• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1007 stories



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Additional tags: Comedy, Mystery

When a group of dragons suddenly appeared in Canterlot City and began tearing the place apart, the Rainbooms try to stop them but quickly find out that they're looking for something...or someone.

Meanwhile, a thirteen-year-old boy, along with his friends, just started his summer vacation and have plans on entering a surfing competition. However, his summer vacation is about to get a little more interesting...

Co-Author: Phantom-Dragon

Chapters (7)

This is a basic summary of my imagined take on the cancelled Equestria Girls finale special, with a certain blue haired guitar player as the main focus.

Oh, and also accepting a fan theory.

(This was originally going to be a trilogy of full stories, but that would have taken a rather long time, and I’m not the most patient person when it comes to writing stories, so I decided to do it this way instead.)
Other Genres: Comedy and Drama.
Other Character Tags: Chrysalis, Timber Spruce, Gloriosa Daisy, the Dazzlings, Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Wallflower Blush, Juniper Montage, and the Shadowbolts.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to The Hobo: The 'Loyal' Astronaut

Applejack, grieving for losing her home and farm, closes herself from her family and friends and go seek out the arsonist that burnt down her farm. Her fruitless search ends up with an almost dead old friend... no joke.

A tale of fruitless vengeance and hopelessness.

Note: Some parts of the story will be confusing, and yes it should be that way. If something is totally out of place however, and you feel the need to say so, then do so.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer reunites with an old school friend, who offers her an unusual role in the Crystal Empire. But then Sunset learns something unsettling about the last pony who held the job...

Chapters (1)

Even after graduation, Sunset Shimmer is STILL looked at by a few as a monster. And, she’s constantly reminded of the Fall Formal nightmare and the Anon-A-Miss conspiracy. Principal Celestia advised her to head for an area called Kalos to start an adventure as a Pokémon trainer. Will she prove that’s she’s not a monster anymore? Let’s find out.

Chapters (56)

This story is a sequel to The Hobo: The 'Generous' Fashionista

Adventure and praise. That's all that Rainbow has ever dreamed about, and when it took her away from her friends, she didn't even bat an eye. The latest mission takes an interesting turn when an old friend stumbles out of a box...how did she get in there?

A tale of loneliness and forgiveness.

Note: It's a mystery people, not every question needs to be answered. If you are one of those types that need to know everything, I'll explain everything under a spoiler thing.

Chapters (1)

After many hours of training and perfecting their singing, the Dazzlings were excited to fulfill their wish of becoming a successful and popular band.

Everything starts small though, so they went on a tour to become more famous. The first city: Canterlot.

But why are people so... reluctant towards them?

Chapters (1)

Equestria is a magical realm of ponies and friendship, where life and love are cherished and abundant.

Over one millennium in the past, Equestria was an ancient realm of monsters and danger, with lawlessness and adventure teeming around every corner.

Celestia and Luna are young fillies with stars in their eyes, exploring the newly-formed nation while upholding their (ceremonial) princessly duties. Both are on a quest to find their place in the world.

Then, after an ambush threatens to put the stopper on their mission, they meet Sergeant Constant Vigilance: a hardly-sociable, grimly earth pony, who is assigned as their bodyguard to ensure their safety.

Together, they journey, unknowingly marching towards fate.

In the process of being rewritten and remade. Stay tuned!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to My Empire of Dirt

Principal Celestia has had her hands full since taking a magically mute Sunset Shimmer. It hasn't been that long since the Fall Formal, and she's still trying to figure out basic communication with her student, let alone how to get her anything remotely like a Hearth's Warming present.
A hastily dashed off letter to her pony counterpart suddenly launches her on a night of adventure that will force her to question everything she thought she knew about Sunset Shimmer and how she can help the pony-turned-girl.

You're kinda going to have to read at least the first few chapters of My Empire of Dirt for this to make much sense. This story is considered canon to Empire.

I was originally going to write this as a one-shot, but once I hit 10,000 words, I figured I'd better break it up into chapters.

Cover art by Princeling

Chapters (6)

Many many years after graduation, Rarity found herself at the top of the fashion industry, but not without costs. Several of her friends have lost contact, till one day she stumbled upon one of them...literally.

A tale of penance and self-realization.

Note: This story requires a few read throughs and intense thinking, as all the answers lay within the story. Now would you be ever so kind to please stop commenting things that I intend to keep a mystery. If you absolutely can't figure it out, there should be a message from me down in the comments with a spoiler, that holds the answers.

Chapters (1)