• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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It's been three months since it happened. Three months since Anon-a-Miss made hell out of everyone. Three months since Sunset Shimmer ran away from home. From her family. Further away from Equestria than before.

Knowing the truth too late, but feeling the time is still right, the Rainbooms, now with a human Twilight Sparkle, drag the Crusaders to the last known location to beg for Sunset's forgiveness. But things become awry, and our heroines and two dogs become stranded in a world where gods walk the earth and devils lurk beneath.

Not canon to the Jongojiverse, but part of a different alternate universe that occurs between an alternate version of "Friendship Games" and "Legend of Everfree." A crossover with more monster franchises than what's implied on the poster.

Now with Q&A Blog

Editing/Proofreading Credits
Chapters 1-4: Blazeblast4

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Seven Girls, Nine Hundred Forty Three Miles, and One Minivan.

In a former life, Vice-Principal Luna took the world by storm as the heavy metal queen known as Nightmare Moon!

But what will happen when Rainbow Dash discovers her long-held secret?

(More hijinks in the Equestria Girls sandbox, if you haven't noticed).

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Triggered

Sunburst might be a grown stallion, but that doesn't keep an overprotective sister like Sunset Shimmer from smacking a filly.

Cover art by Cover Designer Novel-Idea

Chapters (1)

Sonata Dusk had finally had it. All she did was follow Adagio and Aria around, trying to use their music to take over. And it had failed for the last time. She wanted to be away from them and all the humans there, but the trip back to Equestria didn't go as planned. Now what does Sonata do when she founds out she isn't just in a world of more humans, but those who also know about her for some reason?

My first fic. I've been wanting to write one for some time, and just hadn't any ideas that I wanted to
explore. This one I think might work. No real story is planned, so no clue when this will be over. Loosely based off my own life. Hope you enjoy the ride!

Thanks to Darknight293 for the find of the art.

Chapters (13)

Eventide, a loyal and dedicated member of the night guard, is discovered in a bizarre magical coma. Princess Luna uses her magic to enter his unconscious mind in order to find out what happened and rescue the stallion from his unnatural slumber. Once inside, she finds herself in a surreal homestead where she has been cast as Eventide's wife.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer did many things in her life she wasn't proud of. Things that made her feel ashamed of her past and herself. She helped fight off the Sirens, "The Dazzlings", as they were known during the Battle of the Bands. Perhaps the former Unicorn could finally find happiness... right?

Anon-a-Miss happened. An unknown user of MyStable started posting secrets about every student at CHS. Sunset received the blame. Punished for a crime she didn't commit.

Nobody believed her, not even the Rainbooms. The group of friends she thought of as exactly that... her best friends. Her family. Princess Twilight couldn't be reached, either.

Was she destined to be alone? The Magic of Friendship nothing more than a mere lie?

It hurt; the pain of betrayal ran deep.

But, no matter how dark it is, there will always be a new dawn on the horizon.

This beautiful piece of art, also known as my story cover, was made by ChanceyB. You will find this picture on Deviantart.

Javarod is responsible for prereading, proofreading, editing, contributing, and especially everything that's wrong.

Chapters (20)

anon-a-miss fic, but with a few twists

since the fall formal, sunset shimmer has always felt a heavy sense of guilt for the crimes she's committed against Celestia when she ran off, but also the high school that took her in even after she became queen bee, then into the demon.

since the battle of the bands, she thought that she could maybe finally take the weight off her shoulders, but fate is a cruel master, and anon-a-miss was born, but the universe has other plans, plans that will help sunset shed the guilt that plagued her since the fall formal.

Chapters (19)

Sunset Shimmer is devastated since her friends abandoned her because of Anon-A-Miss. While she tries to figure out what to do a new girl arrives in town, not knowing that she will be involved into an event she doesn't know about or has control over.

Chapters (23)

John, Equestria's first and only human, loves going to the beach. As it turns out, so does a certain Siren...

Proofread by Georg

Chapters (1)

Soul Writer moves to a new town with his mom while his dad is still in service in the old town they were in and becomes part of the Canterlot High family. He'll be able to make new friends and have the fondest of memories. But right now he faces his biggest challenge: Does he have a crush on Sunset?
Yes, yes he does.

Follow Soul and Sunset as they begin to have feelings for one another while they face life together.

Inspired by three wonderful authors and their stories.

The Pie of my Eye by Azure_Shadow

Amor Fati by BRyeMC

And Come Out of Your Shell by CogWing

Their OC characters are part of the story and they respectively belong to their individual creators.

Cover made by kiriche

Chapters (27)