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Twilight Sparkle is summoned to settle a legal matter involving The Great and Powerful Trixie... What in Equestria did she do now?

Chapters (15)

Something is definitively up around here. Applejack and Fluttershy have been spending a lot of time together without the rest of the gang. Well, Rainbow Dash is on to them! In fact, she is sure this is the no-good friend-stealing Applejack's doing, and she will not stand for this - whatever this is.

Also, Rainbow Dash wears a corn hat.

Chapters (4)

Fluttershy is used to nursing critters of all sorts back to health. When she comes across a broken showmare, however, it will take all her patience and care to help the other pony. Especially when Trixie begrudges her help every step of the way. Can she get through to her? And can Trixie learn that she doesn't need to stand alone to stand strong?

Chapters (6)

"Twilight isn't exactly a social pony." Could win me the Understatement of the Year award.

However, what most ponies don't know is that Octavia, a high-class socialite, isn't exactly much better herself, despite countless rumours about a liason between her and a certain DJ.

Now, drawn back to the upper-classes that she tried so desperately to get away from, can Twilight Sparkle find solace, and companionship, from one of the very socialite ponies of her past that she is so desperate to escape?

Chapters (10)

I was living a comfortable life. Had a loving wife and son, money was absolutely no issue, everything was swell.

Next thing I know, I'm hearing voices, I can't move, I can't talk, I can't even breathe. Yet, I know I'm alive, though I don't entirely feel like myself anymore.

Then I end up being the last of survivor of my new race.

I'm not even human anymore...


-A HiE fic as a changeling in an alternate universe where MLP was never aired on Earth.
-Starts shortly before the end of Season 2.
***Slow updates! You've been warned!***
-Current cover image is a placeholder. Trying to find a more appropriate one...
-Comments below contain spoilers!
-The [Tragedy] tag is there mainly because I can't put up the [Sad] tag, due to conflicts with the [Comedy] tag.

Chapters (18)

When Trixie is hospitalized with amnesia, there are only six mares and a dragon who are up to the task of bringing Trixie back. Too bad the mare is absolutely terrified of a certain princess. A long road of recovery is in store for Trixie, will she make it? Probably, it's a fanfiction about best pony after all. But that doesn't mean it will be easy.

(As of chapter 7, I have changed it from the sad tag, for it is i into much more cheerful waters.)

(This story is on hiatus until I either fix my computer, or get a new one.)

Edited by:
Key Tapper

Chapters (9)

This is my first story, so please tell me if there's anything wrong or minor mistakes.
Also, set in the displaced multiverse. I'm sorry! :raritydespair: I like the ones I've read, and I like the idea!

My name is Manus Evans! But, please, just call me Manus. I'm telling you this because I just had to buy the set of items from the "merchant".

It seemed like a pretty good deal at the time! It was a huge box of collector's edition stuff from Dark Souls, a pretty awesome game. It had some of my favorite parts in it, too, only for $100!

Too bad it got me sent here.
I mean, I'm a brony, so getting sent to Equestria is pretty cool. I also got to help create it. But, that was 6.4 billion years ago. I'm forgotten now. I haven't been gone that long! But, I've been in multiple forms while I was... napping. I've been in Luna's collection for some-odd thousand years now as an action figure. I've been asleep for a few million years.

And I'm waking back up.

More tags may be added as story progresses. Also, I need a proofreader, please.

Also, AGAIN, sorry if you don't like displaced fics, but please don't hate.

Chapters (9)

He is a college drop-out part-time worker. He is a dentistry student. Together, they are two total twats with no ambitions to go further then the next game, comic book or puff.

And now, they are ponies. Under the names of Lucky Chance and Midnight Watch they must find a way back to the human world using their extensive knowledge of the television show, the Laws of Narrative and sarcasm.
Will they be able to rise above themselves and face the many challenges that await them? Will they be able to figure out the true meaning of Friendship? Will they be able to not murder each other or themselves while doing so? Do they even want to go back?

Cover Image by CenturionFox13. Proofread by Letedwend

Chapters (10)

A cold, calculating assassin is teleported to the magical land of Equestria due to the unstable powers of the siren, Lilith. Will our awkward, haiku-obsessed hero be able to adapt to the Magic of Friendship, or will he simply end up murdering everything in sight like he's used to? Let's hope its the former.
Only one thing is truly known, this was a challenge he was NOT prepared for!

Borderlands/MLP crossover. Challenge Accepted.

Cover art by steptrool on DeviantArt

Chapters (16)

The criminal organization known as akatsuki have completed their long acomplished goal of capturing the nine tailed beasts, already sealing the first seven. When attemping to seal the final two, however, something goes wrong, and the group is sent off their planet.

Waking up, they discover they have been transformed into colorful horses, yet they still posess there ninja abilities. Now travelling through the land, they begin a quest to find a way to return to their world. They are determined to get back, no matter who or what stands in their way.

This story depicts an alternate universe where the members of the akatsuki were not killed. Continuity and other factors from the origional timeline will be altered
For entertainment purposes.

Alternate Cover art

Special thanks to Thardoc for editing for me

Chapters (27)