• Member Since 18th Mar, 2019


(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ "Magic" ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

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After his violent defeat, the former tyrant King Sombra has managed to claw his way back from the land of the dead and has returned to Equestria to seek revenge on Princess Celestia and the Elements of Harmony. However, the Emperor of Darkness is no fool. He knows that he cannot simply seek retribution on the Main Six or the Princess of Day, so he waits, gathering intel on his foes, learning of their weaknesses. When the time is right, he will strike. Can our heroes overcome King Sombra's plot for vengeance?

Sequel: The Return of the King

*Note: This story takes place in my official headcanon universe, not in the one for Shattering a Heart of Darkness

Chapters (20)

Steve creates the Equestrian equivalent of Pepper for a local establishment.
Things quickly get out of hand after that.

Just don't forget the golden rule and you'll be fine:

Never use Pepper without Salt unless skilled.

A complete shitpost.
You have been warned

I also wrote this in like 2 hours and I will never get those 2 hours of my life back now

Chapters (1)

Comet takes his job too seriously. Angel doesn't take anything seriously.

Comet joined to protect kingdom and princess(es). Angel joined for adventure and danger.

Comet isn't interested in mares. Angel can't stop talking about stallions.

Comet is a pegasus. Angel is a bat pony.

Together, this unlikely duo goes through life as Royal Guards from basic training to fully fledged guardsponies. Who knows? Maybe they'll even start to get along.

Cover art by slawomiro.

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Forgotten

Sunny Starscout's ongoing search for Equestria's ancient past sends her up to the northern arctic, where it is written that a city protected by love once stood.

Cover art by: Little Tigress

Chapters (22)

While driving to Canterlot High to attend an after-school assembly, Swift Shadow nearly hits a Semi, causing him to swerve into the highschool's front yard and right into its statue.

...while a certain phoenix-colored student is about to use it.

Now he is speeding through the interior of a Crystal Castle.

As a pony.

A small shower thought I had of "What if someone were to accidentally crash into the statue with their car while it's active?".

Chapters (1)

I've been a royal guard since I was 16. I'm 37 now and I've worn 3 different sets of armour. One blue, one black, and the other silver. Its not like I've changed which army I served, I've always served the crystal empire. If I was asked what my life was like at that time, it would defy every expectation of the sugar coated brutal past this empire has.

cover art by me

Chapters (3)

After 989 years on the moon, Nightmare Moon is eagerly awaiting her return to Equestria, take down her sister, and claim what should rightfully be hers.

However, one can only brood and plan for so long before things grow... stagnant.

And then, something catches her eye, coming towards her moon's surface at an alarming speed. Maybe this, whatever it is, will prove to aid her in her plans.

[Sex] tag for implications, nothing explicit (obviously it's rated T guys yeesh).


Story was written for Jinglemas 2021 as a gift for PeerImagination. They wanted a Nightmare Moon and Human romance, and I hope I did good by ya! Apologies for the story length, but it got waaaay out of hand on me and I have a disease where if I'm writing something I'm liking then I tend to do more than I should.


Cover art by Aquaticvibes, used without permission so if there are any issues feel free to yell at me.

Pre-read and edited by the wonderful Pascoite who helped a ton with the olden speech, and Fregz for putting up with the initial storyboarding that went out of control.

Top of the Box of Shame (M on) 12/26/2021, 12/27/2021 (Oh no not this shit again), 12/28/2021 (The third day), 12/29/2021 (YOU'RE KILLING ME, SMALLS!)

Chapters (1)

Ronin , Nicholas, and Raiden Blazeheart lived together in an apartment complex in Florida. But, when the youngest of the three brothers wishes for a place to belong, the trio find themselves thrown into a world of multicolored ponies and magic. How will the three adapt to the change of scenery, and how will the new world change who they are as people?

Hilarity, Romance, and a whole lot of soul searching is to be expected as the trio live out their new lives in equestria.

This story will contain mild descriptions of blood and violence (where needed) and slight profanity from the older siblings, although both of these won't be a part of every chapter anyway.

Takes place near the end of season 2, about a month before the wedding episode.

(Edit: 3k views? That's insane!)

Chapters (74)

This story is a sequel to Rise of Char

Smolder has journeyed into the Void, once known as the Kingdom of Naught, to help the mysterious Mira destroy the Dark King Null; host to the Storm that devours all traces of life. Twilight and friends are racing to discover whatever they can about the Void, searching all over Equestria in hopes of bringing Smolder home. Within the land of Naught, Smolder will discover the fate of his mother, learn to wield his unruly magic, and stands against an ancient evil that threatens to bring all of Equestria into eternal darkness.

Chapters (73)

This story is a sequel to Smoldering It Over

It has only been a few months since Smolder had become King of the Ashen Fields and the pressure of ruling a Kingdom is already getting to him. With the help of Twilight and her friends, they will help rebuild the Ashen Fields, and uncover the lost history of the Flame Ponies. Only to discover that some shadows still linger within Castle Char that threaten the whole of Equestria.

Chapters (45)