• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1007 stories



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Wallflower Blush is a fan of horror. It's not something that's ever really come up around her friends, Roseluck and Muffins, even after nearly a year of being nearly inseparable. But when the three girls visit the Equestria Land theme park, Wallflower is very excited to ride the park's signature scary ride, Nightmare Moon's Haunted Castle. She doesn't think it'll be too bad, but Roseluck, who's a little bit very terrified of scary stuff, has her doubts... though Muffins seems down for it.

A standalone spinoff story from Shaking Off Bad Memories, which also makes it part of my shared "Conversations-verse" continuity (see my main page; you don't need to have read any of the other stories for this). Pre-read by The Sleepless Beholder. Originally written for the Bean's Writing Group prompt "Derpy's Night on the Town".

Featured (non-M grouping) on 8/18/22-8/19/22!

Chapters (1)

When roommates Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie win a supermarket shopping spree, Pinkie sees it as a chance to have nice, harmless fun with her best friend.

But, of course, a-dork-able Twily has "a plan"...

Chapters (1)

The Friendship Games had been a challenge, one much like the previous two events caused by the interference of magic. But just like the previous moments, it was overcome thanks to the magic of friendship. And just as before, it was over, and new friends were made. There was nothing left to worry about.

Or is there?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mind of A Robot

Something seems off and Sunset wants to find out. However, somethings are better remain unfound.

Chapters (1)

This story is inspired by a short film I watched a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, I can't find it (nor do I remember its' name).
Update: all thanks to a kind stranger in the comment section, I now know what the film is. Check the comment section for details.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Hobo: The 'Laughing' Chef

The thrilling conclusion to The Hobo series. Explaining everything and revealing things that may or may not have been known. Follow Sunset as she makes mistakes, bargains, and questionable deeds.

A tale of secrets and reveals.

Note: The order of these chapters are in chronological order, if that helps with understanding, you're welcome. If not, sorry.

Chapters (7)

Years ago, Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria helped show a group of humans the magic of friendship, and they've never forgotten how much it meant to them. Since then, Twilight has continued to return to visit her friends in their world, and even as her coronation looms large on the horizon, they'd been confident things would work out.

But when a serious malfunction renders the device keeping the portal open useless and seemingly irreparable, Princess Twilight is left struggling to come up with a solution, or even answers. As the possibility that they might never see their old friend in person again grows, the Rainbooms decide to send a series of letters to the Princess, expressing their personal gratitude for the influence she's had in their lives, well-wishes for her rule in Equestria and cautious optimism for the future.

Cover art by D+CON! Used with permission.

Written for Bicyclette's The Twilight Files contest. See the other entries here! Pre-read by The Sleepless Beholder. The chapter "Letter 1: Rarity" ties in with the Bean's Writing Group prompt "An Artistic Touch", while "Letter 7: Fluttershy" ties in with "Someone is Missing".

Featured on 7/19/22 to 7/23/22!

Note this story only considers animated media as canon, and deviates from the depiction of events seen in literary or comic media like The Fall of Sunset Shimmer and Twilight's Sparkly Sleepover Surprise.

Chapters (10)

Juniper Montage won. Fifteen years ago.


written for the Sunset Shimmer x Starlight Glimmer Shipping Contest

Chapters (1)

Sunset and her friends have gotten used to the magical occurrences that have now become a mainstay within their lives. How will they react to their latest threat however? A threat taking the form of a deranged robotic scientist from another galaxy and with a vendetta against organic life. Things aren't going to end well. Not when a truly nefarious individual crash lands his way to Planet Earth...

Chapters (5)

As it turns out, having a high frequency of traumatizing magical crises on campus tends to upset the PTA, and now Principal Celestia has landed firmly in their crosshairs. After the fiasco at the Friendship Games, Superintendent Neighsay has had enough and forces Celestia into administrative leave, awaiting review. When the two school officials meet face to face, though, Celestia is ready to show that she's not giving up her position without a fight—and that she can hold her own in the face of Neighsay's wrath.

Pre-read by Krack-Fic Kai, LysanderasD, Mockingbirb and FanOfMostEverything! Originally written for the Bean's Writing Group prompt "Mandatory Time Off".

Featured from 19-22 June 2022! Reviewed by Advisors' Cove here and Reviewer's Mansion here!

Chapters (1)