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Rarity is visited by herself from the future. She has an extremely important message.

Written for the July Writeoff: Best Laid Plans

Chapters (1)

Moondancer may know the principles of magic and science like the back of her hoof, but when it comes to the principles of friendship, she's objectively hopeless. Even so, there's one special unicorn who she's shared a close connection with since foalhood.

With the encouragement of her almost-friend Minuette, and the guidance of somepony she never expected, Moondancer is prepared to do everything in her power to find out just how close that connection truly is.

All she has to do is overcome her fear of putting herself out there...

...and get Twilight Sparkle's attention while she's at it.

Editing duties courtesy of nanashi_jones. Cover art graciously provided by hoyeechun.
Special thanks to Fahrenheit for extra input and motivation.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to My Little Pony: Friendship is Overpowered (Season 2)

That was easy!

Join Twilight Sparkle and her friends as they easily defeat every challenge thrown at them with their awesome friendship powers.

Expect new chapters daily.

Chapters (13)

Celestia wants to get into her throne room.

A kindergartener wants her to prove she's actually Celestia first.

(A stand-alone, no prior-reading-necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits are welcome. )

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Cover art by EquesTRON.

Chapters (1)

A collection of short, random, vaguely comedic stories, for when an idea isn't worth a thousand words.

Cherry Strudel's New Glasses: A new pair of glasses might just change how Cherry Strudel sees the world.

Liquid Diplomacy: Princess Celestia negotiates a peace treaty with the llamas.

(Formerly) The Shortest Shipfic Ever, etc.: Despite the word count, the actual story is shorter than the title (or description). It was ultimately beaten in word count by both Super Trampoline and Present Perfect, which leads us naturally into

Canonical Mute Vinyl Scratch Breaks Up With Fanon Muteavia. You literally can't have a lower word count, and pictures would have been cheating.

Reading of the two breakup fics by AShadowOfCygnus

I Wasn't Prepared for This! Twilight discovers one of the seasonal joys of wings.

The Longest Sentence You're going in blind.

Mother Who is Pipsqueak's mother?

Twilight Sparkle Eats a Potato No, it's not a euphemism. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Chapters (9)

"So, um, do we walk back up the slide or... or what?"

And with that the ponies began their trek through Pinkie's party cave...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Life and Times of a Winning Pony

Cloud Kicker's life has been going just about perfectly. She's got a good job, two beautiful girlfriends, and she's never been on better terms with her friends. She's even getting more time with her family now that her cousin is serving as Princess Twilight Sparkle's personal bodyguard. She made mistakes in her past, but now all of that is over and she's earned her happily ever after.

Or at least, that was what she thought. Little does she know that her new life is about to start getting very complicated.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Pandelirium

Things have started to settle down since Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie were crowned as princesses of Equestria, but that doesn't mean that any semblance of normalcy will be arriving. The first major summit of Equestria's ruling princesses is cut short when a thief steals the Element of Magic and escapes to another world. However, because of Pinkie's rather unique skillset, Celestia sends her to retrieve it, rather than Twilight. But even though the other Element-bearers will be staying behind, Pinkie won't have to face this task alone....

This story is a continuation of the plotline begun in The Petriculture Cycle. The first story can be found here.

Artwork (and original story idea) by Page Turner. TV Tropes page by an unknown number of anonymous persons on the internet.

Chapters (16)

Ponies say that if you wait at a crossroads with darkness in your heart, you can trade your soul away for power.

Trixie thinks this sounds like a good deal. Surely her soul is worth much more than the average one. Certainly enough to afford revenge against that life-ruining Twilight Sparkle.

But maybe exchange rates for souls are not as favorable as she expected.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sharing the Night

A collection of vignettes which are, on occasion, based on, but not canon to, other stories by Cast-Iron Caryatid.

Chapters (13)