• Member Since 1st Feb, 2012


Our minds bend and our fingers fold. Entwined, we dream . . . I know.

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Total Words: 10,443,439
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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Albert Wesker magically survives his encounter with Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar in Kijuju and finds himself in Equestria. Given the chance to begin a new life he'll have to decide, whether to continue his old ways or rather become a part of this society based on love and tolerance.

Resident Evil Crossover
Takes place after RE5 and Season 3
Will contain large amounts of gore
Thank you, PinkiePiePlease and Lord of Hentai for being my proofreaders/editors.
[Featured on 30.06.2014, 01.08.2014, 11.08.2014 and 26.09.14]

Chapters (22)

A man comes across a filly, however she's not one of the Mane Six.

Sometimes life plays games with you. Everything you felt was important to you is taken and your past seems to have more stark moments of things you'd rather forget. Living alone and battling your own demons seems to be the only thing you have to look forward to. However, one night while walking home in the middle of a freak late summer storm in the middle of the night, something happened. Something terrifying. Something wonderful. Something unexpected.

It's an old trope, not a fresh idea, but this is a story about me and My Little Chryssie...

Cover art by ZuTheSkunk. Check out dat artwork! A special thanks goes out to this artist who so graciously allowed me to use his work.

MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro
MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust
OCs are mine unless specified.

Chapters (8)

Based on a korean ghost stories... and Illustrated on a Korean True story. Transformed to Pony Style... It is short but it is true... Just want to share it...

(And other country stories...)

(Image by: Hailey McIvor)

Chapters (6)

Spitfire's always been told that she's not good enough. That she's worthless. That she'll never amount to anything.

Sometimes, though, when your whole life is burning you, somepony can show you how to blaze through it all.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle meets a Paper Alicorn for the first time, with disastrous results.

I'd like to thank Flint Sparks for prereading this!

Chapters (1)


How is one to react to one's world being changed? How should one react to losing what one holds dear? How do we cope? How do we move on?

Maybe we don't. Maybe we are meant to stay in our grief, and mourn for what was, and what never will be. Maybe we aren't meant to rise up, but to fall down.

What do we do? We stop. We don't try. We don't think. We grieve. We mourn. We break. We apologize. We cry.

We are so sorry...

Yet we have no control.

For best effect, listen to this while reading. If it stops while you are still reading, play it again. It really helps add to the emotions.

This is the first installment of my Heaven's Tears series.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle has a problem, a rather tall problem.

Thanks to my wonderful editors CartsBeforeHorses and MarineMarksman for helping me on the story.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie takes her own life, because she cannot take the pain of trying to smile each day.
Only Rainbow Dash has a chance at saving her will she make it in time?

Chapters (1)

There is a secret about her building Rarity never shared with anypony: there is a hidden room inside the Carousel Boutique.

She's kept it from everypony for a reason though.

Every mare deserves to have her secrets, after all.

Edited by Nahmala

Thanks to DWK for being my "Rarity Consultant" for this story.

Prompt for story acquired from here.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has never been a great student and to be honest she never was really bothered by it. But when she is threaten she might have to repeat the 4th grade if some changes don't happen. Rainbow starts hitting the books. Can she do it?

Loosely inspired by the image and the Simpsons episode "Bart Gets an F"

Where I get the photo

Special thank you to NaterRang the artist allowing me to use their work.

Heads up there's some grammar issues

Chapters (7)