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At last, the second season of your favorite wind mage's adventures in Equestria is here!

Just as Vaati has fully settled down into his new life in Equestria, the unthinkable happens; Ganon appears and declares his intent to conquer. Now, with the Princesses forced into hiding, the Elements of Harmony scattered all across the land, and races all around Equestria suffering under Ganon's harsh rule, it is now up to Vaati, Twilight, and their friends to join forces with unexpected allies, recover the Elements, and take the fight to Ganon. And all the while, an even greater evil plots from the shadows, enacting a scheme centuries in the making that shall soon encompass two worlds that do not yet know the connection they share...

And as the adventure gets underway, one by one, the Mane Six begin to have nightmares...

Meanwhile, the Cutie Mark Crusaders must combat the darkest depths of madness and twisted illusions if they want to save Scootaloo from falling victim to the evil power that weaves the strings of all their fates...

Rated T for action violence, minor language, mildly suggestive themes, and some scary/disturbing images.

Chapters (19)

Scootaloo may just be the world's most unfortunate filly. She gets the short stick on everything. Of course, it just so happens that that short stick will always entail dying. It's a good thing she doesn't seem to notice that she dies a lot, otherwise things might start to get a bit complicated.

Short vignettes which reimagine each episode of MLP such that Scootaloo dies in increasingly spectacular and insignificant ways. Updates twice a week, every Tuesday and Friday.

Chapters (53)

I had originally unpublished this and didn't plan to come back to MLP fanfiction. However, by request, I am at least making it public again. This story is dead! Sorry!

Do you ever have those days where you nearly die and are teleported to a far away land full of horses? Didn't think so. Unfortunately for me, my repertoire of bizarre experiences is only growing bigger by the minute.

Now it's time for me to learn how to survive in a world that I don't know the first thing about.

If only it didn't feel like I was going insane.

Twilight is dead. Hello, my name is Twilight, but I'm not the pony you are thinking of. Twilight is dead. In fact, I've never been a pony for as far back as I can remember. Twilight is dead. I'm not sure who I am. Twilight lives.

I am Twilight.

Thumbnail Images:

I did get a fair bit of inspiration from axelsempai's My Twilight Facade in terms of setup, but don't worry. This story is going to be way different. :trollestia:

Chapters (5)


"Okay everypony! Time to play Oubliettes and Ogres!" Twilight said, holding up the reference book like the ponies hadn't seen it multiple times before.

Pinkie Pie clapped her hooves. "Oh silly-filly, we can say 'Dungeons and Dragons' we're both owned by Hasbro!" She was ignored.

"Dungeons and Dragons, I mean, Oubliettes and Ogres? Don't you know that's Nightmare Moon's game?" The Doctor gasped sticking his head through the window.

Princess Luna pushed him out of the way and stuck her in the window and shouted, "Just because we were mad with jealous and bruised ego, does NOT mean all our hobbies at the time were themselves evil!"

Twilight Sparkle blinked and uncurled an ancient scroll examining it closely. "At least that explains the ancient 'Slay the Tyrant Sun' campaign module from the ancient first editions I found in the Castle of the Two Sisters."

Luna blushed.

This is a group-story/addventure/chain-story/round robin, fanfic 'story' of the Mane Six Plus Spike playing Dungeons and Dragons/Oubliettes and Ogres, with occasional guest players (like Trixie or Gilda), with Spike and Twilight rotating as Dungeon Master. It's intended to be an IN-CHARACTER comedy.

However, except for the opening set-up post, each post should be more self contained, if say (in joke) Twilight is fire balled by a Mimic in one post in a desert pyramid, the next post can have them sailing a ship encountering seaponies siren expies, each one containing a short joke, or an extension of a previous scene if that's what the poster wants. Time skips, flash backs, the ponies rotating different characters and campaigns, are all allowed (and ENCOURAGED) as long as the ponies stay in character (such as Pinkie Pie NOT fireballing a cabbage sales stallion and saying she thought he was a demon, thank you very much).

There are prototype rules and may change with time.

It's also intended to be an INDEPENDENT UNIVERSE from the Pony POV Series OR the Pinkie Pie Variety Show! So things aren't esoteric.

What's you post in the comments, it's then copy and pasted into the fic above, have fun.


Cover image by SolanumEpidemic


Chapters (109)

A short vignette of Salespitch, an alicornus imitato, running into some of his fellow A.I.s on a business trip to the city of Las Pegasus. Occurs simultaneously with the episode "Grannies Gone Wild", involving the "alicorns" seen on the hot air balloon landing pad. This story is related to the "I Am Not An Alicorn" Ask Blog here:

Chapters (1)

So suddenly, my life was ripped away from me. My friend and family are gone. Everything I once knew vanished before me.

Magic? Ponies? I don't understand it at all. All I know is I'm not me anymore, and my memory is fading. Then, just as I was starting to get comfortable in this new world, I find my former face staring back at me one day, and with it my life changes once more.

So much for living peacefully.

Cover art was made by the wonderfull Jesuka

Thanks to Miner and AlicornPriest Who helped with some editing!

