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A young Floridian boy and his father take a boat trip to a remote island. But when an ocean storm hits, the boy is whisked away to the magical land of Equestria; more specifically, Mount Aris.

At the same time, Silverstream has just finished school for the year at the School of Friendship and is upset since her friends from the school don't have any time to visit her at Mount Aris. She first finds the boy unconcious and later decides to help the boy find his lost father when he awakens from being unconcious.

[Rated Teen for potential dark and mature elements later on.]

[Special thanks to LavenderRain24 for making the cover art!]

Chapters (10)

Now with a Dramatic Reading: A Moment With the CMC

Dr. Wolf sat quietly in his chair, simply enjoying the silence between meetings. The only noise breaking the serenity was the ticking of the clock.

Even one who helped others with their stress, tension, and upset needed their own downtime once in a while to keep themselves grounded. Given his workload, it was a precious thing for the busy therapist to have any downtime at all.

However, his solitude ended with a knock outside his office. As the bipedal canine rose and opened the door, he looked up out of instinct. Instead of an adult pony looking down at him, the small wolf's eyes were greeted by the wall and the top of several little ponies’ manes. He readjusted his line of sight and found himself staring into the orange eyes of a young yellow Earth Pony.

His sensitive nose told him, by the smell of their perspiration, that the three had been doing some strenuous activity. Strangely, they also smelled of tree sap, among other things.


This story had been inspired by the fan art piece created by Starbat many months ago. When EquestriaDaily posted their "Friend Off Revival" contest, I felt driven to write up a video script with Starbat, and it got turned into a completed story here on FimFiction with a little help from Godzillawolf. For my first attempt at a My Little Pony story, I think it turned out rather nicely.

Nice to see that EquestriaDaily included this story for their contest: Friend Off Art and Story Compilation

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake

A collection of pieces covering various scenarios and moments from Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake, ranging from alternate scenarios/endings, to various little moments from perspectives other than Sunset Shimmer's.

This will not make any sense if you haven't read the main story. I strongly discourage reading this until/unless you have, as it won't make any sense. Every piece presumes you're familiar with the source material--be aware.

Thank you to all my readers who stayed with me on the main story, and gave me the desire to write little bits for it here. This will be updated whenever the fancy strikes me.

Chapters (3)

Dreams are a wonderful thing. They can inspire change or influence creativity.

An office worker by the name of Daniel finds himself returning home during a particularly strong downpour. He meets a strange bum sleeping on a bench beneath a covered bus stop. They have a stranger conversation and the bum offers to make a dream of his come true for a small price. Daniel laughingly accepts his offer, thinking it nothing more than the odd ramblings of a homeless man. He asks the bum to turn him into Zeus. Next thing he knows he was struck by lightning and sent to another world inside the womb of Rhea as she was ready to give birth.

Now it has been a few thousand years since all the myths and legends of Greek Mythology. Now, things have started to seem like a book series Daniel, now known as Zeus, always found to be a guilty pleasure. Percy Jackson.

Rainbow Dash & the Olympians -
The Parliament of Athena: Chapters 3 - ??

Chapters (9)

Sunset Shimmer, twenty-four years old, woke up on a cruise ship, without knowing how she got there, or why. She encountered fifteen other souls, all of them trapped aboard by a mysterious pony known only as Monoponi, who informed them they are there for one purpose, and one purpose only:

To kill each other.

Now struggling to survive while desperately trying to recover what memories she's lost, Sunset is thrust into a deadly situation, where anyone, at any turn, could become the next killer. Who will survive? Who will die? What is Monoponi's true goal? Who is he, really?

Sunset can only hope to find out before she, too, becomes a victim of the killing game.

A Danganronpa/My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Equestria Girls crossover, taking place post season nine of Friendship is Magic, featuring complex mysteries, flash-in-the-pan romances, and various custom art pieces along the way. Now completed! :twilightsmile: All art credits can be found on my blog. Thank you especially to lennardd and JQarp of Archive of Our Own for inspiration, and to any and all who read this story.

Now featuring a TVTropes page created by SuperSonicHeroes. A big thank you to them as well. And if you enjoy this story and want to support it and future works, please feel free to donate to my Ko-Fi account.

Hungry for more DR:IHW? There is a now a compilation of alternate moments/other stuff called Lost Moments. Check it out! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (57)

A solar storm is raging across Equestria, the weather is going wild and magic is going haywire everywhere...
...and three fillies are sneaking through the most recent addition to ponyville, Twilight's crystal castle, looking for cool artifacts.

Unluckily for them, they find what they're looking for.

This is my third story, and second halo crossover, on here and I'm going to attempt writing it in first person, criticism is appreciated since first person is hard.

The cover art is made by Johnjoseco, I colored it in.
Source: derpibooru

Hope you guys enjoy!:twilightsmile:

Chapters (27)

We all know what the Hell happens in these stories. I go to a convention dressed as my OC I purchase some weapons and other stuff from the merchant and I end up in an alternate universe version of equestria. With my arrival things will be sure to get chaotic.

For those of you who dont know the show this will be a crossover The TV show chaotics being one of them.

Chapters (3)

Let's start at the beginning, shall we? You may have heard rumors about at certain conventions, a creepy guy known as the Merchant usually has stuff you'd find useful for your cosplay. Those who bought his wares suddenly disappear and are never seen again, right? Well, I didn't believe it at all. Going to my first con, I decided to cosplay as my favorite Mega Level Digimon: Gallantmon. You know what I feel about that rumor now? I regret not realizing that some rumors have truth in them.
Now I'm stuck in an anthro world of ponies, but that's not the worst.
I'm stuck in said world as Guilmon. Does anyone have any spare peanut butter and bread?

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to My Little Universe

Well, the troubles had past; Tirek had been defeated, Nightmare Moon had vanished, Sombra imprisoned, and both Earth and Equestria are safe once again. Time to kick back, and relax ...


Summer had been full of surprises, yes, but that's just the beginning! Twilight, Steven and all of their friends had been going up and down with all sorts of adventures, and even with summer passing, it's only going to go even more, especially with more gems involved on Earth and Equus, no less!

Time to go beyond the stars!

(Fulgurite belongs to Nova Arc, and Flint and Jade belong to Runic_Soul ^^ congrats, you're on the cover! :pinkiesmile: )

Chapters (22)

A boy named Jake get separated from his family but gets a new one. That being the crystal gems, Can Jake rise to the position of a leader at the age of 16, or will he and his new friends be destroyed by a strange yet familiar enemy?

Chapters (13)