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After ascending to Princesshood, Twilight decides that it's time to really take the notion of "A Sound Mind in a Sound Body" to heart. She has the "Sound Mind" bit down (mostly), but years of sitting inside hunched over a book has given her quite a bit of ground to make up on the "Sound Body" front.

Fortunately, she has an athletic friend to help her out.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo has a secret. One that she's been hiding her whole life, and after the royal wedding has no choice but to share.

Apple Bloom has a secret. One that she's been hiding for six months, and is still terrified of.

Sweetie Belle has a secret. One that she's been hiding for... well, she doesn't know how long, and is looking for answers to.

So what happens when three not-ponies find out their friends aren't ponies either?

Well, one thing's for certain: they're going to have to come up with a new name for their club. Hopefully one better than the title.

Cover by Crimsion Ink

First few chapters edited by metallusionsismagic, AppleTank, and the last few chapters edited by Crocoshark, Bahamuttone

Featured May 30, 2015!

Chapters (26)

As the Grand Galloping Gala draws to a close, tensions linger from Discord and Fluttershy's fight. Discord, nervous and remorseful, is afraid to approach her. Meanwhile, Fluttershy regrets yelling at him, even while knowing better.

The good news: Fluttershy knows she can set everything right again.

The bad news: it's going to require her to come to grips with old wounds.

Editing duties courtesy of nanashi_jones.

Chapters (1)

There are a lot of things Maud Pie could regret. Spending time with her sister Pinkie is not one of those things. Neither is going to a fancy party, like the Grand Galloping Gala.

Written for the May 2015 WriteOff: "I Regret Nothing."

Chapters (1)

EqD Writers Training Ground stories for Season Five from Georg.

Week 6: Slice of Life - Lyra and Bon Bon Are Just Best Friends. Honest.
Bon Bon comes clean about her past. Now it’s Lyra’s turn.
Run, Lyra. Run.

Week 5: Castle Sweet Castle - And Now A Word From Our Sponsors
The new season of My Little Pony is bringing something a little different to make Twilight Sparkle’s new castle seem more like a home.
Product placements.

Week 4: Phineas and Ferb Tribute - Gummy the Gator - Secret Agent of O.W.A.C.A.
When Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie return to Ponyville to tell Twilight Sparkle all about their trip, they each have a somewhat odd idea of what Gummy has been up to while they were gone. A tribute to the last episode of Phineas and Ferb, which will air June 12, 2015.

Week 3: Cheerilee's Thousand Tribute - The Ooze at the Bottom of the Bin
Once again, one of Cheerilee's dates goes horribly wrong, although she gets to meet a celebrity: The Smooze.

Week 2: Starlight Glimmer - A Matter Of Complete Trust
A villain from Twilight Sparkle’s past returns to Canterlot. It’s time for Princess Celestia to teach her a lesson about redemption and trust.

Week 1: Short Legs and Tall Tails - Braeburn tells a bedtime story to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Can he keep his natural instincts for telling tall tales in check?

Editors: Tek

Chapters (7)

Celestia invites Twilight over to help her plan for the next Grand Galloping Gala.

Twilight raises some questions about Celestia's plans.

Chapters (1)

After the gala, things return to normal quickly. Yet it seems like there are some things that need to be talked out.

At least, Discord feels that he should.

Short little thing that came to me after the 'Make New Friends But Keep Discord' episode.


Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mechanical Aptitude

Six Elements of Harmony.

One hundred and eighteen Elements of the Periodic Table.

Let's see who blinks first.

(A collection of irregular short pieces focused on the ponies (and sundry) of Equestria dealing with the other fundamental building blocks of the universe -- more or less. Most of them will be part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page, FIMFiction group, and a newborn character page: new members and trope edits are welcome. However, these can be read as standalones, and no knowledge of the others is required.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Open Concept: any author who wants to write and post a TEoE story themselves has my express permission to go for it.

Chapters (6)

Discord learns a friendship lesson in the space it takes to release a breath.

Written for the Writer's Training Grounds '15 #3.

Chapters (1)

A collection of short stories, prompts, and extracts from stories never truly begun.

At present this consists mainly of prompts I have written for Twilight x Princess prompt collaborations; more along the same line will be added here, as well as scenes that make their way into my head but don't deserve their own piece.

Chapters (9)