• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Celestia and Luna 790 stories
  • Celestia and Luna 790 stories Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stories all kept under one library
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - December, 2019
Found 789 stories in 93ms

Total Words: 28,096,385
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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On family day after the bittersweet ending to reflections story arc, princess celestia gets a very special present

Warning: May contain spoilers of reflections story arc from comic series

Chapters (1)

Little Celestia's peaceful day is interrupted by her younger sister's scream! What could it be? An injury? A monster?? No, worse... the cookies are gone! Can Celestia and Luna put together the clues and track down the culprit? Will they ever see those cookies again?

Set in the same "universe" as my main story, Into the Light! (Consider this a... soft prequel, I suppose!)

Featured November 14-16, 2022!

Chapters (1)

When an unprecedented magical storm washes over Equestria, a new visitor emerges from the aftermath in one of the nations most dangerous regions: the Everfree. Leaving a strange creature in the care of Princess Celestia. Leaving much to be desired about her unknown guest until they recover.

Chapters (10)

Sombra's castle has been breached after a long war, and he decides to cast a spell to end it all for the time being.

Chapters (1)

Luna finds a note from a secret admirer of hers. Can this romance succeed or is it doomed to tragic failure?

I figured I'd try my hand at poetry for a change of pace. I've always wanted to attempt such a thing.

This piece is greatly inspired by a page of dropped verse I found on the ground some time ago. I found it beautiful, if short, and began immediately wondering how I could incorporate it into some horse words. Hopefully, I do the original justice, and you don't find my words hoarse.

Chapters (1)

In the catacombs of the underworld, a plan is unfolding. One that will leave one brother imprisoned for his crimes. But there is something about walking away free that doesn't seem right to Scorpan.

Expanded entry to The Writeoff Association's August 2014 Minific Event.
The prompt was "Famous Last Words".

Chapters (1)

This holiday season is the worst time of Sunset's life. Anon-a-miss has made everyone believe that she has returned to her old ways and is now the target of everyone in the school.

Having just about enough pain and suffering Sunset tries to end it all but is saved and brought back to place where she can recover by an unlikely counterpart.

Now with the peace in the dark and guidance of the light, will Sunset prove her innocence to Canterlot High and even perhaps fulfill a dream she had long accepted would never come true.

(For those who read the MLP IDW comics, there will slight references here and there, so be warned)

Chapters (1)

Luna has a problem. She's spent all of her royal allowance, and she wants to go shopping! What's a mare to do? Ask her older sister of course! But when she is shot down for her own idea, Celestia decides that if Luna's going to get some extra bits, she's gotta earn it.

And so, Luna's going to have to clean out a vault filled to the brim with a thousand years worth of tributary gifts. Gifts she didn't ask for, or know she had, or even want! What will she do? Well, when you need bits, you do as the ponies do. Roll up your figurative sleeves and get to work!

(Based on a dream I had. Yeah, I'm a strange one.)

Chapters (1)

Celestia wants Muffins. Luna just wants her to shut up. Both requires money. She decides to withdraw money from an ATM like all the other ponies. An epic battle to the death ensues. Just another Tuesday in Equestria.

Chapters (1)

A sudden turn of events have left Taylor, A 16 year old living in Minnesota, sitting in Equestria, wondering what the hell kind of children's fantasy this is. Now, he has another chance to start over, make new friends, have new experiences, and possibly get a relationship. (yet the thought has yet to come) How will he do? And how will he get along? only time will tell what events lay ahead with his 'second chance'.

Chapters (10)