• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Favourites 446 stories
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Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Nightmare Moon is gone. But so is Luna. Celestia is crushed. But a voice that comes softly in the night gives her everlasting peace. Wrote this for The New Christian Bronies Group.

Chapters (1)

After Tank goes into hibernation, Rainbow Dash turns to an alcoholic cider for comfort and causes her friends to become concerned for her well being.

*Written at Everfree Northwest 2015 in Seattle, WA.

Chapters (8)

"Wahoo! My prayers have been answered!"

Rainbow Dash always prayed whenever she could, but hardly considered herself a user of passionate prayer. The only thing Dash ever showed humility in was her Faith. However, being trapped in Ghastly Gorge during her own pet race put her in a really dark place. Filled with fear and trembling, Dash knew she had to reach deep within her and call out to her Heavenly Father in earnest prayer. And to her amazement, God sent a miracle.
Contains Christian themes.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia finds a would-be thief after the Elements of Harmony. His reason though, strikes close to home. A sad story, I'm sorry to say, based on real-life events. Please read and review.

Chapters (1)

There's an old saying that all it takes is one bad day to drive the sanest guy around to lunacy. Or in this case, one happy, expectant, formerly villainous unicorn into a seething, barely-held-together dam of fury and death ready to burst. What happens when somepony leaves the peanut butter open for the umpteenth time? Somepony is gonna get it and get it good.

Proofread by Bok.

Featured: 11/11/18

Chapters (1)

After a fleet of Separatist ships reactivates over Muunilinst at the end of the clone wars, a single Providence-class Dreadnaught escapes into unknown space in a randomized jump, and the Battle Droids on board meet everyone's favourite pony princess. Join Princess Twilight and friends as they try to make sense of the giant metal bathtubs from the sky and their strange occupants.

(Big thanks to my friend Dawny and my new editor Mine_Menace for editing this story for me, as well as Zaten for helping me proofread on later chapters)

WAIT, WHAT? I got featured? 05/27/2019
And apparently again 08/07/2019

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to That Changeling's a Pony!

Maxilla is an exiled changeling who resides in Baltimare and writes stories for a living. Life’s pretty normal and pony-like for her, until she’s visited by a very unusual fan who just won’t leave her alone.

Chapters (1)

It's been a few months since Greg left the hive to be with the love of his life, Cotton Candy. For now, all seems to be going well: they've managed to hide themselves away on Cotton's little farm and share something of a life together. Too bad fate has other plans for them, in the form of a few nightmares from Greg's past.

Cover and coupling courtesy of merrypaws: http://merrypaws.deviantart.com/

Chapters (1)

They say that love knows no boundaries. This is the story of a pony in love. In love with a creature that, to most of ponykind, is nothing but a frightening, dangerous, deceptive, emotion-eating parasite. A creature that consumes love, and never returns it.

But what ponies say and what the truth is can be very different things. One pony makes the fateful decision to ignore the voices of society and family, and listen to the voice within...

Chapters (2)

Away from the glory of Canterlot, a changeling meets a pony.
Cover image from and inspired by the comic 'Heart Nom' by merrypaws.

Chapters (1)