• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Celestia and Luna 790 stories
  • Celestia and Luna 790 stories Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stories all kept under one library
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - December, 2019
Found 789 stories in 104ms

Total Words: 28,096,387
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Luna laments the passing of her mother.

Now a dramatic reading by Flash Photo on YouTube!

Go check it out: The Moon and Her Star

Thanks Flash Photo!

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon is alone and wishes to have a daughter to share her kingdom on the moon with. Twilight is alone and wishes to have a mother that will love her. What happens when their wishes are granted? Read and find out.

Russian Translation for the story here. Thankyou NovemberDragon for doing the translation you are awesome.

So let's just turn this into a meme why don't we? Filly Twilight adopted by Villian X! I don't know I saw the ones with Daybreaker and Chrysalis and thought, "Oh what the hell I'll do it too because it's fun!" So here I am bringing you a story in a similar vein. Please enjoy the story and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcome. If you are going to downvote tell me why you did so I can improve. (Unless you're being an a**hole than I don't want you here.)

Featured on 7/10/18
Day one featured! That's awesome thank you all!


Thank you Julunis14 for the amazing cover art! Go give her some love she really deserves it!

Chapters (1)

Moonshadow lives in a palace, and he is a noble pony, like his parents. But at the same time he's just an ordinary little colt, and like all little colts, he sometimes can't sleep at night, so he goes to his mom and dad's bedroom.

Chapters (1)

In the aftermath of Nightmare Moon's banishment, Celestia was left with grief. She lost Luna to the Nightmare's corruption, the Castle of the Two Sisters lay in ruin, and the Everfree was scarred by the battle. Despite everything, ponies call on her to lower the moon. So, the Princess is left with the Moon and her grief.

Featured November 17-18, 2022!
Companion piece to Interstellar
Part I in the Royal Pains AU

Chapters (1)

Luna goes to Manehattan Comic Con in disguise, meeting and spending the day with an online friend there.

Just a quick thing I needed off my mind. Nothing fancy, just a bit of cute, and a bunch of geeking out.

Image Source

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Night has quickly become Luna's most favorite holiday, but after last year's disastrous dinner party, Celestia has forbidden her from playing pranks on the guests.

Unfortunately for her sister, Luna loves this night far too much to give up her pranks, and if she can't prank the guests, then she'll just have to make do with the hostess.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna decides that the Sisterhooves Social is the perfect opportunity to spend some quality bonding time with Princess Celestia. Do Sweetie Belle and Applebloom stand a chance or do the princesses of Equestria have this competition in the bag?

Chapters (3)

Princess Luna has a problem. Her elder sister is nowhere to be found, and it's almost time to raise the sun! The clues in her room point to one obvious conclusion, but in her sister's absence, Luna must assume her duties. The night princess can think of but one pony perfect for the task of tracking down her sister: her most faithful student.

(I know some folks have been wanting a Celestia chapter of my fic 'A Pony Walks into a Bar', so think of this as kind of a spiritual successor to that hypothetical chapter.)

Chapters (1)

To save her sister and her faithful student, Celestia herself must travel into the ancient tunnels beneath the ruined castle in the Everfree Forest. She, and the guards who accompany her, must face the dark, twisting corridors. Still, what was Luna and Twilight's purpose at the old castle? Why were they unable to return of their own accord?

And what watches Celestia from beyond the light's edge?

Chapters (6)

Everyone knows how easily forgiving Twilight was in "A Canterlot Wedding" but what if she wasn't? Instead, Twilight becomes resentful and lashes out on how they've left her. Will she ever find a way to forgive them?

Now on TV TROPES! Bitterness

After all this long waiting...


I'll be posting a small teaser on what I've been working on, before midnight. Until then, I will be updating a new chapter later on in this New Year!

Special thanks to The Myth andCavenerd20 for editing some of my works.

PS: I am now asking for more editors as I've gotten complaints on how shitty my past/present tense uses are. Please PM me if you got Google Doc and ask Myth that I've gotten my ass to work.

Chapters (12)