• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1008 stories



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This story is a sequel to Cinematic Adventures: The Wizard of Oz

About a month after the events of the Wizard of Oz, life seems to have went back to normal for everypony. Twilight has agreed to babysit her niece, Flurry Heart and she plans on having a great day for the two of them.

However, the Mane Six as well as Flurry Heart are whisked away again to another world where they will have to help defeat a great evil and make friends with a group of mystery solvers and a...talking dog

Chapters (12)

S.G.I. Case file #313787
Subject name: Sunset Shimmer
World of Origin: Equus
Species: Unicorn
Power classification: Magic
Listed Abilities: [REDACTED]
Threat Assessment: High
Listed offenses: Five counts of minor nuisances, three counts of theft, one count of identity fraud, three counts of forging documents, four counts of breaking and entering, sixteen counts of reckless endangerment, three (confirmed) counts on misuse of power(s), eight involvements of supernatural phenomena, three hundred and seventeen counts of mind-controlled enslavement, one count of hostile takeover, and two (confirmed) counts of instigating apocalypse-class disasters (one currently in progress).
Current status: Alive; under S.G.I. interrogation.

Chapters (1)

Rarity and Rainbow Dash pose as Sweetie Belle’s parents in the age-old story of I-can’t-let-my-parents-talk-to-my-teacher-they’ll-ground-me-for-life.

But things, of course, get worse in the not-so-sensible way before they get better – the good better.

Up ahead: Shenanigans of the Less Sensible Variety; Things, Just Things; Something Heartfelt, Hopefully.

Chapters (1)

It's been over 8 years since the portal to Equestria closed forever, and Sunset Shimmer is doing better than ever.

A snippet I dug up from my archives, stripped of context, and posted as a tribute to lost potential.

Chapters (1)

This holiday season is the worst time of Sunset's life. Anon-a-miss has made everyone believe that she has returned to her old ways and is now the target of everyone in the school.

Having just about enough pain and suffering Sunset tries to end it all but is saved and brought back to place where she can recover by an unlikely counterpart.

Now with the peace in the dark and guidance of the light, will Sunset prove her innocence to Canterlot High and even perhaps fulfill a dream she had long accepted would never come true.

(For those who read the MLP IDW comics, there will slight references here and there, so be warned)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninja Girls Ducks Rock!

The Turtles, Rainbooms and all of their friends are in for an adventure like no other.
From another world, a new friend by the name of Roland, came to seek help. For in his world, he is their brother, and their Shredder survived the attack. And in his lust for conquest, the Turtles, Rainbooms and all of their friends from their world had perished or fell in battle.
Now it's a race against time to find the artifacts that can be accessed to the single source of all Reality, and Shredder is after it.
Not only do they need the help of their friends and allies, but other Turtles from different worlds. This...is the fight...across the Shell-Verse.

***Shine Boy and Team Shine characters belong to WarriorofFaith18, used with permission
*** Based on Fiction by Wildcard25
***Disclaimer: I do not own Equestria Girls, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012), or any of the other characters.
***Special shoutout to Wildcard25, Darth Wrex, Mister V, WarriorofFaith18, Jebens1 and AmethystMajesty25 for giving me the opportunity to write this Fanfic.
***The events of this story take place following the events of Sunset Shimmer's backstage pass and the events of WarriorofFaith18's Mighty Ducks story, Ducks Rock, as well as Turtles Forever.

Chapters (14)

After a long day at school, Sunset found a strange little creature at her place. She found a card that points to a place where she can lead the little creature to.
This story is based on a video I watched a long time ago. Unfortunately, I can't find it anymore. The video tells a story of a man and a strange little creature showed up in his place and his struggle to find it a home.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninja Girls: Mind Over Mutant

Three beautiful young ladies, one of them, a member of the Hamato clan, the second, a member of the Foot clan, and the third, a member of both. Rarity, Karai and Adagio go on an adventure into a new world with new allies, defeating new enemies, and all while stealing back some goods.
Disclaimer: Neither Darth Wrex, nor I own Equestria Girls, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) or Sly Cooper.

Chapters (32)

Flash Sentry has gone missing. Sunset is desperate to find out what’s happened, and contacts Twilight to ask about the Flash in her world, but it seems as though nobody else really cares.

Proofread by BezierBallad.

Chapters (1)

One week after the Fall Formal, an expulsion trial is held to determine if Sunset Shimmer should be allowed to continue enrollment at Canterlot High. Unfortunately, her fate rests in the hands of a few select members of the Canterlot High School Board of Education, as well as a rookie police officer and the new school psychologist. And some of them are quite tired of cleaning up her mess.

Here follows the completely normal deliberations between an egotistical nephew of the principal, a worn-out gentleman, a cheap businessman, a cranky grandmother, a seemingly unaffiliated cop from across town, and a man who is totally not a reality-bending ancient draconequus in disguise.

One of them isn’t going to make things easy.

Chapters (11)