• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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While hanging out with her friends, Sunset Shimmer learns that earth horses apparently can't vomit.

As a magical talking pony, this discovery utterly baffles her.

Proofread by the ever helpful RQK

Chapters (1)

Sunset has always wondered who her father is. Her mother, Princess Celestia, described him as kind, but can get very angry when woken up not on his own terms. When the Anon-A-Miss incident rolls around years later, she finally gets her chance to meet him - the Mighty Firebird. He will stop at nothing until those who have tormented his daughter have been punished severely.

The Suicide/Self Harm tag is for when Sunset nearly tries to end it all.

Chapters (2)

Anon-A-Miss, a mysterious internet user who corrupted Canterlot High School. Everyone have accused Sunset Shimmer of this betrayal, even her friends have abandoned her.
Now Sunset is alone, as she once was, and depends only on herself to start again, among shadows ... New faces, and not so new ones, will come to her life.
Will Sunset be happy again? Canterlot will ever know the truth? What will happen to the magic of friendship?

- "dark" label due to psychological conflicts and a certain degree of physical aggression -

- All chapters have been editing and correcting by icecreammac-

Chapters (34)

A botched viewing spell has sent Twilight Sparkle to Earth and into the care of Kyle West. Having been turned into a human, the local species, Twilight Sparkle relies on her host to help her as she finds a way back to Equestria. And, in the meantime, she decides to learn about humans and the world they live in; the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly.

Now With TV Tropes Page!

Chapters (9)

Matt "MrBackpack" Mxxxxx has finally gotten his life on track; he's got a job that he loves, a good enough home, a beautiful fiance, and a dog. Little does he know that all of that hard work is about to be threatened by the presence of a very confused and very naked young woman appearing in his fudge-smelling Texas backyard.

Part of the PonyFall Collaboration series

Chapters (14)

Anon-a-Miss succeeded. Sunset Shimmer no longer hangs out with her loved ones. One day, the creators of the account realize that Sunset doesn't show up for class. Worried, they went to her house and discovered sad news.

Chapters (3)

After being accused by her friends and left crying in the hallways of CHS, Sunset Shimmer wanders into the forests surrounding Canterlot. While there, she discovers something that changes her life and begins an adventure unlike any she had been on before. An evil has taken root at CHS. It's time to fight for friendship, take hold of the light, and -


Co-Written by KR Chrome.

Chapters (15)

A most heinous crime has been committed in Canterlot.

Justice will be...


Cover art by Granzon on Derpibooru! https://www.derpibooru.org/216170?q=safe

Chapters (1)

It was just a week before Christmas. Sunset Shimmer has finally broke. The anonymous cyberbully a.k.a. Anon-a-Miss has exposed the private secrets of her HuMane Six friends on MyStable, friendships have been broken and severed by these claims, lives have been ruined, and all the evidence that coincided with the HuMane Six's secrets are falsely pointed at Sunset Shimmer. What's worse is that everyone in the school, including her friends, have turned on her, leaving her alone and despondent. What's even more worse is that Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria hasn't opened the breach between both the equine world and the human world.

Feeling lower than her defeat during the Fall Formal Incident earlier that year, Sunset Shimmer has given up all hope of trying to talk things over with her former friends, and decided to end it by walking in the December blizzard alone, hoping that the cold would calmly put her out of her misery. Walking along the highway with nothing but her warm clothes and her dreams of friendship crushed, Sunset finally succumbs to hypothermia and sleeps. When she woke up, Sunset knew that she didn't perish. Instead, a kind and generous soul had saved her from salvation, a kind and generous soul who hides a dark past within his memories. When Sunset asks him why he couldn't have let her die in the blizzard, it only took a few sentences out of him to make her realize that he wasn't so different after all. That he was a kindred spirit much like her own.

That's when Sunset decided to spend her first Christmas with her savior, which unfolds into a tale of how two distant yet kindred souls could change their lives for the better. What can more be said for Canterlot High when the scandals of Anon-a-Miss continues to spread through the hallways like an infectious virus, or when some unsavory figures from Sunset's savior's past decided to rear their ugly heads?

Rated T for suicide attempts.

I do not own any of the characters.

All rights preserved to Hasbro, Inc. and Lauren Faust.

Cover art by DNKovic

Chapters (4)

WARNING: There are major spoilers in the comment section. You have been warned!

After some time of turning over a new leaf, Sunset was happy with her life. She gained new friends, slowly winning over the students at CHS and became the protector of the human world alongside her friends against any rouge magic and creatures. She wanted to give back to everyone by becoming the head director of the Christmas party and Toys for Kids Festival at the school on Christmas Eve.

But when the events of the party and festival went wrong due to her past, Sunset was down on her dumps after she was blamed for the disaster and felt like she had ruined her friends lives because of her. Just when she was about to give up on everything, a mysterious teenaged girl, who claimed to be her guardian angel, showed Sunset what the world and her friends would be like without her.

This is an Equestria Girls take of an ever so beloved classic Christmas film, It's a Wonderful Life!

FEATURED: 3/20/20 - Wow! Thank you all so much! :twilightsmile:

This story now has a Spanish translation by Arthor2017 :raritystarry:

And on a Tv Tropes page! :scootangel:

Chapters (16)