And another big thank you to Tom117z and Skijarama for inspiring me to start writing again

Chapters (3)

The future is not as bleak as many would have thought. While humanity may have spread amongst the stars, they do not decimate one another in warfare anymore. The main reason that the current state of military technology would render the death toll at near-cataclysmic proportions.

Humanity, however, has not lost the very violent natures that its ancestors once honed in order to create the perfect soldier, one who had full control over mind, body, and spirit. They squirm in their peacetime, wanting, needing to find something to fight. The aliens they coexist with share the exact same need, their warlike tendencies beginning to work against their peace.

Ten years after the declaration of universally accepted peace, the War Games were founded. A single galaxy was designated, where the Interstellar Battle Fortress made its appearance. A mobile fortress that was a cloning facility, factory, and colony, all in one.

Only those who had proven themselves in the military command of their respective factions could be awarded the chance to enter the galaxy of Messier 83, the battleground of the War Games.

Planets would be conquered, lives would be lost, all in the name of galactic entertainment.

But when a far-away planet makes its way into the War Games, a planet filled with a race entirely non-humanoid in nature, will it shift the balance of the Games?

These are the tactics of the future. Welcome, commanders, to the War Games.

"Cover art is used with permission request pending, by artist Einik"

[[The story will update as I have time.]]

Chapters (19)

Once, Ford was just a human who led a boring and lonely life. But suddenly, his life is turned upside down as a mysterious golden light not only transported him to the magical world of Equestria, but has also transformed him into a Pegasus Pony without a Cutie Mark! Despite how much of a fan he is of MLP:FIM, he can't help but feel concern on what kind of consequences his presence might bring on account of his knowledge of a fictional cartoon show.

Now, under the identity of "Ford Mustang", he must face many trials ahead of him. Will he be able to blend in with the rest of the pony community? Will he ever be able to earn his Cutie Mark? Can he make it back home in time before the ponies learn the truth about him? And what happens when he starts to fall in love with a certain cyan Pegasus with the spectrum-colored mane? Find out on the incredible journey of Ford Mustang!

Chapters (29)

[General Description At the Bottom]

Omnipotence was truly… Beautiful. But the 'holier-than-thou,' attitude sorta ruined it for him.

“Tell me,” She asked, her tone nothing but condescending, as she leaned toward the face of the entrapped pony in front of her, “You think yourself important?”

“Important?” Alex asked, scratching his chin as best he could inside the levitation spell that held him in place, “Maybe?”

“Truly an impressive answer,” She scoffed, an ugly scowl plastered across her face, “You assume, that slightly altering the chain of events in a universe, could ever make you worth something? Pathetic.”

“That hurts!” Alex half-grinned, feigning shock to her, “Between the time travel, the split personality, and the big wedding, I think I’ve made some sort of impact.”

“You couldn’t be more wrong,” She laughed, squinting lightly at him for just a moment, “Dust in the wind, was it?”

“Great song, but inappropriate use, if you ask me,” Alex smiled, unsure if her prodding through the events in his head was something he should praise her for, “But, if you’re so sure that I lack importance, you need to start from the beginning. Not when you showed up last week. Not when Scootaloo and her friends saved Equestria. Not when King Sombra was turned to dust in front of his old subjects... Not even when Discord was freed from his stone imprisonment, and tried to take over Equestria again. The very beginning. Nightmare Moon, and the return of Princess Luna.”

She gave him a sick smile, entertaining the idea. Perhaps it would be interesting to see things from such a... puny perspective. To see the series of events unfold. Of course, it could also be a waste of her time…

“Fine.” She said, slowly placing him on the ground, and resting her horn against his, “Let’s start from the beginning.”

“Get ready sweet heart,” Alex said, licking his lips and winking at her, as she closed her eyes and focused deeply, “It’s one heck of a trip.”


Basically, a guy goes to Equestria to episode 1 of the series, and he changes the whole playout of the series, adding a bunch of side stories and different paths for some characters to take.

And, he's an alicorn OC.

Yeah yeah, I get it.

Off you run and cry about it. I've heard about it twelve million times. Literally. Not Hyperbolically.

If you insist on calling him a Gary Stu, and a self-insert, I'll assume you're flirting with me, and calling me perfect, since a Gary Stu tends to have no flaws .

So unless you plan on taking me out, and maybe getting some wine in me, don't go calling me perfect.



Cover art was done by Famosity! Here is a link:

Chapters (194)

When a Necromancer is hurled into the place between places then escapes to another world at the cost of his life it is not the end. Being a Necromancer he returns to life with ease, but is skirting the edges of consciousness, and unable to truly wake as a mysterious figure uses magic to put him on the back of a horse to carry him away into the night.

To make matters worse the phylactery he used to save his own life recreated him as a member of the dominant race with... some errors. His injuries are still present and he's now in a much smaller body with his magic drained to nothingness.

So now he's horribly injured, held captive by an unknown force, in an unfamiliar body, in an unfamiliar world and completely exhausted. He's had worse days. He just can't think of any off the top of his head. So familiar territory then, nothing to worry about.

(Thank you again Tulip for the amazing piece of artwork.)

On Hiatus due to Life. Sorry.

Chapters (24)