• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Rainbow Dash 453 stories
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This story is a sequel to A Sick Date

It has been exactly four months since the camp CHS holds, now commonly known among students as the Everfree Camp-Out. Now, one week after it happened, you got your braces. Soon afterwards, Rainbow Dash did too. Now you remember what she did to you, and you didn't know what she was up to now, but... She was acting stranger than usual. But you'll soon find out why.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in all of Equestria has had a few moments of her life that would break most ponies. But she has held true. Eventually being graced by the privilege that is parenthood. Link to cover art and inspiration for this fic. http://selinmarsou.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d5gnipq

Chapters (1)

Prism Bolt, the son of Rainbow Dash and Soarin, is destined for greatness. Everypony knows he will be an expert flier, just like his parents. This is not speculation, this is fact. There is just one tiny little problem.

He's afraid of heights.

When Rainbow Dash attempts to encourage her son, she will find that not everything in the world comes as easily to her as flying did.

Once again, original characters and cover art are the creations of the incredibly talented Kilala97. Check out her works and give her some love!

Thanks to Flint Sparks for pre reading!

Chapters (1)

It's time for the Wonderbolts' weekly media roundup. This time around, the newest member has a simple question with a rather complex answer.

An entry in Estee's Ship Sinkers contest. The following story was written solely to fulfill that contest's prompt and does not reflect the author's opinion towards any potential pairings between small cartoon horses. Please think before commenting.

Spoilers for S6E7, "Newbie Dash." Rated Teen for some oblique references to rear orifices and potential uses thereof.

Chapters (1)

In an alternate Equestria, The Wonderbolts and The Shadowbolts are two organized groups that began as friends, but over the years, a feud between them has grown into a nearly all-out war between them. But when one of the sons of the Shadowbolts leader, Soarin, falls in love with a Wonderbolt, Rainbow Dash, the feud is challenged, and leads to even further conflict. Will the feud be put to rest, or will the lovers face the same fate as another famous tragic couple?

Chapters (22)

Rainbow Dash has a crush on Soarin; she isn't willing to admit her feelings.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Scholarly Snuggles

After Twilight snuggles you (on Princess Celestia's orders) to learn about how the magic of cuddling relates to the magic of friendship, Twilight decides that her other friends should learn the same lesson- and sends you to Rainbow Dash first. Adorable cuddling and some surprising truths about Rainbow Dash (eventually) follow.

A sequel to "Scholarly Snuggles" and "Seraphic Snuggles", and the third story in the "Snuggles" series.

Chapters (1)

Once the portal was opened, new aliens called 'ponies' started appearing all over Earth. They're very friendly and very cute, but there's a problem: They don't seem to understand the concept of 'personal space.'

As I found out a few times.

Featured April 9th, 2020. Thanks guys!

Now with a Sequel!

Chapters (4)

What would you do if you woke up one day to find an Alicorn Princess Goddess passed out drunk on your doorstep, unable to be awoken? Rainbow Dash certainly has her hooves full with this one. How is she going to handle this??

Chapters (1)

Thorax is keeping residence at Twilight's castle, and Spike has the brilliant idea of using his powers for some "pranks", but things don't quite go exactly as planned...

So Thorax is really fun to write. He's basically Fluttershy in a changeling's body, super awkward, unaware of things to a comedic fault, and just wants to please everybody. At least that's how I like to portray him. Hope you enjoy!

Dash Vector
Spike Vector
Twilight Vector

Chapters (4)