• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Favourites 446 stories
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Total Words: 11,800,799
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Sunset Shimmer is homeless and living in an old abandoned warehouse with no power and a leaky roof with almost nothing to her name, not even her favorite jacket after it was destroyed during the Fall Formal. With the school closed down for the holiday and her so called friends too caught up in their own holiday plans they don't realize Sunset not only doesn't have any...but she has no place to get food with the school closed.

Going to a close by community center Christmas Eve to get a hot meal they were giving the homeless and those down on their luck, Sunset runs into the family of the last person she expected to see there...

Chapters (1)

After the Dazzlings defeat at the concert they were left homeless until a human found them and decided to take them home and care for them as best as he could

Chapters (12)

Sunset's life was great. She had been forgiven by (most of) the school, was on track for graduating with honors, and best of all, had five amazing best friends she wouldn't trade for the world. But after the events of Anon-a-Miss, her whole world is flipped upside down and she must rethink her relationships with her friends.

Featured twice in February 2020 and once in March 2021. Thank you!

Cover art done by me.

Chapters (10)

Finals are approaching at Canterlot High and with the Dazzlings affair solved, Sunset Shimmer can finally concentrate on her studies, but for someone else it's also an occasion to get revenge on the girl that played a major role in their defeat...

Rated Teen for ecchi situations

Chapters (1)

Morning Breeze. A mare in the esteemed royal guard. Certainly not a rarity, but still it's an accomplishment nonetheless. She has served the night guard to the best of her ability, and though never personally standing guard around her princess, she takes great pride in her duty. So when she learns that she is to be reassigned to make way for the return of the Lunar guard, naturally, she is a bit upset. Especially considering the Lunar guard is made up of thestrals, bat ponies of ancient times that disappeared after the fall of Nightmare Moon. Her irritation at being replaced by, thestrals, of all creatures, has her frustrated. But a chance encounter in the halls of Canterlot castle may reveal more than what she perceives.

Update: Edited by Jphyper! Thanks!

Featured in Popular stories tab on 9/18/14! Thanks for all the faves guys!

Chapters (1)

To everyone else, Ponyville seemed like such a perfect and idyllic utopia where nopony had any worries in the world. For Sharp Iron however, he knew that there was much more to life than many of those in Equestria knew of. It had become his mission to reveal the truth of our "purpose" to those around him, all while learning more about who they were as his neighbors.
(Information about OCs is in a separate blog post: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/933935/meet-the-characters-bios-and-pics-of-ocs)

Chapters (12)

Sunset Shimmer has some time questions. After a conversation with a fellow pony, Sunset is thrown into a state of panic. How could time be so different?

While writing another story, I found myself asking questions regarding time for both FIM and EqG. After a night's worth of calculations, I came up with something. This story is from some of those findings.

Chapters (3)

Sunset has once again become a pariah, the students of CHS have turned against her, and even her own friends have abandoned her. At her lowest point and without her friends, Sunset is left vulnerable as the students voice their frustration at her being Anon-A-Miss. But she still had one friend who believed in her and that was Twilight Sparkle, with her words of encouragement, Sunset is reminded of who she is. With her confidence back, Sunset begins to take back control of the school and hunt down Anon-A-Miss.

Chapters (22)

Graduation is coming up for the Canterlot High Wondercolts, and Sunset Shimmer is questioning whether she should stay in the human world or come home to Equestria. While spending another lonely night in the bedroom of her apartment contemplating the same question over and over, she stumbles upon an old, worn out spiral notebook that she and her friends thought had once been lost. Seeing the many memories the notebook contains prompts Sunset to realize how much she's changed. Will she stay in the human world or will she come home to Equestria?

Cover art by the amazing CuttlefishDreamer!

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer spends her time in Canterlot mostly alone. Aside from receiving lessons from Princess Celestia and telling the royal chefs that she’s hungry, she doesn’t have much pony to pony interaction. That is until some idiotic colt sneaks into the royal gardens.

Currently being rewritten! I haven’t forgetten!

Chapters (12)