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Awake and alone, Applejack will find a way to survive.

And here's a TV Tropes page, if you're into that kind of thing.

Chapters (33)

Applejack has never missed a meal on purpose before, let alone a Pie Day dinner – that glorious day of the week serving Granny's famed hot, fresh apple pie. So why was Applejack absent at the dining table today, of all days? Little does the rest of the family know, Applejack's a lot closer than they think – she's in her bedroom, nervously pacing around and building up the courage to perform the single hardest thing she's ever done.

What is this herculean task that not even Applejack can overcome?

Being honest…

Editors' credit goes to: ping111, NotMurphy, John Perry, and Distaff Pope

Cover art used with permission by MuffinExplosion

Rated Teen for light sexual references.
Featured on Equestria Daily 9-19-2013

Now With Dramatic Reading!

Chapters (1)

Some lessons are too big for one letter. Others are so important that they need to be shared with ponies everywhere. When these two come together, Twilight Sparkle tries something new.

She writes a book.

Everypony remembers exactly what they were doing when they first found out about the griffin invasion. Many saw it as a growing shadow that threatened to overtake all of Equestria. To those in the towns and cities that would become the front lines, it was a terror made real. With Canterlot in flames and Princess Celestia injured, many wondered how anypony could make everything right again. I was among them.

But we did it. Together.

These are my experiences and lessons learned during The Great Griffin Invasion, and it’s not just my story. War is a dark affair, but we can always learn something from the worst of times. In fact, we have to. The lessons are too costly to let them go to waste. And maybe, with a little help from this book, we won’t ever forget.

-Princess Twilight Sparkle

(Valor is Magic is a story of war and values set between seasons two and three of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. As of the end of season three, the events of this story do not justify an AU tag.)

Chapters (15)

Some nights can be exceptionally weird. Especially when a random box arrives in Princess Celestia's mail, with no return address. Inside, lies a shiny little red button.

What's it for? What does it do? Who sent it? Where did it come from? Is it some supernatural world-destroying weapon, or a magical artifact that grants wishes? Who cares? Why don't you just press it and find out!!

Chapters (6)

The Mayor of Ponyville welcomes a new, glorious day in Ponyville. Her clerk deals with the day-to-day business of the town. After a thousand years, ponies will join together to welcome Luna's night. The celebration, and after. Bring muffins!

Chapters (2)

Octavia is in jail and waiting to be bailed out. The good news is she has a friend who is willing to come bail her out. The bad news is that the prim and proper Octavia is not going to get out without a little teasing.

Chapters (1)

The events of the Wonderbolt Academy have played out and Rainbow Dash is in the stretch to achieving her dream but still has a hard time getting a certain erstwhile friend out of her mind. After taking a few minutes to contemplate things, she decides that she's been given enough second chances in her life to see to it that somepony else gets one as well.

Rated Teen for some language later on, though nothing extremely vulgar.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is not one to shy away from a brawl, and she was no different in her filly days. Even more so when her friends are at stake. Her father believes punishment for attacking a group of bullies would not be the best solution to get the young pegasus to pick her fights better.

His solution will have a far bigger impact on her life than he could have imagined a spur of the moment decision could possibly have.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle loves being a librarian. She gets to spend all day surrounded by her favorite things in the world—books—and best of all, nopony ruins it by trying to talk to her (or at least if they do, they have to be quiet about it).

But when the new head of the Equestrian Library Association gives her an ultimatum, Twilight's future as Ponyville's librarian will hinge on her ability to face the most horrifying creatures she's ever had to deal with:

No, not her new boss (who's clearly up to no good). Not the cult of the Dark God Cacophonon. Not even the strange book that won't. Stop. Staring. Worse than all that.

Library Patrons.

Chapters (2)

Also known as Adopt-a-raptor. Enjoy.

How can you suppress 65 million years of gut instinct? Dinosaurs and ponies... how can they possibly coexist? Well, the Mane 6 are about to find out when everypony's favorite animal lover signs for a rather large package from a mysterious company called "InGen". Welcome to... Jurassic Ponyville.

Chapters (1)