• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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I never wanted this. All I wanted was a nice, quiet weekend away from the real world. Just me and a couple of friends out in the mountains for a few days, grilling out, camping, hunting, maybe a bit of fishing. It was going to be a nice change from the tedium of everyday life.

That was before the fall.

Now I'm trapped in a strange world filled with alien creatures, caught in the middle of a war I have no part in. And if I want any chance of getting back home in one piece, I'm going to have to choose one side and live or die by that decision.

I had hoped to get away from everything. Now I'd give anything to have it all back.


I love comments! Let me know what you think.

First featured on 27 Aug 2016!

Chapters (21)

Filming a movie is never an easy task. Its hard, takes lots of time, and a lot of people to help put together something truly amazing. And with that hard work, comes a lot of fun. Especially when you screw things up on the set...

I know this is late to the party, but I just wanted to try this and see how it would look. Hope you enjoy it, and have a wonderful day guys. :twilightsmile:

Popular on 10/3/2017

Inspired by Shadowmane PX-41's Behind The Scenes.

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different types of ponies.

One day, the sisters stumbled upon an orphaned colt on the outskirts of the Everfree Forest. Although he couldn't remember much of his past besides his name, the two sisters could see and feel the potential coming from him. In the end, Celestia adopted him as her son.

Chapters (3)

When Sunset Shimmer learns about the coronation, she knows who will get the throne. Sunset guessed right. Now, as graduation approaches, she makes one final visit through the portal, to say her goodbyes.

Chapters (1)

Season 5 Finale-related.
So many realities. So many horrible futures. But in yet another alternate timeline, Twilight finds herself in the Golden Oak Library with the Princess of Friendship: Sunset Shimmer. Rather than the awful futures she's seen before, she now finds herself in a timeline that actually seems nice. But that means she has a tough decision to make...

-Awesome cover art used with permission from the amazingly talented Huussii (Teemu Husso).
-Based on an idea from Silver Quill.
-Featured as of 12/8/15! Thank you to all the readers!
-Editors: GenerousGhibli and E3gner

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Hunter From Another World

Sunset and Hunter are back home with their friends. Now officially a couple, Hunter begins to adapt and settle into a more civilian life as he works to improve his social standing in the city and become a full time part of Sunset's world. Canterlot's magical troubles never cease though, as a bizarre bank robbery leads the pair and their friends against a duo that represent a combined threat of both Equestrian and human world magic. Hunter may be off the clock, but that won't stop him from protecting Sunset, his friends and his new home from the enemy.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to The Hunter and the Hunted

When a prison transport comes to a violent conclusion near Canterlot High, three dangerous convicts inadvertently escape through the school's portal and into Equestria. Taking on powerful new forms to compliment their already deadly nature, Twilight turns to Sunset for help in dealing with this foreign threat. Sunset quickly realizes the scope of what they are dealing with and calls upon Hunter to help her save her original world from these dangerous new enemies. Along the way, Sunset begins to realize just how human she has become and sees the fallout when the human world and Equestria collide.

Chapters (16)

It begins with the report of a break-in on the news and leads into a mystery that Sunset and her friends find themselves looking into. At the same time, a new student at Canterlot High begins making waves that ripple across the student body. Sunset begins to question just who this boy is as their sleuthing starts to point to him being involved.

Chapters (9)

Sam Winston is a small-town K-9 patrolman faced with some unexplained, and potentially lethal, events. Fortunately, he has backup... a very unusual kind of backup...

Reviewed by Admiral Biscuit in his Signal Boost blog series. Thanks, Admiral!

Chapters (1)

This is the sequel to My Little Chryssie.

Edited by Shadow Blades, iakovl, FlutterSky1979, and operaticphantom to whom I am grateful! Other editors will show on the chapters in which they lent their time and efforts.

Cover art by spier17. Go check out his stuff!

Michael Spriggs is invited to Equestria so he may visit his daughter, the budding changeling Chrysalis in the midst of her teen years. He's missed her terribly in the month since she left, but Luna visited him and offered him the opportunity to traverse worlds and see his little pumpkin.

He is shocked to discover the ponies have been watching Earth for a long time and are preparing to make first contact with Earth. However, his concerns lay fully on the purpose of his visit to this strange world. Fully intending to return home, Michael will follow his daughter in her choice to go out and seek other changeling hives to learn about herself.

Join them, a sorceress, an overweight changeling, and the Sun and the Moon as they venture deep into the greatest lair of the changelings and meet the mysterious Empress of the Changelings. There are secrets, personal quests, discoveries, and the simple desire to survive the odd things this world has in store for a simple human.

Not all is as it seems as changeling eyes are upon father and daughter; watching, waiting...

Rated T for language, violence, sensuality and gore.
MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro.
MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust.
OCs are mine unless specified.

This will be updated as changes occur.

Featured 7/6/2014, 9/12/14. You guys are awesome. Thank you!

Chapters (26)