• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Celestia and Luna 790 stories
  • Celestia and Luna 790 stories Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stories all kept under one library
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - December, 2019
Found 789 stories in 69ms

Total Words: 28,096,387
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Some ponies ruin Hearth's Warming by burning dinner or spilling cocoa on the carpet.

Sunset Shimmer ruins it by getting you both banished to the Saddle Arabian desert.

Preread by NaiadSagaIotaOar.

Written for herfaithfulstudent for Jinglemas 2021.

Chapters (1)

Shortly after Princess Luna returned from her thousand-year banishment, she discovered that the species she loved, the bat ponies, are still alive, in the section of Canterlot overshadowed by the mountain that stands above it. She is saddened by the condition of the slums that the race are forced to live in. Wandering through, she meets a very special bat pony, who is willing to break the law valiantly just to protect three young souls from a life they shouldn't have to live.

"Honorable Mention" of the Bat Ponies and Thestrals 2017 Writing Competition.

Written for my friend Grem.

Edited by DwarvishPony

Cover art by Sun Stone

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the artwork The Pink One Had Many
By artist Littleivy25

It's Nightmare Night and Fluttershy wants nothing to do with it. She has a quiet spot under the bed ready and she just wants to crawl under it and read with her critter friends. Unfortunately, some pony in the middle of the night has a surprise in store for her.

A One-off quick idea that came to me, looking at art on my DA account.

Thank you once again to StraightToThePointStudio for an amazing reading
Blame the Pink One by StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)

It’s midnight in Canterlot.

All the ponies have turned in for the night, and the city’s lights are shutting off. The moon now casts its face over the city. Princess Celestia’s duties are over for the day, but she feels empty. Her best friend, who is a human, Marcus, goes to cheer her up. His plan takes a mischievous turn when he takes her on a quick stroll to get away, if only for an hour.

Under the radiant moonlight, the heart’s true feelings are revealed.

**Featured on 12/16-17/21

Chapters (1)

It's been a few weeks since Luna's returned from the moon, and all is not well. She's become more introverted than ever, rarely leaving her room and obsessing over work. Celestia hopes that studying Twilight Sparkle's Friendship Reports will at least help her get out of her shell, though an unusually talkative servant may just help in that regard...and is anypony else getting strange feelings from that statue out in the gardens?

As of May 4th, now featured on Equestria Daily. *Squee*

Chapters (10)

If I am to tell you my story, I think it is important for you to know that I was not always the Teacher, or Doctor that I am today. In fact, helping ponies with their everyday problems in this office has been a fairly recent change in my life. Before then, I had traveled the world with a Dragon. And before that, I had spent all of my time reading books without knowing what I was looking for. And before then...well, even I don’t know all of the details...


Over four months in the making, this story will be going along with a "Dramatic Reading" series on my YouTube channel, with a total of Four chapters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7MpIoUOxow I've been getting requests from my watchers for many months to create an origin story for the character of DRWolf. So with some general concepts I thought up, and with the help of Godzillawolf: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Godzillawolf who did the majority of the writing, we are most pleased to present this tale for your enjoyment.

Chapters (4)

Shadowlance, a lunar guard learns the hard way not to give Luna coffee. Ever.

Chapters (2)

Inspired by the artwork A Royal Picnic by ShutterflyEQD

Set after Season 7 Episode 10- A Royal Problem

After a mission well done, Princess Celestia invites Starlight for breakfast before she and Twilight leave for Ponyville. Starlight, finally out of Twilight's questioning has a chat with Twilight's own long-time teacher. They find that both teachers have a lot in common, and turns out that the student and teacher are more alike than Starlight thought.

Going for a nice, easy-going one-to-one character story for this.

Chapters (1)

Bandit has always been a straight-A student. Putting forth the hardest work for the highest grade. But when he spends two weeks on a project with little sleep, he feels cheated of his grade. How does he handle it? Well, he handles the grade well enough, he doesn't handle the reason why entirely well.

This is canon to the FaM universe.

Chapters (1)