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When Rainbow Dash suddenly proclaims her love and adoration for a certain 'Miss Sparkle' and tells her friends the story of how the unicorn 'fixed' her, the girls are hesitant to take the situation at face value. However, even they can't deny it when the facts begin to build into a case against Twilight. Twilight claims innocence but her words sound like hollow excuses and obvious lies. The four of them are left wondering if Twilight Sparkle is truly the hero she once was or if she has finally allowed her true nature to show: the nature of a heartless psychopath.

[ Spoilers in the comments... So many spoilers... :twilightsheepish: ]

[ 'Miss Sparkle' occurs a few months before Twilight's ascension, early in the spring of Twilight's second year in Ponyville. According to my version of the chronological timeline, the only episodes of the first three seasons that have yet to take place are (in chronological order) "Wonderbolts Academy", "Just for Sidekicks", "Games Ponies Play", "Spike At Your Service", "Keep Calm and Flutter On" and "Magical Mystery Cure". ]

[ The cover art was made by the oh-so-generous tehmisiu. Thanks again! :heart: ]

[ 'Miss Sparkle' placed first in (Incoming spoiler of story-ruining proportions!) Blundy's TwiDash Framed Challenge! Thank you all so much for your support! ]

[ To top it off, Twilight's Library found it worthy of being added to their shelves. I'm at a loss for words as I write this, and I probably will be when you read this too. Just... Thank you. Thank you all so much. ]

Chapters (17)

Legend tells of a lake that has the ability to show a pony deepest desires. However, as with most legends, it has been lost in the flow of time until a blue unicorn stumbles upon it again. What will Trixie deepest desires be and will she be able to find a new purpose in life. Meanwhile, Twilight struggles with a new and strange feeling for a pony she believes hates her.

My second story but my first story involving a shipping. Rated T because I have no skills with the more mature style.

I would like to thank Dekomaru for allowing me to use the cover art. His Deviantart account is You should check out his stuff if you are a fan of Twixie shipping.

Chapters (31)

Celestia said it herself, that Twilight Sparkle is no longer her student. While wandering around in the city of Canterlot one day, Her Highness stumbles upon Trixie's local stage show. To Her Highness, there seemed to be much potential behind the mere performer's act, and soon found it hard to resist taking Trixie under her wing.

Would Trixie even be up to the challenge?

Slightly edited by NemoSpecific.

Chapters (20)

1/12/13: Editing of older chapters underway, so content flow between older and newer chapters may temporarily be in conflict.

(Final FantasyxMLP) After giving his life to save Cloud, Zack Fair awakes to find himself not lost in the currents of the Lifestream, but rather lying on a cloud in a strange new world.

A world full of colourful creatures called ponies, who have never heard of humans, much less Shinra or SOLDIER.

His appearance, however, marks only the beginning of something none in Equestria could have foreseen. In the shadow of an ongoing war with the changelings, strange, sudden, and cataclysmic events begin to occur throughout Equestria, events that no normal creature could've caused. The nature and ferocity of these events soon comes to suggest only one plausible explanation, that another former SOLDIER may have somehow found their way to the land of ponies.

Zack's former friend, turned powerful god-like enemy, Sephiroth.

Chapters (18)

Dante has been given a job to help his shop get into business. But what happens if something went wrong during his job and he winds up in Equestria. At the same time a hidden and ancient evil before Celestia's Parents were born, starts to seethe back into Equestria, How will Equestria handle this new evil, How will Equestria handle Dante, and how will Dante handle Equestria and its citizens? Read to find out.

Chapters (28)

After Spike's growth spurt, Celestia decided that its time for the young dragon to be taught what it means to be a dragon. So she contacts the distant universe of Avalar and asked Spyro to teach the young drake, which of course Spyro accepts. Now Spyro must deal with training a dragon who doesn't act like a dragon, keeping the populace of Ponyville under control, and fighting off the remains of the Dark Master's forces who have somehow followed him. Luckily he's got Cynder and Sparx alongside to help...right?

EDIT: Very late in saying this bu thank you everyone for getting this story to be featured. Means a lot to me.

Basically this is a T-rated crossover that takes place after the events of Dawn of the Dragon. I should mention that this story will contain spoilers for anyone who hasn't played that game. Of course, I don't own anything except for this story.

Chapters (39)

Spike and Rarity go to Canterlot on a long weekend vacation both with plans, but things don't always go as planned. Spike and Rarity are in for a ride. Feelings will be tested and a new ship that I should have never attempted may come to light.
Thanks to a wonderful cover art donation, I have some cover art. I must thank you once more alexanderhunt88 for the great contribution.

Chapters (7)

Apparently, this was briefly featured on July 1st, 2015. Thanks for reading everyone!

Spike has been away on royal business for about a month. Pinkie, Twilight and the rest of the gang are planning a big party for him when he returns. Things seem to be going smoothly until certain happenings lead Spike to question the way other ponies see him, specifically one purple-maned unicorn, and a turn of events results in them seeing a part of Spike none of them-including him-knew existed. It seems they didn't know as much about Spike as they think they did...

Chapter 15 is up!

Chapters (15)

A young woman catches the eye of a stunning vampiress and finds herself transfixed, longing for the undying embrace of Twilight Sparkle, the former Regent of the Night.

Inspired by a conversation between Monochromatic and myself ages ago.

Preread by Meridian Prime.

Cover art (added late because I'm a scrub >.>) by GlancoJusticar.

Chapters (5)

Rarity is suffering from creative burnout, and Rainbow Dash decides to help by dragging her to a concert of her favorite band, Villian Court, led by one Twilight Sparkle. Things quickly spiral out of control in ways Rainbow couldn't have anticipated (but doesn't mind).

Have some Anthro RariTwi AU, because Earthsong apparently decided that I was not busy enough with my existing fics and tossed what she called the "Reverse Rockstar AU" (basically a role-flip of her Rockstar AU, where Rarity is a rockstar and then meets Twilight) onto my Tumblr dashboard. And I took one look at the picture and started to write.
Since then, we exchanged WIPs and ideas, and by now, her AU (now called the "Rock'n'Royal AU") and this fic are very similar, but also slightly different as we both worked on angles in different ways. It's been a wild ride so far, and I loved every minute of it!

Cover art done by Earthsong, which is fitting since she's the one who handed me this plotbunny to begin with. Fic title inspired by the song "Rock the Casbah" by The Clash.

Chapters (6)