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This story is a sequel to Anon’s a Villain Again

Well, I believe the title says it all. It’s been a couple years since his last conquest, and Anon decides to conquer the world because he made a bet with Celestia. This time, he ain’t McCluckin’ around. Welcome, to the finale of this trilogy.

Featured on March 17th, 2021

Author’s note: Y’all, I’m sorry this didn’t come out exactly when the last one reached 500 likes, but I didn’t think it’d come this fast, Jesus.

Chapters (5)

When their mother brings home an abandoned purple hatchling, and introduces him as Spike, the newest member of their family, both Garble and Smolder are more than thrilled. Garble even vows to be the best big brother he can be for Spike, no matter what he does or fails to do.

Does he really need to act like a pony?

An alternate universe where Spike is raised by Garble's family.

Featured on 2/26/2020! Thank you everyone!

Edited by VoxAdam

Cover art drawn by Doodle-Mark

Old cover art Cover Art drawn by boskocomicartist for SpikeSmolder fan, used with the commissioner's permission.

Chapters (30)

As everyone knows, humans are immune to magic. Goodness, how ever will all these poor, helpless ponies deal with such a clearly overpowered ability?

A collection of short stories.

Very short.

Chapters (20)

A disgraced Chrysalis has traveled to request refuge from Queen Gytha of the Greneclyf Hives after her defeat dealt by the traitors back home. Gytha knows of her atrocious reputation, and though there might be some value in this strange Queen from abroad, she must keep her guard, lest she allows this foreign Changeling do upon to Gytha as others had done to her...

Written for the Equestria at War contest and won second place. Special thanks to FadFreaky and many others for editing and proofreading.

Chapters (2)

It's really good tea. Trust me.

(Not crack, despite how it might seem)

Important: this takes place in the Equestria At War universe. Equestria At War is a mod for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV, be sure to check out their Discord and Reddit if you're not familiar with it. They also have a group on this site:

Cover art made by placing the portraits of the Avatar, Grover and Daybreaker next to each other.

This is a one-shot.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Unchanging Love

The explosion of love from the defeat at Canterlot hit harder and reached farther than any changeling expected. Firefly felt the effects as much as any, but she also gained something wonderful and priceless from it. Though this gift brought her a kind of joy she had never expected, she fears one question more than anything.

What trials will she and Fine Roast face when the invasion's inevitable fallout reaches them?

Big thanks to Cursori, SigmasonicX, Dogman15 (Chapters 2-5), and Ghost Mike for editing.

Amazing cover art by Pridark.

Friendly heads up. Beware the comments, they may contain spoilers!

Chapters (18)

It’s the week before the Canterlot wedding and tensions are high, even more so for the changeling love collectors. With the results of the wedding, life is going to change drastically, regardless of the outcome.

For one co-owner of the Sweet Roast Cafe, wife to a loving stallion, and undercover changeling, Sweet Leaf can only hope this change is kind.

Edited by Cursori, Fade, and Lingo

Preread by 63.546.

Cover art by lilfunkman.

Chapters (7)

Whenever Time Turner touches a pony, he knows how and when they are going to die.

This makes living a regular life rather difficult.

Chapters (1)

In a few desperate days of worldwide crisis and catastrophe, Twilight might have to betray her first and truest love.

To save the world, it might be worth it.

Content Warning: Alternate universe follows somewhat different laws of physics, alternate universe astronomy.

Chapters (1)