• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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This story is a sequel to Undeliverable

Ten years ago, Ditzy Doo vanished. Ponyville mourned her and sorely felt her absence, but over time, the tragedy lost its sting. Sad as it was, they all accepted Ditzy's disappearance and moved on with their lives.

All but one.

Come Tartarus or tidal surges, Dinky Doo is going to find her mother.

An entry in ocalhoun's Big 250k Contest.

Chapters (1)

A collection of letters to Ponyville's Mailmare.

Cover image by huussii.
Proofreading by RaylanKrios.

Based on this story:
Redeliverable | Rerouted | Unimaginable | An Impossible Letter

Chapters (1)

Not even a Princess of Friendship is exempt from going to the dentist. Despite her best efforts, it's finally time for Twilight to brave the cold halls and mind-numbingly villainous chair of horrors.

However, through casual conversation, things go a direction she didn't expect.

Sometimes, the one's who can help us the most are those we least expect.

A gift for someone very special to me: ChappedPenguinLips
Love you, bro.

Art by: Karpet-Shark

Chapters (1)

Dr. Minuette will treat any patient. Even Cozy Glow. Even if dentists don't usually do Tartarus calls...

Set sometime between Seasons 8 and 9. Inspired by the old fan name for Minuette, "Colgate the Dentist."

Cover art: https://derpibooru.org/891971

"Yowza," as Minuette would say. Hit #1 in the feature box! Featured 26-30 November, 2019. Thanks, everypony!

Hey! My first Equestria Daily feature, 23 March 2020!

A Night In Tartarus takes a comedy fic premise—Colgate giving Cozy an oral checkup—and decides to play it dead serious.


Chapters (1)

Having your housemate call the plumber is pretty normal.

Having a changeling show up as the plumber is significantly less normal.

Inspired by Admiral Biscuit's writing challenge.

Chapters (1)

Featured on Equestria Daily
Review by PaulAsaran

Grace, beauty, elegance.

Princess Luna embodies all of these traits as she faithfully attends to her royal duties. Yet sometimes, with the repetition of raising the moon each night and the tedium of hearing endless appeals for various favors and assistance, a princess just wants to have a little fun.

Enter Pinkie Pie, who knows just what Luna needs.

Thanks to Brumby_Run for the story idea.

Chapters (1)

After accidentally learning that each Princess has their very own secret rooms to retreat inside whenever they wish, Twilight Sparkle makes it her mission to uncover just what could be inside Princess Celestia's.

Perhaps Twilight should have knocked first.

Artwork by Hawk9mm.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer destroys Equestria when she learns how and why she actually lost her soulmate, Sunburst. Trying to fix her mistake, she learns time travel done right can lead to a revelation of the heart—and maybe even to the renovation of harmony itself.

A more challenging route to possible redemption for Starlight Glimmer in The Cutie Re-mark.

This is not a sequel to Lesson Learned, but Bedroom Interlude is a sequel to this story. The backstory in this story inspired The Enforcer and Her Blackmailers.

Chapters (1)

While imprisoned in Tartarus during the events of "Twilight's Kingdom,", Celestia, Luna and Cadence are visited by a strange and mysterious figure from Celestia and Luna's past who attempts to comfort them in Equestria's darkest hour.

Chapters (1)

Discord and Fluttershy always enjoyed having small lunches on the lonely hill overlooking Ponyville.

Unfortunately, the last one they did have did not end in happiness.

Now grieving the loss of the only pony who truly loved him, Discord's sanity starts to slip even further.

(cover by PonyChaos13, design released by Discord Draconequus)

Chapters (1)