• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Rainbow Dash 453 stories
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Drone 319, Queen Chrysalis's top spy in Ponyville, finds himself hovering over Ciderfest tied to a balloon. Why? He doesn't know. When asked what he's doing, he says the first thing that comes to mind to keep his cover.

"I'm a Zeppelin."

Picture art https://derpibooru.org/301934

[Featured 11/11-17/2016 :yay:]

(Now with audio reading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqaOKuSnH1I&feature=youtu.be)

Chapters (1)

My name is Captain Ares Andrews. I'm an AH-64 Apache pilot attached to the 101st Airborne division in Ft Campbell Kentucky. I'm not suffering PTSD, I didn't get sucked through a portal, or any of that nonsense. In fact, the last time I even heard the name 'Rainbow Dash', I was a college kid. That show went off the air like five years ago! But, regardless of when the last time I dove into the land of pony art and stories was, it doesn't change the fact that I have something in my house that fans of the show would probably kill for. And I have no idea how she got here, when she's leaving, whether or not she's even real. But she's here alright.

Chapters (2)

Once, Ford was just a human who led a boring and lonely life. But suddenly, his life is turned upside down as a mysterious golden light not only transported him to the magical world of Equestria, but has also transformed him into a Pegasus Pony without a Cutie Mark! Despite how much of a fan he is of MLP:FIM, he can't help but feel concern on what kind of consequences his presence might bring on account of his knowledge of a fictional cartoon show.

Now, under the identity of "Ford Mustang", he must face many trials ahead of him. Will he be able to blend in with the rest of the pony community? Will he ever be able to earn his Cutie Mark? Can he make it back home in time before the ponies learn the truth about him? And what happens when he starts to fall in love with a certain cyan Pegasus with the spectrum-colored mane? Find out on the incredible journey of Ford Mustang!

Chapters (29)

Rainbow Dash's son learns that unexpected surprises may come from those we underestimate. A story on father/son bonding.

Updated with self-drawn/colored coverart.

Chapters (11)

It's been ten years since Rainbow Dash's father disappeared in a wild, fierce thunderstorm. When the same strange storm hits Ponyville, Rainbow Dash does as much as she can to try and stop it from happening again.

But magic has a strange habit of making things reappear, opening old wounds that could change Rainbow Dash's life forever.

Chapters (11)

As a new Wonderbolt, Rainbow Dash is less than enthused about getting weather duty over Ponyville: nothing but fluffy clouds for a whole week. However, things change when she finds a way to entertain others, and more importantly: herself!

Winner of the Second Colorful Characters contest, starring Rainbow Dash, in the Qulls and Sofas Speedwriting Group. Also featured by Seattle's Angels!

Chapters (1)

The leader of a successful rock band in Equestria has everything he could want- the money, the fame, the power, the fans. But, despite having the lifestyle of his dreams, something is strangely amiss; when he's offstage, he feels empty inside, and he's not sure if this lifestyle can fill the void... until he meets a cyan pegasus with a multi-colored mane.

(My first fanfic here!)

Rainbow Dash/OC

PG-13 for possible mild language.

Chapters (18)

Passion for flight - Rainbow Dash wouldn't be who she is if she didn't love spreading her wings and fly.

However, one crash sets off a chain of events where she finds herself facing her greatest nemesis from within and she doesn't have her friends around for support. Instead, she turns to somepony else that she just met but may be the best qualified to assist. Together, they start developing a friendship and face challenges that may place them in more jeopardy than they could ever imagine.

Cover Art by AstralFray

Editing Assistance from: Shaleclaw, Azusa, krabynaby123 & Duel Monster

Comics related to this fan fiction universe: Return to Flight Series Comics

Chapters (15)

After an acident at a Concert, I wake up in Equestria with all my memories intact. Trying to create a new life will be a challange I have to face, but it proves to be difficult in a society that is the complete opposite to what I am used to. Will I manage to find my place here in my new home or will it just end in another failure?

This story is named after the song that gave me the courage to finally start posting here.

Sex Tag is only for implied sex in the later chapters.

Edit 02.06.2020: Changed rating from E to T for the fool language, what I plan to do, and for implied sex in the later chapters.

Cover by the amazing Mix-up, check out his DA here.

Big thanks go to rikithemonk for his help with editing this story until the Interluder VI. Ch. 33, 34, and 37 are edited by Luckyfanisaac. Also many thanks go to Javarod who joined the team as a proofreader.

From now on, you find out who helped with what in the AN of each Chapter.

Featured on 21.12.2020, Thank you guys for all of your support, otherwise this wouldn't have been possible. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (45)

War. War is a powerful word, and a dangerous thing. When all else fails, and we are not able to reach the standards we desire, the things we want, feel that should be ours some turn to war. And while Equestria itself does not face war, an alternate world does.

King Sombra's return, was more detrimental than any could imagine. Controlling ponies was a catalyst that brought about Sombra taking over a large section of Equestria, but controlling other species was what started a grand battle on Equus of which the likes Princess Celestia never imagined could ever happen. And right now, the moment to end that war, lies on the shoulders of a pegasus, a broken pegasus. General Rainbow Dash of The Resistance.

Rainbow Dash has lost a lot, her dignity as a pegasus, many of her friends to the war and Sombra's antics. But Sombra is strong, he is powerful, he is confident. He has made calculations and has prepared for this very moment.

What he didn't prepare for, was a certain Stormtrooper to join the battle and aid Rainbow Dash in the fight, that would ultimately decide the world's fate.

Chapters (1)