• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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After portals to Equestria opened, humans and ponies have migrated to each others' lands. Some aren't sure what to feel, while others welcome the newcomers.

Not all immigrants have happy beginnings in their new homelands. A man driving his truck down the road one rainy night discovers this the hard way a a family of thestrals soaks beneath a dark, cloudy sky.

Forewarning; this story will feature heavy Christian themes, along with other topics that may trigger people. If you don't like that, please don't say you weren't warned.

Chapters (9)

A young man named Matthew has a great business and great friends. What more could he ask for? Well, Matthew is about to get the surprise of his life when his friend brings to his house a strange girl who was out in the snow. Will Matthew be able to help this girl find her way home, or will he find love?

Read to find out

Cover art made by Tifamex
I do not own the cover art

Chapters (14)

Sunset has been hiding something, and it surprises everyone when they find out what. I’ts crazy. Who would have thought this was a possibility?

Chapters (3)

Tracy Maxwell is in a desperate situation: find somewhere to live, or lose the internship he needs to survive. After exhausting every property in the city, one last option appears the day before his deadline. Sure the agent selling the place is a little weird, and more than a little overeager to get the property signed off. At the worst, maybe there's a little mold in the bathroom somewhere, and he has to make do until the lease is up.

But then he steps inside and discovers things can be much worse. The property is in another universe, and while he's there he'll have to play by its rules. He's free to continue working his dream job, so long as he keeps to the contract. Even worse, he's got a roommate who has no intention of leaving him alone.

If he ever wants to escape, he'll have to read the Fine Print.

This story now has a hardcover! If you'd like one of your own, you can grab it here: https://starscribe.net/

This story is a commission by _Kenzu_!

Chapters (68)

Because of Anon-A-Miss Sunset's life has been ruined. Now she just wants to start anew. After she pawns off everything she owns, she takes to the streets to travel and find a family that actually cares about her.

This story is meant to be something to get me back into writing. I will use this to practice and relax. That means that there won't be a steady update schedule. Still, ill try. Sorta. No promises though.

Oh, and I won't be getting a proofreader for this one. I want to see how well I can do without personal help.

Chapters (4)

There have been many stories where Queen Chrysalis and her changeling were only trying to do what was best for their race. That they had no choice but to attack Canterlot, or risk dying of starvation. That it was all a misunderstanding, or some other treacly excuse.

This is not one of those stories.

This story was written with absolutely zero sympathy for the devil.

Chapters (2)

The story is on a prolonged hiatus. It will be updated again, but the date is uncertain.

Maria is a simple girl living in a quiet Russian town. Her life and where it would go was already decided by her parents and the society. She always wanted to get away from this but didn't know how until a mysterious wish granter shows her a path. Little did she know how it would turn out - on the night of her birthday, after she makes her wish, she is transported to Equestria and turned into an alicorn.

Her wish for a different life will certainly turn into more than she could ever expect.

Cover art uses Canterlot Throne Room by mattbas and sitting Celestia also by mattbas

Join the Discord to discuss the story and get to know other people who like my stories!

Support me on Boosty! Joining any tier will grant you two updates a week alongside already posted updates that aren't yet on fimfiction.

Chapters (5)

Sunset Shimmer is just struggling to recover from the Fall Formal and just trying to make means meet. However, the others, unaware of her financial situation her friends consider her a Scrooge for not donating to the school's food drive. However, during a Christmas Assembly, Sunset Shimmer's former caretaker shows up with a promise to send the school three spirits to show them why Sunset Shimmer wasn't a Scrooge.

Chapters (5)

Sunset was devastated. It hurts, knowing what she's lost. Forced away from the only friends she's known, she feels like Anon-A-Miss has won. Somehow, she makes it home, and finds herself doing something she rarely does: watching television. Early in the morning hours, she's awoken by the sounds of a children's show with a man who wears a red cardigan.

Somehow, this soft spoken man reaches inside her and gives her peace with just eight words: "I Like You Just the Way You Are"


A tribute to a great man, and my own way of memorializing his life in one of my favorite shows. Like he said once, I may not be good at this, but I still enjoy it.

EDIT 6/3/19
Featured story! Thanks so much for this! You're all wonderful people, and it's you that I like.

Chapters (1)

Sirens are natural predators. Sleek, powerful, and cunning, once something is in their proverbial sights, its life can be measured in seconds. Most of the time they prey on fish or seals, but sometimes they like to stalk more exotic fare...

Chapters (1)