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In the halls of the Crystal Palace, Rarity has a dinner and a conversation with her young ward about several things. It ends up changing a lot of things between them.

Important: this takes place in the Equestria At War universe. Equestria At War is a mod for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV, be sure to check out their Discord and Reddit if you're not familiar with it. They also have a group on this site:

Cover art was made by MrScroup. (

Rated Teen for some mental innuendo by Rarity (NOT about Flurry Heart!)

Not connected to my other story; this is just something I got inspired to write one night.

Chapters (1)

Given a unique perspective on negative emotion, less than a foal's knowledge of ordinary magic, a healthy schadenfreude, and danger bearing down on all sides, the self-proclaimed "Weiss Noir" makes no plans accounting for his death, and plans to keep it that way, even after being torn away from earth, turned into a unicorn, and dumped into one of the most inhospitable locations and times in all of Equestria.

Stranded in the Frozen North, a place where biting cold ends lives, and one thousand years in the past, in a time when peril is the norm, rather than the exception, Weiss decides to indulge in sorcery most foul, stolen ideas, and human ingenuity to survive.

Given the choice between a mad slaver and a mad sage, however, there is no avoiding an inevitable tide of ponies escaping the conquered Crystal Empire to bask in the warmth of his well-stoked hate. Something which draws attention, enemies, and most worryingly, the rivalry of his "peers".

Join the Discord for free Discussion!

Chapters (160)

Burger King’s tenuous foothold in Equestria could be more profitable if they were able to source beef locally, rather than import it from Earth. A purely financial decision, although the king of the minotaurs and by extension, cows, doesn’t exactly have the same view of the matter.

They think he’s open to negotiations; he knows they’re open to capitulation.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudios!

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis hadn't expected her Canterlot wedding to be interrupted, but she could handle that. She is after all a powerful, cunning, and well fed Queen of a changeling hive. Her plans were too perfect and too far along to fall apart because of one small hitch in the script.

Or so she thought.

She really hadn't expected the second interruption. It made things a little awkward.

A.N.- Special thanks to Thebes for prereading.
Edit- Featured 07/19/2021 Woo hoo! Thanks everyone.:pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Worst Equestrian Necromancer

The world of Equestria is a strange place. Mad necromancers consorting with a regal princess. Gods of chaos released and running free. In this face of insanity, even a single snapshot can lead to glimpses of madness that may amuse and confuse. These are those snapshots.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Necromancy For Foals

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash find themselves drawn by the call of the cutie map to a jungle in the middle of nowhere. Drawn further by the knowledge of an ancient temple, they are confronted with icy cold and a sense of dread.

A Necromancer was sealed away in this temple a thousand years ago.

Now, he is waking up...

((Sequel to Necromancy for Foals. Artwork by The-Minuscule-Task on Tumblr.))

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Princess Luna is dead. Again.

He really should have known better. Saying that he didn't like Princess Luna, even if she could no longer hear him, would have probably lost him the sympathy of many ponies in Canterlot, and it had been perhaps a rash decision for an expert diplomat like him. Still, the damage would not have been irreparable. But how was he supposed to know that she was still alive? Clearly, jumping out of the window had been the only logical course of action after that.

Chapters (2)

Princess Celestia is very concerned about Equestrians’ lack of visits to their primary care physician, and Twilight and her friends are happy to help out on a public health campaign by filming a documentary about their visit to the doctor.

Thing is, they might not be the best ponies for a health campaign...

EDIT: Heyyyy, Featured #2 9/18! Thanks a bunch!
EDIT: Number one same day- glad you all enjoyed!
EDIT: Late Nite 9/20- lmao how is this still at #1
EDIT: Finally off number 1 but it took to 9/21. Actually means a bunch that everyone liked this silly little story :D

Chapters (1)

That thing you're probably expecting it to do? It does that. In fact, it's been doing that over and over, seemingly at random, and the pony involved is just a little ticked off. But that's not the company's problem. It's yours. Your problems can be endlessly denied and blockaded. Any problem which costs more to solve than the solution recovers effectively doesn't exist.

This isn't the company's problem.

Until it is.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)

The Great War was brutal, but thanks to the near inhospitable frozen lands of the north, the Crystal Empire was spared much of the Changeling's Wrath.

While Empress Nightmare Moon leads the battered armies of the Lunar Empire in the occupation of the former Changeling Hives, and reclamation efforts to the south, the Empire is left to its own devices.

Governess Rarity has ruled the Crystal Empire for the last two years since her appointment by the great Empress, Nightmare Moon. With the skills developed from running her fashion business, the Crystal Empire has flourished beyond the imaginations of anycreature.

This prosperity and her renown fairness has made these lands a bastion for anycreature (changeling included) looking for a chance to live in harmony- a true Equestria. But all good things must come to an end. The wars to the south are winding down, and without the need to lead her armies, Nightmare Moon is ready to assess the state of her Empire.

What better place to start than the jewel in the Equestrian Crown?

An idea I've been working before converting it for the Fourth annual Equestria at War Writing Contest.

Cover art belongs to viwrastupr

Chapters (1)