• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Drama 979 stories
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Total Words: 36,282,821
Estimated Reading: 14 weeks



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Sky Scraper's rocky tenure at Crystal Prep comes to an end when he gets into a fight and is expelled. He transfers to Canterlot High, where his family hopes he can pull himself together. Upon arriving at his new school, he meets a lovely girl named Lyra Heartstrings, whose friendship may be just what he needs to help rebuild his self-esteem. And as the semester goes on, their friendship may blossom into something more.

This story begins two months before Friendship Games.

Featured on 1/29/2023!

Chapters (15)

The State of Chiropterra had existed in isolated secrecy for a thousand years. Descended from the most loyal Legions of Nightmare Moon, they employed extreme measures to survive on a hostile continent, relentlessly preparing for the night of their Empress's glorious return.

But now their historic task is complete, Nightmare Moon sits undisputed upon the Equestrian throne, and Chiropterra's fate in the New Lunar Millenium is to be decided.

Amongst it all, the Equestrian General Selenite had befriended two Chiropterrans from opposite ideological persuasions, the hardline conservative Auburn Leaf and the moderate reformist Lucent Eclipse. As Chiropterra's future hangs in the balance, so does their relationship.

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe. More information can be found here, but no prior knowledge of my AU is required to read this story.

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft.

Chapters (1)

Equestria is at war. The land is plagued by an unending horde of timberwolves that pour out of the Everfree Forest. Cities have fallen, and it seems everypony is powerless to end the slaughter. The call has gone out for all ponies to rise up to defend Equestria. Scootaloo was one of the first to enlist. Can the timberwolves be stopped through military force? By the time they are, will Equestria even be recognizable?

This story contains action, violence, and a strongly implied threat of rape.

Chapters (209)

Follow King Douny O'Whelan through his last days on Earth and his new Journey in Equestria, as he tries to reconcile with his past, make new friends and try to help and gain acceptance from the ponies of Equestria.
The Earth of Douny's world may also not be the one we know following an Elfpunk style.

Cover art by Dragon Emperor 485
Editor I Was Anonymous
Proof reader Dragon Emperor 485

Chapters (13)

Whether rain pours or a storm rages, no matter the time or day of the week, or even if the destination lies far across Equestria, Derpy sees it as her duty to travel wherever she must to ensure her letters are posted to their rightful recipients.

"No letter that can be sent deserves to go undelivered, sir."

Inspired by the Violet Evergarden novels.
Proofread by JimmySlimmy.
I appreciate the story being shared around, commented on, liked, enjoyed, all that jazz. :ajsmug:

Chapters (1)

A distress call issues from a mansion in the snow-capped peaks of the Crystal Mountains. One of the six young residents is reporting evidence of a changeling among them. The Royal Guard rallies to their remote location with all haste, but they are days away—they have charged Detective Pesco and his apprentice Bluebird with investigating the scene in advance.

There's nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide. Identity is a delicate thing, and the changeling's isn't the only one on the brink of unraveling.

A novel-length mystery (social deduction, closed room, limited suspect pool) with an emphasis on character drama. Entirely original cast split among canonical and semicanonical MLP species: ponies, griffons, reindeer, zebra—and among them, the changeling.

Assumed to take place prior/alternative to the changeling reformation in season 6.

Cover art (one and two) by Rocket Lawnchair.

Many thanks for the catches and suggestions from my beta readers, including: wonderkid125, Miller Minus, mikemeiers, Secret Moon, Majora.

Chapters (26)

The age of chaos has come to an end. The Avatar of Chaos, Discord, has been defeated by the valiant actions of the newly-minted alicorn sisters. Their courageous victory has earned them the adoration of their hometown of Evergreen, and they now seek to unite all of ponykind under their banner.

In the disconnected world left in the wake of Discord's reign however, theirs is not the only story to be told. Not all of them even start in their world, for that matter.

Geralt is a unassuming man living a comfortable but mundane existence. While not dissatisfied with his own life, he has always dreamed of what it would be like to make more of himself. To be able to live a life of adventure and glory, to steer the wheels of history.

Fate has smiled upon on him and granted him the opportunity to do so when he is swept away by a chaotic winter storm across worlds, finding himself in a new feathery body. He soon finds himself taking the first steps and rising above anywhere he thought he could reach as he defends his new home, and begins to build a shining beacon of prosperity that will resound throughout the ages.

But victory comes only to the prepared, and the road to his dreams will be long and hard. It is world filled with all manner of mysteries, monsters, and rivalries. A world where a land is kept safe by the armies that it fields. And so Geralt will resolve to stand tall, to defend his lands and his people, and to see his banner flying forevermore.

Chapters (13)

Twilight the Wise, Celestia the Bright, Luna the Dark, Cadance the Beloved, Chrysalis the Dreamwalker; the Princesses of Old vanished ages ago, and their power was taken with them. With their guidance gone society has fallen into disarray, and the absence of their magic is beginning to tear the world apart. Starlit Sky is a humble pony, doing what she can to provide for her daughter and live in peace. But fate would have other plans for her, as she is contacted by a mysterious stranger and tasked with bringing the old princesses home to their ancient seat of Canterlot so that they might bring peace and prosperity back to their kingdom.

Cover and Chapter Art credit to romus91 on DeviantArt

Chapters (58)

If you have watched or listened to the audio drama, “Friendship is Tragic 2” by Scribbler Productions, then you may remember Corporal Gallant; a valiant member of the Royal Guard who sacrificed it all to protect as many as he could during the Diomedes invasion. In this story, we follow the Corporal Gallant of another universe. A universe that’s much more similar to that of the canon TV series, as this Gallant grapples with horrid nightmares that depict the events of FiT 2. What could they mean? For what reason would these memories haunt the young soldier and how? And what does Raven Inkwell have to do with it all? Find out the answers to these questions and more within the pages of this multiversal tale!

Special thanks to Griff (Mindscape) Bartel for helping me get started with this one! As well as a lovely friend who has opted to stay mysteriously anonymous, for the assistance in reformatting the story from the more script-based format I had written it in.

By the by, here’s a link to said script form in case you find it an easier way to read stories like I do: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ij4DCj6PSpe2wIsLdXLLcsUJNuqTIX5N/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=114219887528609207323&rtpof=true&sd=true

Happy reading!

Chapters (1)

Applejack's love for her farm and her family define her. They're the two things in her life which keep her going: the only motivation she needs to get out of bed every morning. Her brother, her sister, their grandmother, and—and the three of them, keeping their family orchard going strong together. It’s the life she always wanted.

But Sweet Apple Acres has taken a hit in recent years. It’s hard to ignore how, so recently, the four of them used to be the five of them, or how the farm’s account is running as dry as the fields themselves.

But it’s just a phase; a bad one, but they come and they go, like the seasons themselves. Applejack knows it’s just a matter of persevering, and staying the course. Better days are just around the corner.

Chapters (4)