• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2018


I am everything you've ever feared, disguised as a derpy little pony.

Darkest Stories Ever 305 stories
  • Darkest Stories Ever 305 stories "This isn't your everyday darkness, this is.... advanced darkness." - SpongeBob SquarePants
    Created by IDontWatchMLP
    - March, 2019
Found 241 stories in 71ms

Total Words: 5,735,238
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks


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  • Most Disliked Stories Ever 83 stories No hard feelings guys. But these stories aren't very good... (Stories with LOTS of dislikes end up here.)

  • ??? 746 stories Expect the unexpected.

  • Darkest Stories Ever 305 stories "This isn't your everyday darkness, this is.... advanced darkness." - SpongeBob SquarePants


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Crimson, a street dancer down on his luck, is working as a night watch for an old tomato cannery in East Los Pegasus. So far, the past month has been uneventful; but tonight, something is wrong with the cameras and something keeps darting across the screen....

Chapters (1)

Nothing belongs here

Unless it's meant to be fixed

Twilight Sparkle

Chapters (14)

As far as great ideas go, Twilight stumbled across the best one of all - throwing Pinkie Pie a shocking, frightening horror birthday surprise party! But as the six friends walk into the old dilapidated house on the hill, and the moon rises high above them, pranks turn sour and tempers boil, and the six friends find out that perhaps, the best ideas might not be so great after all. As the gang succumb to the dark horrors of the house and fall to machinations of their own design, Equestria gains another sordid legend to tell.

Chapters (8)

It was only the courage of Derpy Hooves and sheer luck, or perhaps the will of Harmony, that saved Princess Twilight Sparkle from Tempest Shadow's attack. If Derpy hadn't been nearby, if she hadn't bravely jumped in the way, if she hadn't been wearing a Princess Twilight costume, or if that costume hadn't fooled Tempest for just long enough, then Twilight Sparkle would have been captured along with the other princesses.

In another world, Derpy was a little farther away and Twilight was not so lucky.

Now it is up to the other Elements of Harmony and Starlight Glimmer to fight back. They find resistance fighters where they can, gathering up royal guards who escaped the attack, desperate townsponies with nothing to lose, and even the Spirit of Chaos himself (when he's in the mood). They strike where they can, disrupting supply lines and targeting weak outposts. It is a desperate battle, and one that they seem destined to lose.

Their greatest hope lies at the heart of Canterlot, with the four captured princesses. If they can free the Storm King's captives, they'll break his power and finally have a chance to free their beloved homeland. Unfortunately, that means getting past the Storm King's army, the King himself, and the one creature who may be even more dangerous than him: The brutal, ruthless, and seemingly unbeatable leader of his forces, Commander Tempest Shadow.

Chapters (11)

For many years, I’ve studied ancient artifacts under the tutelage of a highly respected figure in the historical community. He was my boss and my mentor who ran a successful museum in Trottingham. But after his unexpected departure from overseeing his business, it has since been shut down. But before I packed up and left the museum, I ended up stumbling upon my boss’s secret study and found a wide collection of rare artifacts and research about them. I had learned more about rare commodities in that room than I ever did in the years he spent teaching me. The most fascinating thing was that there was so much more research dedicated to a particular item called the Alicorn Amulet in his study than any of the other artifacts. I also came upon a paper illustration on his desk. It was of a male unicorn with a black cracked heart for a cutie mark.

Intrigued to find out the significance of it, I went from town to town, city to city, asking ponies if they recognized it. One pony in Detrot recalled seeing him with another pony, who pointed me to a university in Vanhoover. The university pointed me to a physical rehabilitation center in Baltimare. I visited a stallion there who was physically handicapped: his front left leg and his right hind leg were completely missing. They had both been amputated due to a severe injury. I asked the stallion if he recognized the pony in the photo, that I was trying to piece together a connection between him and my former boss. Upon seeing the photo, he became emotionally distressed and furious. He demanded that I leave the center at once, which I complied.

A week later, he sent me a letter asking for my return. He agreed to explain all he knew about the photo under the condition that I look into all the events surrounding this unicorn leading up to what the stallion had experienced. He also wanted me to compile everything I gathered into a narrative story and publish the work. He wanted all of Equestria to know what he and others involved went through. It was an unusual request, but I agreed to those terms. I had to know what went down, but nothing could prepare me for what I was about to find out.

He told me the pony in the illustration’s name was Gloomy Dusk, that he used to live in Detrot, and that he is now deceased. All further details he gave will be reserved for the story. His testimony gave me many leads to other eyewitnesses, either seeing or interacting with Gloomy Dusk. Though I have taken some artistic liberties with this story as per request by the stallion, it is strongly based off of true events.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to The Legend of Spike: Discord's Mask

Part two of "the Legend of Spike Series."

An ancient evil raises from its grave and comes to Ponyville. The health of the ponies start to decline as mysterious bite marks appear on their necks. Spike, the Mane Six, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders must figure out what is going on and how to stop it.

MLP: FIM belongs to Hasbro
Dracula was created by Bram Stoker

Chapters (21)

Featured on 13/09/2013 THANK YOU ALL!!!

"You either die a Hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the Villain."

Jasper William Montgomery, he just turned twenty and is absolutely bored with life. He's not suicidal, depressed, or a drug user with a penchant for drinking, he's just bored. Everything one can do in life, parties, going clubbing, video games, even computers don't really appeal to him. One thing that keeps him sane is watching shows from his youth and the occasional entertaining film. Due to a friends attempt to make him feel better he ends up watching all three seasons of My Little Pony and pretty much laughs at the fictional world. Being labeled a cynic and pretty much given up on by his friends, Jasper is alone. Until he's teleported away to Equestria by an observing Celestia.

TVTropes- http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/Villainous

(Cover image courtesy of UsagiFriday, thank you!)

Chapters (24)

With the new Friendship Rainbow Kingdom erected in Ponyville, The mane 6 plan to celebrate with a party where anypony in Ponyville is invited. A sudden knock on the Kingdom's door however, will create a chain of events that all revolve around one former Great and Powerful pony.

Twilight, being concerned for the roughed up pony, seems to be the only one, as the other 5 ponies still think of Trixie as the pompous and jealous pony she once was.

Can Trixie prove to each other pony that she has truly changed for the better?

Read along as Trixie gives up being a magician to find something that she would be truly good at without hurting or making anypony else sad like she did in the past.

Chapters (12)

A series of dangerous and deadly accidents begin to befall Ponyville. Normally, something Twilight would chalk up to simple coincidence
Only Twilight is beginning to suspect foul play going on.
What's worse, is she's beginning to suspect Pinkie Pie.
And there is something very wrong with Pinkie Pie

*3 AM Rarity Short*

Chapters (21)

Pinkie Pie starts having odd dreams, a history on her parent's rock farm she never remembered before. At first it seems like just happy times, but then it gets strange.

You see, Pinkie wasn't always brutally happy and bright and extroverted, there was a time when the filly worked contentedly on the rock farm, but then strange ponies came, and her outlook on life changed forever.

I can promise there will be some darkness in this filly's days, but the end result will be the mare we know and love. Pinkie, don't hold this against me, it was my muse's fault. :pinkiesad2:

Story will include: mind control, brainwashing, restraining, retraining, a little bit of sadness, a new look at what could have been.

Minor inspiration gained from The Bridle Path, by Penalt (sorry, can't link the story because it is mature).

See This Blog for licensing.

Chapters (3)