• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2018


I am everything you've ever feared, disguised as a derpy little pony.

Darkest Stories Ever 305 stories
  • Darkest Stories Ever 305 stories "This isn't your everyday darkness, this is.... advanced darkness." - SpongeBob SquarePants
    Created by IDontWatchMLP
    - March, 2019
Found 241 stories in 54ms

Total Words: 5,735,238
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks


  • Best Stories Ever 589 stories ~ The Best of the Best ~

  • Most Disliked Stories Ever 83 stories No hard feelings guys. But these stories aren't very good... (Stories with LOTS of dislikes end up here.)

  • ??? 746 stories Expect the unexpected.

  • Darkest Stories Ever 305 stories "This isn't your everyday darkness, this is.... advanced darkness." - SpongeBob SquarePants


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This is the story of Fluttershy based on the picture of this story. Rarity arrives at Fluttershy's house for their weekly spa appointment when she finds a letter on Fluttershy's kitchen table.
This story takes place before the royal wedding.
Requested by Cosmic_Guardian
This is a one-shot.

Chapters (2)

Today is the third Friendaversary for Twilight. She goes to visit Fluttershy to celebrate. As she talks to Fluttershy, she realizes she doesn't know much about her. Twilight decides to ask Fluttershy about her life, to which Fluttershy tells her everything she can remember (since she is telling her story through flashbacks).

Warning, there is some slightly mature content in a part of the story (non-sexual).

I'm writing this because I want to take a shot at writing a Fluttershy's story fic. This is my opinion, so please be open minded.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle is on vacation with her family in Fillydelphia, when she spies a lonely old shop window with a mysterious toy within its depths. A doll fashioned in her image. It's been a long time since some pony has dared open these doors, but determined to uncover its secrets, she braves the unknown to venture within...

Special thanks to Rogueunicorn, DudeGuyOne, Dihydrogen Oxide, Alcatraz, AClosetBrony, Discord Kantus and Gadgetphile for the job of Editing/Pre-Reading and general advice.

Now with 100% Less errors, courtesy of Nekonyancer. AND... A brand new scarier ending.

Chinese Translation by MLM: Here

Review by PresentPerfect: Here
Available in Print: Here
Audio Drama by GutiuSerenade: Here
Dramatic Reading done by Plagen Shiki: Here

Chapters (2)

Most ponies assume that something is wrong with Ditzy Do's eyes. Theories range from a head injury to a genetic disorder to muscle damage behind her eye. The crueler folk suggest she's just retarded. Nicer ponies say it's just a party trick she never got tired of.

They're all wrong. They're all very, very wrong.

I discovered the truth one day in conversation with her. One eye would always look at me, and the other would wander. At least, I thought it was wandering. So while we were talking, I followed it. Goddess in heaven I wish I had not. Never follow the other eye. Ever. Because Ditzy Do's eyes work fine.

She's just watching something. That... thing that's always in the corner of our eyes. And if she looks at you with both eyes?

Goddess save you.


Preread by BrastaAAura17, Chase Cosmicwing and dreamingnoctis. Cover art also by dreamingnoctis. Guy's a bro.

Chapters (13)

Somewhere, high in the skies of Equestria, a derelict airship drifts. Alone.

It should remain that way.

Chapters (1)

A note written in an unknown language. An escaped Nightmare bearing gifts. A young colt afraid of the dark. A pegasus in search of a predator.

It's that season. A collection of short stories celebrating that weird, creepy, beautiful holiday we call Halloween Nightmare Night.

Includes Marginalia, winner of the spookest October Writeoff in Writeoff history.

Chapters (4)

After the Changeling invasion, Celestia and Luna make the decision to have Twilight investigate the Elements of Harmony and solve the mystery of their power.

A thousand years later, Rainbow Dash awakens in a world she does not recognize. She has no idea how or why she came to be there. She does not know the language, the geography or any of the rules of this new time. She soon finds allies in Star Fall, a scholarly pegasus whose Talent is Magic, and Astrid, Star Fall's Griffin guardian. Together they set out to discover why Dash has been sent to the future, and how she might return to when she belongs.

War threatens the nations, a Nightmare stalks the shadows, and Rainbow Dash's arrival has turned her into a wild card in a deadly game that pits the law on both sides of a broken Equestria against a mysterious criminal figure, Max Cash. Yet the stakes are higher than anyone knows, for in her research Twilight Sparkle discovered a dark secret about the Elements, something that will shake the foundations of the world.

Cover image by SierraEx
Has a TvTropes page

Chapters (39)

Rainbow Dash is not afraid of monsters.

But maybe she should.

Live reading by Solar Pony

Experimental fic, a mixture between words and pictures. Not your usual narrative.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Celestia's Darkest Secret

Twilight can see the living hell that awaits her in Tartarus and has to escape, but how can she do it without her magic?

* Written for RockstarRaccoon's Nightmare Night in April horror write-off contest - go check it out! *

There is some gore in Chapter 2, and an ā€˜Eā€™ rated summary is provided as an author's note at the start of the chapter so that readers can skip over this part without missing out on the storyline.

With special thanks to a_m_sketchbook for the artwork, reproduced here with permission.

Chapters (10)

I've killed a lot to get here. Time to do it again. This'll be funny.

Title Tribute.

Cover art by Seriff Pilcrow!

Chapters (1)