• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Favourites 446 stories
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Total Words: 11,803,114
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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When Sonata Dusk tried to return to her home after the Battle Of The Bands, she ended up in the wrong version of Equestria. However, while she didn't find her home, she found somepony willing to help her.

Ever since then, Sonata has been grateful for Dusk Shine's help. And slowly, her feelings for the prince who gave her so much have become deeper and more meaningful than she could ever have imagined. Thus, when a special day for couples to express their love for each other comes around, she resolves to finally declare her feelings for him.

The answer he gives her, however, may surprise her.

Written for Equestria Daily's Super Happy Hearts and Hooves Lovefest Fanfic Event. Coverart by BerryPunchrules (AKA Tennis Match Fan)

DuskDusk OTP!

Chapters (1)

The Battle of the Bands was a hard won battle for the Rainbooms, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. Yet as the school celebrates their victory, Sunset Shimmer can't help feeling more alone as ever and decides that maybe her past is not today, but neither is today her tomorrow.

Chapters (1)

Takes place during Rainbow Rocks.

After being confronted in a dark corner of CHS by the Dazzlings, I begin to wonder if there is truth to what they said.

Part of the SciTwi Shimmer Chronicles

Warning: triggers of self-harm, suicidal thoughts and swearing.

Now with a review from That one RationalCritic.

Update: now with an audio reading on my YouTube channel.

***Author's Note***

If you or someone you know or love is considering suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. I know from personal experience that it helps.

Chapters (2)
by Zael

An Anon-a-Miss story.

As Anon-a-Miss turns Sunset's life a living hell, the girl endures it until something snaps inside her. She doesn't want revenge, but she wants to go out with a bang. And after a bit of thinking, she knows the perfect way to do that.

Warning: light profanity and thoughts of self deprecation and of violence

EDIT 11th July: wow, I didn't expect it to be in the popular stories. Thank you all guys! I had planned this as a one-shot fic, but I might write something as a sequel (or as a spin-off).

Chapters (1)

One week after the Fall Formal, Principal Celestia is surprised to learn that a near-catatonic Sunset Shimmer has been calling out for her in the girl's sleep. Sunset has been unresponsive even to professional medical authorities, so what could have prompted her to call out in her sleep for an educator who had only occasionally interacted with her?

Cover art by The Sleepless Beholder

Chapters (14)

Discord has won. Everyone in the human world is under his dominion, save for Sunset Shimmer whom he saved for last.

Today the world, tomorrow Equestria.

Big thanks to Winston, Grand_Moff_Pony, and xgfhj18 for edits. (sorry xgfhj18, I don't know your fimfiction name)

Chapters (1)

First off: this WILL be my last Anon-a-Miss story.
Secondly: this uses the basic appearance of my OC; Brian Dragnov in another version. In other words: the basic idea of the character Quicksilver from both X-Men Days of Future Past and Avengers Age of Ultron. Both versions exist because they don't mention the other.
Sci-Twi is in here only as a cameo; as are a few others.


Chapters (10)

A spiritual rewrite of the deleted story 'A Shimmering Memory'. Sunset has decided to take drastic measures after being accused of being Anon-a-Miss. She finds family with the most unlikely of people.

This is the basis for Sunset's outfit. Credit goes to Marty Scurll for the design

Chapters (9)

Lawful Crane and his girlfriend Pearl Lane happen to be in town during Anon-a-Miss' reign of terror in Canterlot High. Crane, being a skilled detective, is easily able to determine that Sunset Shimmer is being framed. Having devoted his life to protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty, he decides to expose the true Anon-a-Miss as an invisible avenger known as The Shadow. Through the use of a mysterious hypnotic power he learned in the far East, he is able to cloud other people's minds so they cannot see him, rendering him invisible.

Soon, Anon-a-Miss will learn that the weed of crime bears a bitter fruit. . .
Crime does not pay. . .
The Shadow knows!

This is a crossover with The Shadow Radio Show (1937-1954), a weekly radio program that dramatized stories from the pages of Street & Smith's Detective Story Magazine.

Chapters (3)

Sunset is trying to come to terms with what she has done. She ends up dealing with guilt, depression, and trying to understand friendship. Can Vice Principal Luna, and the Mane 5 help Sunset with her feelings, bullying and life in general.

Chapters (29)