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The royal wedding is over. Fate has spiraled off in a completely new direction. But the ponies have proven strong enough to overcome it and are closer friends than ever for it. The journey of the Cutie Mark Crusaders is reaching its conclusion. Discord and the Nightmare of Diamond Tiara are done preparing however, and are ready to bring the world to its knees in one swoop. And one last climbing out of the dark is needed. Years in the making. Now is the time to end this.

Shining Armor, "What is there really left to say?"

Pinkie Pie, "Except that we hope you enjoy the show."

This is it. Let's set the stage and assemble the actors.
It is time for things to come full circle!

PLEASE check out the ton of recursive fanfics of this fanfiction series. A lot of heart went into them! They also answer a lot of unaswered questions. For heaven sake they rock! Kendell2 and Oracle Mask and Richforce and Ardashir and Jawmax and Persona22 and Dragon of Twilight and ItsFromPeople and all the rest!!!

Cover art by Atomic Chincilla, the same guy who did the art for the original Discorded Ponies Epilogue and Trixie's Discording and Rainbow Dash's Reharmoization episode. I really wish I had the brains to ask him to include Scootaloo's new braid. But I had already asked him for several changes already.

Chapters (111)

When Gaberdine is awarded a noble title by Princess Celestia, he soon finds out that his new lands contain several surprises. For starters, there is no land in his new barony. Secondly, his new castle turns out to be a broken-down riverboat. And third is… seaponies.

Baron Gaberdine has a lot to learn about his new barony. And himself.

Fortunately, he has a very young teacher.

Now with a sea-quill (sorry) Drifting Down the Lazy River

Cover photo by PhoenixSwift
Editing/Pre-Reading assistance by Tek, Shaleclaw, Peter, Seether00, Monsieur Connoisseur, GhostOfHeraclitus, The Masked Ferret, Blue Paladin42 and Admiral Biscuit

Note: Unlike The Traveling Tutor and the Librarian, this is a single POV love story, like Changelings, Love and Lollipops. Only with fewer cannons and fountains.
Now Featured on Equestria Daily
With a YouTube Reading of the first chapter by BigAsh
And with a dramatic reading by Neighrator Pony and company Full playlist here.
Thanks for a wonderful review by Paul Asaran
Available in paperback through at cost.

Chapters (8)

When Lord Tirek asks Cozy Glow what seems like a normal question, he has no idea the floodgates that will open... and how his relationship to the little villain might ultimately be changed.


A small bit of villainous sweetness inspired by both the dynamic of the Evil Trio and the cover art by soundwavepie.

Chapters (1)

After Luna and Celestia perform an experiment they've been practicing for months, the thing that comes out isn't at all what they think it will be.


Chapters (7)

Evening Shade liked to think she was a normal pony. She pays her taxes, goes to a party every so often, and goes bar crawling with her friends. Sure, she wasn't the most well-off pony in Canterlot, but she made do.

Now? She isn't sure what to think. After accidentally bumping into a piece of Nightmare Moon's armor and being possessed by the spirit trapped within it, she's become torn between her duty as a citizen of Equestria, and her morality and empathy towards this strange new being she is now sharing every moment of her life with.

With twists and turns around every corner and enemies lurking in the shadows, it will take everything she's got to keep her newfound secret while remaining true to who she is as a pony.

Be sure to check out Cyonix, who is the editor for this story!

Edit: Featured on 8/9/2019, thank you guys so much!!!
Edit2: Featured on 8/23/2019!

Art done by the lovely Pillowrabbit!

I now have a discord! Join me over at The Salt Shaker!

This will be a 1st person story, occasionally swapping P.O.V to different characters.

This story is my take on an MLP version of Venom!

Chapters (11)

It had been a perfectly ordinary day for Twilight. She'd gone about her business, then she'd come back to her library, she'd said Spike goodnight and she'd curled up in her bed, ready to sleep the night away. She didn't think there would be any reason for her to wake up. She would have never been able to guess the reason.

The cover image is taken from picture number 233462 on Derpibooru, which I cannot link directly as per Fimfiction's rules, since it contains gore.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie really should have known better, some folks who could see were startled something fierce by her welcome wagon. That poor little filly had no idea what hit her.

And now she has to live with it.

Inspired by a scene from the story ...And it's freaking cold up here.

Featured for about five minutes on 3/26/15

Chapters (1)

Zevan was a loyal changeling and always did his queen's bidding, although he quietly questioned why changelings should end centuries of secret but peaceful intermingling with the pony population. After being expelled from Canterlot by the irresistible force of love and badly injured after crash-landing in trees, he had to reconsider his future. Ponies knew that changelings existed now, and the only example of them was Chrysalis' attempt to overthrow Celestia and their attack on Canterlot's population. His kind would be pariahs for the foreseeable future and maybe even their disguises would not keep them safe. A unicorn mare with a broken horn might do the trick though.

There is now a prequel to this story - Prelude To Change I suggest that you read that first.

Chapters (11)

Frothy Brew is the barista in the Canterlot café owned by himself, his wife, and his daughter. Years of hard work had made the café a successful and modestly popular place to stop and get a drink or a snack. Nothing prepared him though for it to become a hub of interaction with the undisguised changelings that were being seen more often in the streets of Canterlot. Can he put aside his feelings for the species though after witnessing the most horrifying aspect of the invasion years ago?

This story runs concurrently with the latter part of my Change of Life story. While reading that and Prelude To Change is not necessary, they do give valuable background that is glossed over in "Conversations". Cover art and story illustrations are all done by Foxenawolf.

Chapters (13)

Mort, also known as the Pale Pony (of Death), has been tasked to take time off from his rigorous duties of reaping souls. Seeking guidance, he is directed towards the town of Ponyville, to learn about the magic of friendship from Twilight Sparkle and her friends. All he needs to do is keep his true nature a secret. That shouldn't be too difficult...right?

Special thanks to Specter-Von-Baren and Pyrite Foolsgold for their help in proofreading and editing this story, as I really needed it. Additional thanks to Pilate, Chuckle5, Unimpressive Vagaries and Admiral Biscuit as well! Couldn't have done it without all their help!

Credit for the title card goes to Siansaar, AKA Carnifex.

For another excellent take on Mort, check out Sip's version!

Chapters (14)