesa

The Rainbooms, the Turtles, and their allies are back again. And this time, they're going on a inter-dimensional trip to another New York where they cross paths with another team of turtles. Will the turtle teams be able to work well together when familiar threats emerge and return or will they have finally met their matches?

TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles2012xEquestriaGirlsxMyLittlePonyFriendshipisMagicxTeenageMutantNinjaTurtles2003 crossover.

The timeline in the 2003 universe takes place after the events of the Lost Episodes. Meaning the events of Fast Forward, Back to the Sewer, and Turtles Forever have not happened.

I don't wanna have to deal with or listen to so many of you who pestered and annoyed me with constantly asking me when my next one of this series would be. I took that break to get away from it, but clearly some of you didn't take the hint like others did. Well, hope you're happy I launched this. But don't ask me when I'll update it because that's up to me. I don't care if you're impatient or restless, you just have to deal. Thank you.

Chapters (22)

Side story/midquel to My Little Pony: Nakama is Magic.

One can expect to find many new friends on the high seas when you're the Straw Hat Pirates. New adventures await them as they journey to new locations. Meeting new creatures and ponies. And discovering how big their world truly is. Adventure is out there, you only need to extend your hoof out to meet it!

First series - post-S1 - 2 Parts
Part 1: "A Fairy Tail Misadventure"
Islands usually don't pop out of the ocean, right? When one does such, the Straw Hat Pirates begin a magical journey in the country of Fiore. However, not all is well within this country. And there is much that even their new friends don't know about.

Part 2: "An Ultra First Encounter"
A storm out of the blue - and a melodic sound - send the Straw Hat Pirates to a new and unfamiliar island off their course. Here there be strange creatures unlike any they've ever seen. Will they be able to survive this encounter? Or could these be new friends on the journey of life?

Chapters (20)