• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Celestia and Luna 790 stories
  • Celestia and Luna 790 stories Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stories all kept under one library
    Created by Skyblazer9
    - December, 2019
Found 789 stories in 85ms

Total Words: 28,096,385
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Rumble hates Hearts and Hooves day. It's the most boring holiday ever, and does not deserve even a bit of the recognition and attention it gets. Why would you even like it? All you do is hang the paper cut outs (in form of hearts) everywhere and listen to boring lectures at school about the importance of love. How dull!

However, Rumble's opinion of this holiday is about to be turned upside down. For you see, he has never had a marefriend before, never even thought about getting one. He doesn't even consider dating. But he is about to experience just how difficult it can be when you try it yourself — and not just with anypony, no.

His (un)fortunate marefriend is none other than the princess.

100% approved by Celestia's Library!

Chapters (1)

Their secret affair was always forbidden, yet at the same time, they were meant to be. Such a horrible paradox. This is the story of the beginning and the end of Princess Celestia's tragically perfect love life.

Comic spoilers btw
also don't ask how this happened 'cause i have no idea

Chapters (1)

Meet Nicholas, a doomsday prepper living in northern Colorado, one day on his way home from work he comes across something... strange to say the least.

Chapters (3)

It's the end, the war has been lost. The simultaneous return of Sombra and Chrysalis has been too much for Equestria and my little ponies. There is but on thing I can do now. I pray it works.

Entry for Aeluna's contest.

Chapters (1)

”We all must bear our burdens, but though we keep moving forward, we also must never forget what we left behind so that we may learn from it.” --- Princess Luna

The first story in the Spiral of Fate Saga.

For centuries, scholars have theorized that it was Luna’s jealousy over Celestia’s power that made the younger princess rebel. These same scholars then wrote the very history books that foals read to this day, a thousand years later. Few, however, knew the full truth.

Luna’s fall was not some nation-wide rebellion, nor was it some jealousy-fueled tantrum. The truth was far more shameful and cruel. It had indeed been Celestia’s fault, but not for the reasons that history said it was.

And so, on this cold and somber night, Celestia remembers the day of her greatest folly.

FEATURED: 2021/08/15 - 2021/08/17

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle sees how far Equestria has fallen since her coronation, despite her best efforts to maintain friendship and magic in the world. However, with a heavy heart, she makes a decision that will change Equestria forever.

A/N; A possible history of how what happened to the magic of Equestria. Short, simple, and to the point. Hope you like it.

Cover art was taken from Google Images.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by her sister's collection of letters on friendship, Princess Luna decides to start a collection of her own. She puts the call out through all of Equestria, asking for her subjects' help in collecting the lore of the land. Myths, legends, history, everything dreams are made of, all of it is welcome in her new library.

The first collaboration of The Library of Trivial Lore and Other Things.

Chapters (7)

When Bandit and Celestia decide to have a little Mother-Son breakfast outing, they decide to head to a new restaurant. But things don't go appropriately planned when Bandit is the first to enter the restaurant.

This is a short, interseason story that's Canon to the FaM universe.

Hope you all like it.

Chapters (1)

For Discord, causing chaos is not a hobby or even his job. It is what he does. So when Tirek offered him an excuse to cut loose from harmony and friendship, only to be rebuffed, Discord went against his very nature. For a spirit like him, this is similar to willingly poisoning himself.

Chapters (1)

Using the time travel spell, she decides to travel to alternate timelines to find out what the life of the ponies in the alternate timeline is like. Twilight Sparkle arrives in alternative timeline that leaves her quite surprised. Luna is the ruler of Equestria and not Celestia. Sunset Shimmer is the Princess Luna student. After this shock, she explores this different Equestria and tries to accept this alternate timeline and return home and tell Spike.

Twilight Sparkle vector belongs to Eagle1Division
Background belongs to Ambassad0r

Chapters (4)