• Member Since 1st Feb, 2012


Our minds bend and our fingers fold. Entwined, we dream . . . I know.

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Fluttershy ponders her life and her innate worth.

A short exploration of mood in first person purple prose. Inspired by ugugg93's "Thirteen Days without Pink".

(Trigger warning: parental abuse)

Chapters (1)

Follow Luna's journey into the depths of the Nightmare and join her in her final days on the moon.

Pre-read by Sethi

Sequel to 7,305,000 Suns; One For Each of My Sins
Not required reading, but recommended. You might be a bit confused if you don't read it.

Chapters (1)

Celestia ponders what she has done, who she is now, and what she will do if she can't stop herself.

Now has a sequel 3,835,125 Moons; My Descent

Author's Note
Mostly canon with a few important changes.
Feedback is appreciated.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash can't wait to start the awesome day she has planned for her and Applejack. She's so eager she's already parked herself right outside the Acres, bright and early.

But geeze, what's taking AJ so long?

Chapters (1)

After Pinkie Pie almost drives Twilight to the brink of insanity, the unicorn decides to attempt a new spell to try and 'fix' things. Only afterwards, however, she notices some of her other friends exhibiting some rather... strange habits.

Now with it's own reading by the chivalrous and all-round awesome thisisausername2004 which can be found right here!

Special thanks to Mr101 for giving me the idea and to several other anonymous users including Black Cloud for proofreading.

Chapters (1)

Each season will have three parts. Including the introduction, it will be 13 chapters.

Spring: Fluttershy sees Big Macintosh bucking apples one day, and can't possibly get him out of her head.

Summer: Sea Spray finds himself in Ponyville with a broken wing, and must stay at a house with Lyra and Bon Bon.

Autumn: A human who dies before his time is given another chance to start over in Equestria, finding a charming young wall-eyed mare.

Winter: Gilda the griffin is insulted out of Ponyville, where she is found and befriended by Alkaline Grey, forcing her to re-think her place in the world.

Heavily inspired by the "Griffin Village" album by Jackle App. This is what I think of every time I listen to them.

Thanks to Jackle App for giving the go-ahead, and thanks to Pandykissu for the awesome cover art!

To those who don't feel like reading, there's also a Fanfic Reading by Lucero the Pegasus that I found just now.

Chapters (13)

Sometimes a good deed or a generous gift can truly go a long way: it can even form new friendships and take a pony places they weren't expecting to go. When a tragedy-stricken Applejack receives a letter in the mail, containing some money from a dear friend of hers, she sets in motion an impulsive series of events that change not only her life, but her heart.

Winner of the Random Romance's July Contest

Chapters (3)

A collaboration between myself, Tidal and Seventh Heaven

Cheating. It never leads to anything good. Hearts get broken, trust is lost, and lives are ruined. Unfortunately, even the best of relationships are not immune to it.

When it comes to light that Shining Armour has been in a secret affair with Rarity, it leaves Princess Cadence and Spike stunned and badly hurt. Leaning on each other for comfort, the two devise a plan to not only get revenge on the ponies that hurt them, but maybe even heal their broken hearts along the way.

Note: This fic was written during season 4 originally, so that's why Flurry Heart isn't mentioned.

Coverart by: Not Enough Coffee

Inspired by the album Two-Faced Charade by Famous Last Words.

Chapters (13)

Maud isn't like other earth ponies. She's special, like her sister.

She can hear a voice, a voice from another world. At first it torments her, then comforts her, then befriends her. Naturally, Maud does the rational thing: she falls in love.

But will it last?

Chapters (1)