• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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The Turtles and the Rainbooms had been enjoying their as usual. There was not much crime to fight and had enjoyed doing what they did best at CHS.

At the same time, a man with nothing to lose just so happens to arrive in Canterlot City. And he has a form of justice that puts him in conflict with the our heroes.

He is Frank Castle. He is the Punisher. Where justice ends...Punishment begins!

(Ps, this Punisher is the Jon Bernthal version)

I hope you enjoy and let me know if the story is great! I know the Punisher is mostly an Mature rated criteria, but I will do everything I can to make it more Teen rated. This is also my first time doing an Equestria Ninja Girls story and I really like this franchise.

Everything belongs to rightful owners.

Chapters (7)

A strange white thestral falls into Sweet Apple Acres barely alive. Nopony knows her, and no records of her exists. That is nothing compared to the strange devices that she brought with her from wherever she is from.

That is all Yolina Yvanova will allow them to know. She is aware she shouldn’t be here, and that this body isn’t her real body. What she does know is that some beast saw her dream walking as a danger and nearly killed her. It now bars her way home.

Thankfully, she has help. Not just in the form of friends from her home, but in the princess who guards the realm of dreams.

Cover art done by Little Tigress

Chapters (10)

After years of conflict both Equestria and the Apple family are torn apart. After the failed thestral reforms, the attempted assassination of Princess Luna in Manehattan, and the subsequent civil war Equestria was torn asunder as the nation broke apart into multiple states. Even after the defeat of Nightmare Moon Equestria found no peace as Changeling panzers rolled across the border and war engulfed virtually all of Equus. Now, even after a joint allied victory against Chrysalis tensions in the continent are mounting once again as Equestria seeks to reintegrate all her lost lands.

The fate of the vast Apple clan, that once spread across Equestria, mirrors that of the shattered nation. The family has been split across almost all of the new states, being turned against each other by allegiances, ideologies, and fate. Now that the chain of events that began on that fateful Manehattan morning of 1008 is coming to its final bloody act, the Apple family must decide between family or country or be torn apart forever.

Chapters (7)

When the townsponies of Ponyville get fed up with Rainbow Dash's excessive pranks, they hatch a plan when it's found out that Rainbow is planning on adding a new 'ingredient' to the Filly Scout cookies. They hope to trick the rainbow maned prankster into thinking they were all infected by the tampered with cookies and turned into undead brain munching, cookie consuming monsters.

Things go according to plan until nightfall when Rainbow stumbles upon a real zombie who is less than pleased with how the town is mocking his kind. Things escalate from there.

This fic contains: Gore (not serious), and A highly offended zombie

Set during "28 Pranks later"
Tags may be changed as story progresses.

Chapters (2)

The instant she appears in this world, things go wrong for Twilight Sparkle. Fortunately, Anon the veterinarian is there to save her, and during the recovery process, they find they quite enjoy each other's company. Eventually Twilight wants to make her way back home and Anon has a decision to make.

Meanwhile Celestia, thinking Twilight is in danger, ventures to earth to rescue her, only to encounter dangers of her own. Princess Luna has to figure out how to rescue both of them without abandoning Equestrian rule.

Chapters (45)

As Princess Luna’s youngest daughter, free spirited, freshly minted college dropout Princess Cassiopeia constantly feels overshadowed by her beautiful older sister, Neoma, and is still unsure about her place in the world. She often gets into trouble by constantly defying Luna and pushing every boundary that stands in her way.

As the royals gather in Silver Shoals for the summer, Cassie revels in the recklessness and freedom of the ocean, finding friendship in dolphins and other sea creatures. She has formed a uniquely close bond with a pod of magnificent orcas, and she often escapes to the sea when she needs to clear her head. Cassie’s life becomes more confusing when she discovers that she has a very special gift: The ability to summon dolphins and orcas.

As she tries to figure out how to use her newfound power to benefit Equestria, Cassie must also navigate her complicated relationship with Neoma, though the two sisters are completely different in many ways.

Dutiful, serious, steady, and dedicated to her role as a princess, Neoma often becomes frustrated with Cassie's wild personality. The two sisters have grown apart since Neoma became a wife and mother. They fight constantly throughout the summer, but Cassie still hopes they can heal their fragile relationship as Neoma struggles to come to terms with her failing marriage.

This trip will open fresh wounds, and healing may come from an unexpected source.

Chapters (14)

Today just seemed like any other day on Sweet Apple Acre for Applejack. She tilled the fields, fed the farm animals, fixed broken pieces of the barn but then, she saw something she'll never forget.

Just on the edge of the Everfree Forest, there was a bloodied and bruised filly on the verge of death. Applejack's world would soon be changed forever after she decided to foster this young and very unique foal, who's current condition suggest a terrible background. A background that is catching up to them.

Now, this filly will have to learn to move on from her old life, make new friends and find her special talent. A difficult task made even harder by the monsters of her past, lingering in her mind like ghosts. They'll come back for her, and they'll burn everything down to achieve...


Also, the cover art was revamped. I felt like the old one had too much dead space, so I figured something out! Let's see if you can guess who's on the cover art now!

Chapters (51)

Written for the May Pairing Contest 2023 (Disqualified for being too long and not complete by the deadline) (Story takes place roughly in Season 3 and 4 and then hyper extends further by the end)

Twilight Sparkle and Prince Blueblood have a past. It's an innocent past, but still a past. Following Twilight's perceived failure in the Crystal Empire, she seeks a new task for redemption.

Little does she know, she herself may be a friendship problem and it's up to her to make things right.

As old feelings resurface, it'll require a strong will and some good acting to finish the task at hoof... If only she can manage to help Blueblood without falling in love with him.

(Updated Tags are a warning of content within the story, most specifically Chapter 14, but the content is still very general and still allows an overall Teen story rating.)

Chapters (15)

Celestia tries to stop Sunset from leaving.

Written for the A Thousand Words Contest II Contest in the Drama Category.

Preread by The Sleepless Beholder and TCC56.

Chapters (14)

Hitch may have a paid-off mortgage…but he isn’t the only young landowner in Mareitime Bay.

Takes place at least a few years before the start of MLP A New Generation.

3/7/23--#1 on the Featured Box. Thank you everyone.

Chapters (1)