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Every day Celestia shares light and love with all the ponies of Equestria. In turn, they share their love with her. Still, the princess senses there is something missing. Something her heart longs for.

Something her responsibilities have denied her for all these years.

As luck would have it, she’s given a gift that will let her experience her deepest hearts desires and take her to a place she may never want to leave.


Inspired by the Alan Moore story, For the Man Who Has Everything.

Chapters (9)

The changeling hive of Twilight and Rainbow have settled in the Everfree Forest and they have had many adventures. But what happens at home? What's it like to live in Phoenix Roost? What's it like to be a Thestral from the long dead Moonlit Empire living in the modern day? A Tea'la from the nightmarish Chaos Lands? A pony among a sea of purple and blue shape shifters? Or even a Sphinx from distant lands with strange customs? Let's find out.

Side story to the Hive series by Law Abiding Pony. If you're not familiar with it how'd you find this? Go check it out, it's pretty good if I do say so myself. Course I do edit for it... Also very little would make sense if you jump in with just this story.
Pre-read and edited by LAP and BitterPill
Awesome cover art by PaintSplotch!
Tags will be altered as the story continues.

Chapters (4)

When Cadance comes to foalsit Twilight Sparkle, she finds the young filly playing a pretend game of cards with her stuffed animals. Curious, Cadance joins the game, only to find Twilight is far more serious about her betting than she lets on. Can she help Twilight learn what's really valuable?

Originally meant for the Writeoff Association's January contest, "All In" but quickly surpassed the word limit and was never entered. I really liked it though, and finished it anyway.

Chapters (1)

A collection of short stories of many different genres.

Candy: Rarity finds out what Applejack's cutie mark tastes like. Romance.

Mirrors: Applejack buys Rarity a magic mirror. Dark.

Miracle: Fortune Apple wants to know where she came from. Slice of Life.

The Incomplete Essay: Twilight can't finish an essay. Drabble (a 100 word long story).

Hug: Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom want to know why their sisters are acting funny. Comedy, Romance.

Wet: Rarity's roof has a leak. Romance, Sad.

Collaboration: Rarity and Applejack collaborate on Applejack's new rodeo duds. Slice of Life.

Caught: Applejack and Rarity are caught by Granny Smith. Romance, Comedy.

The Wrong Answer: Twilight tries to find Spike's mother. Koan drabble (a 100 word long story which is meant to enlighten the audience).

Virgin Green Fields: The earth ponies, after weeks of arduous travel to escape endless winter, have finally come to the verdant new land which will one day be named Equestria. Smart Cookie dreams about what the virgin green fields here mean for him and his people, but will he recognize his dreams when he sees them? Historical Slice of Life.

Chapters (10)

A party for Rainbow Dash with plenty of strong cider? Count Gilda in! Except Dash is probably the only pony who wants her there.

She shouldn't have come.

A combination of two minifics, "A Trick of Memory," which placed 10th of 27 in the /fic/ write-off "For Old Times' Sake," and "Gilda Has the Floor," which placed 14th of 101 in the /fic/ write-off "The Best Medicine."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Past Sins

In the wake of the battle with Tirek, Twilight Sparkle becomes fixated on restoring Golden Oaks Library. After all, it was home for her little family of three. But as her attempts to repair the books and tree continuously fail, her friends must take matters into their own hooves. Discord, as the good friend he is, tosses Twilight and her extended family into an unexpected adventure while Twilight's other friends get to work on the new crystal palace.

All together, they'll do everything to ensure Twilight and her family have a place to call home when they reach the end of the road.

Chapters (15)

To test her mettle as a leader, Princess Twilight Sparkle has been given control of her own nation. Thrust into a new level of responsibility, she begins to realise that, while leading the other Element bearers is easy, running a country is a whole new ballgame — a ballgame which she has no idea how to play.

But with the help of her advisor and her friends, she will eventually come to learn what it truly means to be a leader.

Oh, and if she can prevent one of her new neighbours from invading Equestria, that would be even better.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Rated Teen for some occasional profanity and violence.

This story is a crossover with the online nation simulator NationStates.

To see the nation as it currently stands, click here.

(Does the 'Drama' tag even apply to this thing? I'm not sure.)

Chapters (30)

There’s no doubt that Pinkie Pie loves parties, but birthday parties are by far her favorite. After all, what’s better than celebrating another year of life and one's accomplishments? But, when she stumbles upon a stallion who seems to hate them, she takes it upon herself to ensure that he too can look at the positive side of things and see a birthday for what it is: A time of celebrating one’s accomplishments over the last year, and that getting older is not a bad thing.

Chapters (1)

Anger comes in many different shapes and forms. For Bonbon, it is nearly everything in her life.

Whether it's her room mate, or her personal life. Something is always chipping away at her Sanity.

And this is how she deals with it.
[Slapping together something, let's how this works out in writing]

Chapters (1)

Sick of eating the same thing for lunch every day at school, the Cutie Mark Crusaders decide to sneak into Sugarcube Corner to try and get something better.

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)