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One representative day in the life of two ponies in love, as described by each of them.

This is another entry in my Lyra and Bon Bon Series. It can be enjoyed without knowledge of the previous stories.

Chapters (2)

NOTICE: This is an unofficial and highly expanded story adaptation of the "PWaaMLPfim" Youtube Video Series: Phoenix Wright / My Little Pony FIM - Turnabout Storm! The videos came first, NOT this story!!!!

A quiet summer night in Ponyville takes a violent turn when two pegasus ponies enter the Everfree Forest and only one comes out alive, leaving the second accused of murder, on trial for her life. Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright finds himself dragged from his own world, magically summoned to Equestria by Twilight Sparkle to defend Rainbow Dash from charges of killing Ace Swift, a superstar pegasus athlete and champion racer.

Trapped in an unfamiliar world ruled by magical talking ponies, Phoenix must draw on all his wits and experience to solve the crime and uncover the conspiracy behind it... before Rainbow Dash is banished to the sun for a murder she didn't commit.

Parts 1-43 written by RavenRegios, and edited by Firesight. Parts 38, 42, and 44-epilogue written by Firesight with additional input and prereads from TheGoldCrow, AJ_Aficionado, and Leo Archon.

Ownership transferred to Firesight on 1/15/2018.

Chapters (68)

What if there was another pony who joined the pony gang? An actual male who at first seemed worthless? Will his actions, even presence, affect the choices and outcomes of the pony gang? Will different relationships form? That's for him to find out...

(Remake of the FIM series)

Chapters (133)

This story is a sequel to Spiders and Magic: Rise of Spider-Mane

Officially Complete!

A collaboration done with Azu.

With the Green Goblin defeated, Peter Parker and Twilight Sparkle are ready to take on their greatest challenge yet: parenthood. They have eleven months to prepare. In the meantime, they’ll also have to earn the trust back of everypony in Equestria, survive Twilight’s hormonal outbursts, deal with Black Cat’s antics, endure Trixie’s sarcasm, and work up the courage to take the next important step in their lives.

Cover image done by Black Freya

Chapters (10)

Morning Glory has been interested in trying to date Cardinal for quite a long time. With the help of Sweetie Belle, he makes an attempt at it.

The only problem being: Is Cardinal trying to turn him down gently, or is he just frighteningly oblivious?

Chapters (4)

Pinkamina "Dianne" Pie or Dianne Pie for short,may not be one for showing emotions or partying like her more hyper counterpart Pinkie Pie but she is known for being very smart and is calm under pressure,being the librarian of The Golden Oaks Library, she wouldn't mind if somepony came inside to check out a book or ask for directions, however she doesn't like it when somepony is being too loud as she enjoys the peace and quiet that the library offers, the one thing that she has yet to understand is her friend Glitter Brightstar and this story will be about the both of them as Dianne attempts to find out why Glitter Brightstar is well,Glitter Brightstar...

( Knowledge may be power but too much of it could lead to a pony's downfall...- Dianne Pie 2017)

[This picture I found fits Dianne Pie perfectly.]

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Day in the life of Pinkamina "Dianne" Pie

Oh Luna, what can I do? No matter how many times I've tried, I can't get her to even crack a smile, not even a little one, I know she doesn't like me much but that won't stop me from being the bestest friend she'll ever have! My name is Glitter Brightstar and I'm not gonna give up on my friend, even if she doesn't like me!

(I may be a silly mare most of the time but I'm not a stupid one.- Glitter Brightstar 2017 )

Chapters (1)

The time has come, and Chrysalis has made her stand against Equestria as a whole. On the brink of extinction and fueled by rage, Celestia uses an unlikely weapon, with an unlikely hero to save her kingdom from absolute destruction. The cost? More than she could have predicted. The story starts out with the fallout, then Luna recalls what truly happened from that fateful night to the final battle.

This BEAUTIFUL MASTERPIECE cover art was done by a VERY gifted artist and author named Moonlight Mare, if you haven't seen her work, you need to go give her some love. Seriously. This is the exact image I wanted, and holy cow is it perfect! <3

Chapters (21)

Bill Shankly once said that football was more important than life and death. And for Dinky and Derpy Hooves, that quote becomes all too true after Dinky is taken away by Foal Protection Services and moved to - of all places - London. When Twilight Sparkle attempts to intervene, the director sets a condition that seems impossible, and in doing so intertwines the two's fates with the upcoming Premier League season.

A season of away days and European nights awaits Dinky and her new human guardian, and the stakes have been raised through the roof. Can Chelsea Football Club, up against a resurgent Manchester United and the top teams in Europe, pull off a feat only achieved once before by an English club and reunite mother and daughter?

Chapters (50)

This story is a sequel to Kind Hearts & Coronets

“My name’s Daisy Jo Martinez. I was born – or so my birth certificate says – on March 30, 2012. I’m married with two kids, my husband’s a Naval officer. I’m originally from a town just outside of DC called Winchester, Virginia – apple capital of America, yay, go me. I’m a Republican – that tends to shock a lot of people – and I’m a practicing Catholic – and that tends to shock more people than the first, and like I said, I’m married – I think people start passing out at that point. I've lived a happy, charmed life and I’m proud to be an American.

“And as you can also see, I’m a pony. Well, physically anyway."

The first main story of The All-American Girl Saga.
TV Tropes page
Selected as "Humans Aren't Bastards" Group's Mods' Choice July 2013

Chapters (27)