• Member Since 1st Feb, 2012


Our minds bend and our fingers fold. Entwined, we dream . . . I know.

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Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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After the Elements defeat yet another enemy, Princess Celestia gets fed up at their insubordination.

Author's Notes: Collaboration with my good friend, Flint Sparks. The idea for the story was his.

Chapters (1)

After so many months, Rarity gets the fateful news of Spike's inevitable fate.

Author's Note: Part of a competition with my good friend The Tobacconist. Our challenge was to write a fic where Spike breaks up with Rarity. The maximum word limit was two-thousand words. Hope you enjoy.

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara finds out what 'rape' is from a very realiable source, and decides that she wants to try it out. Together with Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara 'rapes' her three favourite targets, and soon a new trend spreads throughout the school.

The adults of Ponyville are very, very concerned.

NOTE: There is NO foalcon in this story, nor is there anything of any sexual nature, rape or consensual. If you wish to understand, feel free to read on :3

Chapters (3)

This here little pony is meet with a job that nopony should ever be forced to do. Take out the trash. Yes, Disgusting toilet humor is inbound.

Chapters (1)

After half a year of kinda working hard on his project, Richard finally succeeded in creating a real living pony from the show. Though, it wasn't precisely what he expected. The Twilight Sparkle he created didn't come with the personality she had in show. Instead she's secretly an evil creature who's slowly learning more and more about the world around her, using this knowledge to figure out how to best kill her owner, and destroy the world.

Chapters (5)

Being Twilight isn't easy. You have a TON of responsibilities to do, such as studying, and helping friends with all sorts of problems. That's been Twilight's life in a nutshell for an entire week, and with a massive sleep dept to pay off, getting out of bed in the early morning isn't easy, especially when you can't even remember what it is you're suppose to do that day. Maybe Twilight will figure it out while doing her usual morning rituals such as brushing her teeth.

I was inspired by two things to do this-
First being the "Nothing Happens" stories by the awesome Bootsy Slickmane
Second was inspiration from the drawing in the icon, made by the awesome Atryl

Chapters (1)

Telling your older brother how much you care about him is sometimes very difficult. More often than not, the truth is left untold. Twilight does however get around to tell him what she thinks, even if it is ten years too late.

Chapters (1)

When Button Mash is forced by his mother to attend a slumber party with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, he is very much against the idea. However, he has no choice but to make this one sacrifice if he wants to get his precious JoyBoy back.

Thankfully for him, it all turns out to be better than he expected... until it comes to the 'Truth' part of 'Truth or Dare.'

As a result of this, Button's greatest secret comes to light — but it's not the one the Crusaders were expecting to hear...

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Joint second entry for UK of Equestria's July Fimfiction Writing Contest, the theme for which was simply 'Slumber Party.'

Comments contain spoilers.

Now with a reading by EnderBlaze!

Chapters (1)

Rarity is leaving to pursue her career out of town, leaving behind her parents—and her sister. Sweetie Belle wants more than anything to have her stay, but her decision stands. There are words to say, though, to settle things.

Set a few years before the show. Inspired by an experience I will no doubt have when I leave my family—especially my sister—for college.

Featured on 4/29/13--thank you all so much!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle finds a monster.

Chapters (8)