• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2018


I am everything you've ever feared, disguised as a derpy little pony.

Darkest Stories Ever 305 stories
  • Darkest Stories Ever 305 stories "This isn't your everyday darkness, this is.... advanced darkness." - SpongeBob SquarePants
    Created by IDontWatchMLP
    - March, 2019
Found 241 stories in 52ms

Total Words: 5,735,238
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks


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  • Most Disliked Stories Ever 83 stories No hard feelings guys. But these stories aren't very good... (Stories with LOTS of dislikes end up here.)

  • ??? 746 stories Expect the unexpected.

  • Darkest Stories Ever 305 stories "This isn't your everyday darkness, this is.... advanced darkness." - SpongeBob SquarePants


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Note: This story is currently undergoing rewrites. A blog will be posted later describing some of these changes.

As I wake up, my head aches and my throat burns. Where am I? How did I get here?

Blurry memories of pain and suffering fade in and out as I try to identify my surroundings. There is a vague familiarity to the place but I don't know why.

I begin to ask myself many things. What am I doing here? Where is "here"? Why can't I remember anything? Why can I not even remember my name?

All the same, I can only manage to recall but a few precious memories. Something is very wrong with this place. And my friends—friends whose names I do not even remember—are in terrible danger. Something very bad has happened to this place and everypony in it. My body becomes cold and I am denied every other thought except for one:

I must escape.

An adaptation of Amnesia: The Dark Descent in the world of MLP:FiM. Formerly titled "Amnesia: The Equine's Shadow"; name was changed, but is not final. Rewrites are in-progress.

Reading by CrazedRambling (very outdated): I / II / III / IV / V / VI

Chapters (8)

Magic is something to be shared.

Magic helps ponies achieve great feats.

Magic is powerful and she is the master of magic.

Magic never goes wrong...

This is a story about Twilight and quite possibility the cruel nature of chance and circumstance.

Chapters (1)

I was reluctant to upload this for a long time since it is a very rushed story and in my opinion not very good. It is, however, the only piece I've written that inspired fanart (multiples, in fact), and so I figured, why not?

Enjoy if you can. I won't blame you if you hate it though.

Original Here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qpJFUx-_SzDKEy7Ds7RHC-U92M-dWtkT_HgpMLRz-D0/edit#

Chapters (1)

How can one tell if they're real? Who's to say that we're not all part of something else's imagination? Do you believe someponies real by the warmth of their skin? Or the feeling of their breaths down your neck? How can one tell? But that is only one of my many theories.

Is it possible to have two lives within one body? Two different personalities inside one pony? Pinkamena tries to understand the concept of being locked away inside a certain rambunctious ponies body, and why she can't be heard, or seen by the ponies around her.
Is it possible to feel love for the ponies around you, but you're not aloud to tell them? Is it right to love your other personality in such a way you should love somepony else?

Includes: PinkamenaxPinkie, FlutterDash, and RariJack

Chapters (9)

When Pinkie Pie breaks into the Mentally Unstable Wing of Ponyville Hospital, she finds out that everything is not what it seems. She is thrown into the Wing with the others, Screw Loose, Mind Twist, Screwball, Derpy, and Luna herself. Pinkie begins to loose faith, for a month of nothing but torture and padded rooms can do a lot to somepony.


Also you can read the prequels:
Mind Twist: The First of The Insane
Screw Loose and Screwball: The 2nd and 3rd of The Insane

Chapters (10)

Luna has fallen into a deep state of depression. Celestia tasks princess Twilight to befriend Luna in hopes that she may return to normal. But tragedy ensues when Luna coaxes Twilight to break the rules Celestia had set forth.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna created me in order to make sure she never would forget the pain she caused Equestria.

But this? This is not the way to accomplish my directive.

If only I could let her know...

Featured in the Royal Canterlot Library
Russian Translation by Doof!

Chapters (3)

Discord is under deep depression for betraying Equestria and his friends after helping Tirek. The anger from other ponies and a trial for his actions was too much for him as well, so he makes a decision to drown himself. However, Twilight and her friends try to save Discord from his depression, proving forgiveness is not only appropriate for him, but how treasuring life is without throwing it away...

Chapters (1)

Luna has suffered much. How much would have killed any compassionate mortal. And it may just kill her. Her tears are countless, she may do the unthinkable. She formulates a plan and begins to carry it out. She looks through tomes of poisonous plants strong enough to kill immortals when another tome calls her attention. Reading it she finds another way.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Inexcusable

She looked just like Princess Celestia, except marred and broken. Her ceremonial barding had rusted slightly, and dirt matted her coat. Most noticeable was her hair; black streaks accompanied its usual multicolored luster. They looked like discolorations in an old photograph.

Worst was the scar across her chest. Her armor covered it, but nothing could hide what it meant.

The tarnished Celestia smiled at Luna. "H-hello, monster. I would say I am glad to see you, but that w-w-wouldn’t be quite accurate."

A big thanks to AlicornPriest for editing/prereading.

Russian translation by MLPMihail, with editing by Randy1974.

Comments contain spoilers. See here for a complete series timeline.

Chapters (13)