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Princesses Celestia and Luna would quite like to retire, now that Twilight Sparkle's ready to take the throne. But Twilight doesn't seem to have gotten the message.

Reading by Straight To The Point Studio

Thanks to Solstice Shimmer and MitchH for putting up with my random thoughts.

Cover image: this + this

Chapters (1)

Over 5 centuries ago, halfway through Celestia's millennium long reign, a rebellious political faction attempts to take over Equestria and start a new pony republic. Celestia is accused of crimes against ponykind and put on trial in an effort to remove her from power. Celestia must defend herself, and her actions, against the conspirators who aim to take over her kingdom. The fate of friendship and the future of Equestria hangs in the balance.

Told through the perspective of Princess Twilight reading the story to Luster Dawn.

Cover art by Decoy the Skeletal Boy:

Chapters (3)

The Changeling war machine rolled over Equestria in a little over a year. The following three years saw brutal oppression of Equestria by said Changelings, but now the Manehattan Protectorate, covering the eastern coast of Equestria, has collapsed. Out of it the Ponies' Front for the Liberation of Equestria, or Equestrian Liberation Front (ELF) has risen, sending the Changelings reeling as they try to minimise the damage and prepare a counterstrike.

But the uprising left many soldiers of the Heer trapped behind enemy lines, and surrounded on all sides by unfriendly ponies. This is the tale of one such 'ling and his unit, and how he saved his own life and that of the others.

Important: this takes place in the Equestria At War universe. Equestria At War is a mod for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV, be sure to check out their Discord and Reddit if you're not familiar with it. They also have a group on this site:

Cover art:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Good Trooper Gilda

Gilda has been a fugitive, a refugee, a prisoner of war, and a bat-hen to Equestria's fussiest unicorn. But it wasn't until she took 'the Princess's bit', that she began to know something about what it meant to be responsible for the welfare of others, even if the others in question happened to be the pack of imbeciles, blackguards, con-ponies, and bat-ponies who had been fool enough to answer her captain's call to the standard.

A crystalline standard which had not been seen in the living world for over a thousand years.

And although Captain Gleaming Shield and her motley band of raw recruits and shifty bat-ponies aimed to do nothing more exotic and dangerous than put a foreign princess on her proper throne, there are other things stirring in the shadows.

Like calls to like, and the revival of ancient battle-colors may lead to the revival of other, darker memories upon which the rays of Celestia's sun lay lightly and infrequently.

Chapters (54)

Newly-crowned Imperator of Nova Griffonia Erwin Highhill finally has a moment of rest for himself

Important: this takes place in the Equestria At War universe. Equestria At War is a mod for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV, be sure to check out their Discord and Reddit if you're not familiar with it. They also have a group on this site:

Cover art is Erwin's portrait from EAW.

Chapters (1)

This is a primarily a short story about stress, anxiety and the importance of parental affection in the development of young adults against a backdrop of political chaos and instability across the Griffonian Empire after a decade of wars; some large and some small.

If that name is unfamiliar to you, then I'm happy to explain that this story is based on a headcanon from the Hearts of Iron IV mod Equestria at War in which Duchess Gabriella and Duke Gerlach secure Griffenheim and rescue Grover VI from the talons of the Archon. From there they reconquer the empire and look after Grover VI as his wards, which gives us the backdrop to this short story.

I have also decided to flesh out this story, you can find the longfic version here which is currently receiving weekly updates, though that may be subject to change as my exams are coming up.

Chapters (1)

When I agreed to be sent to Equestria I didn't read the fine print. I'm the wrong age, the wrong sex, and lost in the wilderness.

New Cover art commissioned from Lunar Froxy.

Chapters (57)

The following story takes place in the Equestria at War universe. It contains major spoilers for the Manehatten Protecterate.

Lilac didn't consider herself the leader type. And yet here she was, overseeing the vast city of Manehatten and the surrounding provinces. Years ago, after Equestria was conquered, Chrysalis had personally put her in charge of the shining city.

But Lilac soon learned that the ponies of Manehatten wouldn't give up their freedom even after the war was lost. Riots and uprisings were commonplace, and Lilac had her hooves full for years trying to put out the fires. Eventually, after countless promises, reforms, and policies enacted, she had finally gotten most of the ponies to see her not as a tyrant, but as the Protectress she claimed to be.

But the pony resistance was an ever present thorn in her side. Never quitting, never losing hope that one day Equestria could be free again. Thankfully for Lilac, she had managed to pull off something she thought impossible.

She had finally captured them. The leaders of the Equestrian Liberation Front. Now she was presented with the hardest choice she faced yet: What does she do with them?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Dash of Humanity 2: A New Dawn

My time in Equestria has been eventful: I woke up trapped in Dash's head and sharing her body. I saved the world from Discord, adapted to life as a pony, and survived a love triangle between Dash, Soarin, and myself. Just when I thought I could finally relax and enjoy my new relationship, Equestria had one more surprise to throw at me.

I'm trapped in a time loop, cast by some unknown jerk, reliving the same day over and over. Twilight's out of town so I don't get to pull my favorite move: the ask a Princess to fix it for you card. As the only pony who can remember the time loop, it's up to me to fix it. I'll have to get help from the few unicorns left in town: Rarity, Lyra, and my new neighbor Minuette. Could this day get any worse?

Editor: TheEighthDayofNight
Updates: Wednesday and Saturday
A Re-Write of Dash of Humanity 3, focused on the Comedy HiE aspects that made the first two stories a success.

Chapters (22)

A filly waits in a small white room. Waiting for her friends to visit. "Hi! I'm Silver Spoon and I'm the Perfect Patient! What medical symptoms would you like to treat today?"

Winner of the Magic Fades and Science Grows contest on Quills and Sofas.

TW for lots of gore and emotionally cruel treatment of a child. Read with care, and if emotional child abuse is something you've experienced perhaps steer clear of this one. I think my initial trigger warning wasn't extensive enough, so apologies if anyone was disturbed by the content. This is a grimdark look at sentience, souls, and the way people/ponies treat things they perceive to be inhuman.

Chapters (1)