• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Rainbow Dash 453 stories
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Total Words: 9,857,340
Estimated Reading: 3 weeks



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About a year ago, Rainbow Dash, one of the greatest athletes to ever attend Canterlot High, confessed her love to you, and even asked you out. You didn't know how to respond. At the time, rejection seemed like the best way to go. After she confessed, you ignored her; afraid of her trying to attract you, and also afraid of accidentally saying something to break her heart even more.

Now, Rainbow Dash has come to you with a question that has been on her mind for months.

Proofread by AngelDCS

This story now has a live reading by Naviskypegasus.

Chapters (1)

The girl that sits right next to you is bragging everyday in class. Her name is Rainbow Dash. You can't concentrate without her talking to you about how fast she can run or how good her grades are. But what happens when you get partnered up with her.

This story was inspired by A Cupcake for Your Thoughts
Made by Nordryd

Chapters (1)

[EqG] Rainbow Dash injures herself during a run one morning. When you step in to intervene, she's unsure how to react.

Rated T for some language.

Chapters (8)

Dick loves pepsi.
Do you love pepsi too?
Do you like being thrown into a land of colorful ponies?
Dick doesn't like being thrown into a land of colorful ponies.
And Dick especially doesn't like ponies trying to steal his only possession.
His very last bottle of pepsi.
Ponies love pepsi, and Dick doesn't know why.
Ponies are trying to steal Dick's pepsi.
But he will not let them.
It's his Precious Pepsi.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow dares Pinkie to eat a stick full of spiders. Things don't go as planned when Pinkie accepts the dare.

Inspired by Zajice's Pinkie Picture (Source on the cover) when I was cleaning through my favorites.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash continues her reign as a prized fighter and doesn't shy away from a few fans asking for her autograph but when she is offered a huge prize to make sure her opponent tonight does not fight another fight again. Risking it all comes with a price.

Collaboration with spideremblembrony.

Thanks to Izanagi for the name, Tiger Lilly, check out his list of OC names.

Chapters (1)

A teenage boy, who has been picked on his who life, tries to get through his new school, which was worse than all the other schools he attended, he has been trying to get through this school. But his new principal sees him as nothing but trouble. He then comes back to his house, alone, and inside was a rainbow haired girl on his bed.

Rainbow Dash herself, was surprised to be in a strange new world, in a strange new body. She asks the human teenager for help and support until she can find a way back home to Equestria. The teenage boy and his single mom are willing to let her stay until she could go back home.

Chapters (12)

Rainbow Dash loves flying more than anything else in the world. Anyone can see the passion that burns in her eyes while she's soaring high above the clouds riding the tailwinds. She lives for adventure no matter what the cost may be.

Does anything out there have the ability to outrival her love of flight?

Chapters (5)

Set in Dashverse. Applejack is taking Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie out to Appleloosa to help with the Apple Family Reunion and so she can compete in the Appleloosa Rodeo! Amid the celebrations of the Reunion, the rodeo and the one year anniversary of the peace agreement with the buffalo, Applejack finds that her favorite cousin, Braeburn, has been involved in making changes--including bucking tradition instead of apples.

How she attempts to deal with this, and her friendly-rivalry with Rainbow Dash, will push Applejack to her limits.

Chapters (4)

Dark, grey clouds settle over a treeless plain. Icy rain soaks your mane. Old castle ruins, infested with changelings, loom over the town. This is the village of Trottingham.

But in Roseluck’s garden, lies a beacon of hope in this desolate land.

In her garden grows a lone rose bush.

This story is set in an AU similar to 19th century England. Think Sherlock Holmes.

UPDATE: Recieved an honorable mention in the Season 10 Bingo contest. Cover image Derpibooru 1497010.

"Stunning piece of art, I truly enjoyed reading it." --EverfreePony

Thanks to EverfreePony for beta reading!

Chapters (1)