• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Rainbow Dash 453 stories
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Equestria is at War.

The remnants of an Enemy once thought vanquished returns and has brought all of Equestria to it's knees. After two years of fighting, the battle to decide the fate of Ponyville will soon begin.

As she mentally prepares herself for upcoming assault. Rainbow Dash decides to have a conversation with a pony whom just a few years ago was the sworn enemy of Equestria.

It was a Question that has been burning in her mind for a very long time.

"Sombra, Why did you join the Royal Guard?"


Well here is my second story. This idea has been brewing within my mind for a long time. I have searched all over but I've never seen a story that had King Sombra with this concept so I decided I would try my hand at it. Hope you all enjoy! :twilightsheepish:

Also this is NOT related to my previous story 'Just Close you Eyes' in anyway. This story is completely separate.

Artwork by the awesome AiriniBlock

Chapters (1)

There are many things you can think about after almost dying.

For Applejack and Rainbow Dash, it's what comes after.

Written for Appledash Contest #6 - "Go Big or Go Home".
Inspired by Fighting Scars by majoramask.
Edited by Pascoite and ROBCakeran53.
Preread by Flashgen.
Original art by uar1.

Chapters (1)

A new stallion comes into Ponyville, but will his charisma and fiery personality win the heart of a rainbow maned pegasus?

Blaze is a determined, and athletic pegasus. He moved out of his old town because of the horrors and terrible memories it contains. He left to find a better life in Ponyville, but when he got there, he fell in love. How will he handle it? Will things turn out well? Will his past come back to haunt him? Will the mare of his dreams love him back? Why is Derpy so bucking adorable? Read and find out!
(This story has comedy in it, therefore it has slight language. Nothing serious at all though)

P.S. Yes, I understand this has a cliché story-line, but don't let that turn you off about it, I tried making it as unique as possible
This is out of topic but if you enjoy this story, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. I'm better with stories than videos
the link is here: http://www.youtube.com/user/NeonThePegasus?feature=mhee

Chapters (11)

Rainbow Dash and The Doctor both need their friends to keep them from getting too far out of control, but spending an evening together over mugs of cider they both release their inhibitions and share some of their crazier moments with one another.

Image by GammaEradon at deviantart

(Used with permission)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow's world came crashing down when she gave Twilight the first draft of her manuscript. It was terrible, and Twilight pointed it out. But Twilight didn't know the whole story. She didn't know what the story meant to Rainbow...

T for Suicide References.

Chapters (1)

(Story based on a concept teased by Lauren Faust, written as an early birthday present for Madeline Peters and Ashliegh Ball. Proofread by Smity1038 on Deviant Art and proofread and edited by deadpansnarker on FiMFiction.)

Scootaloo is called home one day after school lets out because her parents have something important they need to tell her, they're going out to dinner to celebrate their anniversary.

Of course, that means Scootaloo will need a foalsitter for the evening, and her parents already have the perfect pony in mind for the job. But Scootaloo doesn't think she needs a foalsitter anymore and can take care of herself. When her parents insist otherwise, Scootaloo decides there's only one thing to do, run away from home before the foalsitter shows up!

Unfortunately, Scootaloo will quickly discover that it's not an easy task to hide from her parents OR her big sister, not in a town where all of Scootaloo's best hiding places are well known. Will Scootaloo figure out a way to outsmart the grown-ups?

Chapters (1)

This is a second person Romantic fic involving you, as Silverbolt - a renown Wonderbolt who is the colt of many mare's dreams. You meet Rainbow Dash and Applejack, two lovely mares at the Running of the Leaves, and when Dash finds out that you're a Wonderbolt, she takes an instant fascination towards you. However, when she introduces you to her friend Applejack, she blows yu away with her beauty. What would you go through to woo the love of your life?

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash's mom receives a letter about her daughter's heroism in combat. Now she sits, shaking and trying her best to keep it together as she reads the letter at the kitchen table with tears coursing down. Her daughter was a hero. Was. You see, Captain Rainbow "Danger" Dash of the 91st Wing...isn't coming home.

EDIT: I was contacted and a brony (Seal2001) did a translation of it in Chinese. It's beautifully done and I think it deserves some love. You can find it in the following link

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is Leaving to go to the Wonderbolts Academy, the best College for Athletics. 12 of her teammates from CHS are joining her and have obtained a house for them to share nearby. As nervous as she is, an old friend is going to make things interesting!

Image by Sparkling-Sunset on DeviantArt

Chapters (10)

Rainbow Dash's dream has come true, and she's been accepted for training at Wonderbolt Academy. All she needs to do is fill out a few forms, get fitted for a uniform, and get vaccinated for Feather Flu.

That last one might be a bit of a problem.

Marston241 showed me the picture, and I pretty much had to write a fic based on it.

Chapters (1)