• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Celestia and Luna 790 stories
  • Celestia and Luna 790 stories Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stories all kept under one library
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - December, 2019
Found 789 stories in 92ms

Total Words: 28,096,387
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

When Celestia and Luna took over the sun and moon, they came with manuals.

Now, as they browse the manuals, they find 'extra settings'.

Now, what do they do—

screams are heard in the distance

Written by iAmSiNnEr. Inspired by Shrink Laureate. Not to be taken seriously.

Chapters (1)

At her beloved sister's pestering, Luna takes a long zeppelin ride to the desert city of Saddle Arabia for a diplomatic tour. She hits it off with the delegates there, but there is one diplomat she is having the most difficult time negotiating a reasonable deal.

Can Luna use her diplomatic charm and patience to overcome this bothersome diplomat?

Inspired by the fanart Never joke with Princess Luna
By artist Papygai4ik
Wanted to go for light teen humour, so I hope you all like this take.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna's daughter, Dawn, has one simple wish for her birthday that is anything but simple to grant. She wants to see her father. Problem is, he was banished for 1,000 years and despite her insisting he is not a bad pony and that there is still good in him, she may never get the chance to find out. How can a mother who is also a demi-Goddess and Princess of Equestria bear the weight of refusing her child's deepest, most fervent wish, especially when she was the one who had to destroy him in the first place?

Cover art by Oriana-jua. Thank you for letting me use the beautiful piece of artwork that inspired this story.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Geoverse Prologue: The Last Of His Kind

Celestia was there as Anthony, who was the last human in Equestria, passed away.

She was heartbroken — but before he died, Anthony reminded her that she would see him again.

Now that Luna has returned, and been freed of Nightmare's corruption, that time has finally come...


Commissioned by ARchy4288. Written in first person from Celestia's point of view.


Chapters (1)

Lead by Fair Esteem, the Royal Advisers of Equestria stopped a young female pegasus named Endowa because she was on her way to carry out an abortion. In hopes of saving the life of the unborn foal, they decide to bring Endowa before Celestia to see what the Ruler of Equestria has to say concerning the matter.

Although reluctant to terminate the pregnancy, Endowa feels that she is entitled to choose an abortion because the pregnancy was the product of a stallion that betrayed her trust and raped her.

So how will the verdict play out?

Will Princess Celestia protect the right of the unborn foal to live or will she affirm the mare's right to choose?

OC Artwork: dbkit
Background: Tamalesyatole
Vector: MattyHex

Chapters (1)

When the guards find a foal crying in the city streets, they bring him to Celestia's attention. Soon after, It becomes apparent he has fallen through every crack in Equestria's society. Feeling she has failed the colt, Celestia takes him into her own home.

Special thanks to my editors: ersmiller and Rinnaul and to my comrades in crazy ideas Exelzior and BionicBrony.

Chapters (30)

Celestia and Scootaloo are homeless in a Ponyville alleyway together. They like to talk about things.

These are the things they talk about.

Note: The crayon scribbles of a plot is done, but the ride never ends story still updates.

Chapters (43)

Godzilla Junior falls in love for the wise and beautiful Princess Luna. Yet his doubts worries him. Does he deserve to love at least once? Would Luna love him as well? Junior must step out of his comfort zone and admit his feelings, hoping for the best.

1) Godzilla Junior is owned by Toho. Luna by Hasbro.
2) I give a great amount of thanks to Tarbtano for letting me use his version of Godzilla Jr. Yes it's the same character I'm writing about here. Also thanks to him for the proofreading and corrections.
3) This is NOT a chapter from or for "The Bridge." Rather yet, it's a fanfic based off the events and characters of the story.
4) Enjoy my first story!
5) Any image used here I DO NOT own. All fanwork of Godzilla Jr. and Luna belongs to their rightful owner. Great work artists from DA!

Chapters (3)

It's Sisterhooves Social time again. This year, Dash catches wind of two new competitors and gets Spike to bet on the race. When her team is revealed to be a rather famous set of siblings, it looks like poor Spike will be her slave for a week! However, due to a team of masseurs, a minor invasion, unfortunate addictions, and dubious barrel components, victory might not be as near as she thinks...

Chapters (2)