• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Drama 979 stories
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Total Words: 36,275,388
Estimated Reading: 14 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Bald Ostrich, was once a human. Now he’s a pegasus, in a land that looks eerily like medieval Europe. Will he find a way home? Will he even survive past a week? How will becoming the consort of the Princess of Night go?

And why is the Day Princess so wary of him? Also some old guy with a Beard is a massive asshole. What a dick.

Now it has a sequel

Chapters (9)

Despite her redemption, and strong friendship with Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer is was still feeling envy and rage. Until her friend gets everything that Sunset wanted.

Chapters (1)

Misty has a cutie mark, but she doesn't even know what it's for. Her name is unrelated to anything, it's just a thing. She doesn't even know her parents.

But maybe her friends can help her find who she really is—or help her consider who she should really be.

For the A Thousand Words Contest
With appreciated help from starcoder with editing and art.

Chapters (1)

Zipp has been acting strange lately. The looks she gives her friends, her movements, the fact she is barely sleeping. Something is wrong with her.

So when the pegasus princess suddenly vanishes, it is up to her friends to find her and try to figure out what is wrong with her.

Can they find her and stop whatever is troubling Zipp? Or will their friend fall to what she fears most: Herself

Disclaimer: Contains moments that could be seen as self harm. Rape is mentioned, but not performed. Proceed with caution if these upsets you.

Edit: This story’s barely been up for an hour and already it’s getting featured. Whoo-hoo!

Chapters (1)

Kintarō is bored. Today is a day off, his wife has gone on a trip, and he is left alone in the big city of Edo. Taking a walk to calm himself, he stumbles upon two unworldly things: coffee, and ponies.

As it turns out, he might prefer the latter.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up one morning to find she's undergone some changes. She shortly discovers she wasn't the only one. (New cover art by Jamey4 on deviantart http://jamey4.deviantart.com/)

Warning, this work of fiction contains multiple fourth wall breaks, massive silliness, and more than a trace amount of alicorns.
The author may or may not have snapped at times in the writing of this work, and it shows. Bring a towel, you may get wet.

Chapters (37)

This story is a sequel to I'm New Here

Cheerilee is a kind hearted teacher who cares about her students and their well-being. When she catches one sleeping outside the school in a bush, she decides to take the young girl home and give her a roof over her head and maybe even more.

Chapters (7)

When you woke up one morning, you weren't expecting to be greeted by candy-colored ponies ruled by a tyrant named Nightmare Moon. You also weren't expecting her to take such a liking to you. She's a bit cruel to her subjects, but you admittedly don't mind the preferential treatment she gives you. So... maybe you like her back?

Perhaps love is the one thing she's been missing.

Chapters (1)

Life goes by pretty fast. Sometimes we forget to stop and smell the roses. Sometimes we forget what's really important.

Not trees though. Trees never forget. It's a shame they don't have voices to remind us.

Chapters (1)

Your wife, the now-retired Celestia, has been acting strange lately. Tonight, she has something she needs to say, and the look on her face is all you need to know that it is important.

So important, in fact, that the trajectory of your lives hinges on your response.

Chapters (1)