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Granny Smith recovers from a bout of pneumonia, and the Apple family realizes that if they keep their secrets much longer, they might never get a chance to open up to her. Applejack, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom and Braeburn visit her at the hospital and tell her things they've kept hidden for far too long.

How does she take it? Not how you'd expect.

AN: Written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)

Ponies have the wonders of life to understand. Here are some of the writings of Twilight's deep thoughts on not just the magic of friendship, but of her life's experiences.

Chapters (2)

Ever since Twilight moved to Ponyville, she's had almost no time with her teacher. Finally, they come together for tea, as they once did every week.

This is a little drabble I whipped up one day before work for the purposes of figuring out my perspective of how Twilight and Celestia would act if they were in private. This does stand alone, but it also includes a reference to Sworn to Soar. Not a lot happens here, but I liked it, and I hope you might like it too.

Update: So....in two days, the thing I spent the absolute LEAST time on to submit to this site...has the most likes. and the quickest accumulation of views. my big long thing has been around for a couple months and is still growing and doesn't even have twice this many views!

Chapters (1)

(Humanized Characters)

An average morning came across Sweet Apple Acres with a not so usual surprise waiting for Applejack in the orchard. She would ask what happened, and she would be dying to know how it did; but, some things when you just see it are better if you just don't ask. This? This is one of those times.


Chapters (1)

While doing some cleaning in the library's basement, Twilight comes across an old, long forgotten board game. Deciding that it looks like fun, she invites her friends over for the night to give it a try. Unfortunately, this particular game might prove to be more of a challenge to the Elements of Harmony than anything they've faced before. For you see, in Diplomacy, the number one rule is: Never play this game with friends, or you may need to find new friends...

This has a sister-story named Games Ponies Shouldn't Play, which features the Lunaverse six instead. It isn't going to be the same story with swapped names; each group has different personalities so both games will be very different. I just couldn't decide which group of six would be more interesting, so I wrote both. I must hate free time...

And featured 1/29/15.... ten minutes after I updated with a new chapter....... Why don't I update this story very often again? Gonna have to fix that...

Chapters (10)

[Interactive] [Comment Driven]

Daring Do sets out to search for a fabled treasure: the Diamond Eye. Before she even arrives, though, disaster strikes. Was it an accident, or is someone else after the mythical gem, or maybe the gem isn't unprotected after all? The only way she can find out is to press onward, but for that, she needs your help.

That's right. Your help. Post comments about what you think Daring Do should do. For each chapter, a comment will be chosen from all the ones given, and Daring Do will do that... for better or for worse. Choose wisely.

For this fic, I'm making an exception to my 'completed fics only' rule, for obvious reasons. This one will be published on a chapter-by-chapter basis, because what happens in a chapter won't be decided until I get the comments from the previous chapter.

Cover image by Ravenous Drake

Chapters (3)

With her return to Canterlot and her sister handling most of the royal responsibilities, Luna doesn't have much to do with her spare time. She and her assistant Vanilla decide to start a vlog, where Luna reads the fanmail that she receives.

Chapters (1)

Applebloom gets in trouble for gambling on school property. Applejack has to have a discussion with Cheerilee.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy has a secret, every night she is visited by special butterflies. Every night a foal dies.

Thanks to Mr101, Berry Punch, TheExhaustedBrony, and Timps for Pre-Reading
One-Shotober Story #3 10/3/2013

Chapters (1)

Sometimes a pony needs an outlet to vent their stress. Applejack's just happens to be masked combat sports.

Chapters (1)