• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Equestria Girls 1007 stories



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While driving to Canterlot High to attend an after-school assembly, Swift Shadow nearly hits a Semi, causing him to swerve into the highschool's front yard and right into its statue.

...while a certain phoenix-colored student is about to use it.

Now he is speeding through the interior of a Crystal Castle.

As a pony.

A small shower thought I had of "What if someone were to accidentally crash into the statue with their car while it's active?".

Chapters (1)

At an inventors convention, intelligent tinker Doctor "Time Turner" Whooves and his kooky inventing partner Derpy unveil Derpy's latest unorthodox creation. Unfortunately, like Derpy, her wacky creation has some rather minor goofs that needs some improving...

"Side splittingly good! 10/10"
~ Faded Echoes

"A silly read."
~ Forgetful

The following story contains humor that some may find disturbingly hilarious. So, if you're not the appropriate age...

I won't tell if you won't. :derpytongue2:

Chapters (2)

After the events of Equestria Girls, Sunset Shimmer has had to adapt to her new normal life at Canterlot High. Slowly but surely, she has found her place within the school and her own circle of friends, becoming a very adept student in her own right.

But a new threat threatens to tarnish all of that for her. A power that seems to hold sway over the entire school itself, even Principal Celestia herself.

His name?

Superintendent Tirek. And he seems determined to make Sunset pay for her past mistakes.

Chapters (1)

While Twilight was in her bedroom at her house, she stumbled upon a strange vial of green liquid.
Then, she drinks the strange liquid and gets stressed over some past memories of Crystal Prep.
And she's mad that former principal of Crystal Prep, Abacus Cinch, is now the new dean. This makes Twilight so mad there will be some funny parts that she would love to do to get back at her. After all, Cinch did keep on forcing her to compete and spy on the Rainbooms, as well as unleashing the magic that turned her into Midnight Sparkle. But what is going on with her anger?

Despite the tags, Twilight is the 1st main character.

Chapters (18)

When sunset learned about the memory stone as well as how little time she had left to save her friend's memories from oblivion she rushed to find and undo it was too late. With the unexpected, but welcome help of Trixi she found the culprit in one Wallflower blush. Yet when she confronted the vengeful teen who would see no reason Sunset made the choice to save her friends as well as prevent the memory stone from being used ever again.

Through her selflessness came at great cost.

Now her friends both in Equestria and Canterlot high have to deal with a side of Sunset that hadn't been seen since Celestia first took her in as a student. Not the prideful, arrogant mare who charged through the mirror at the false belief of power. But a scared filly as they realize the memory stone does not work exactly as they thought it did as they try to get their friend back.

Chapters (8)

Sunset Shimmer wasn't sure what instinct took her up on the roof of her apartment. She only knew that it was important that she follow it.

She didn't expect to drink a beer with a legend. Or even get a chance to fulfill a forgotten Christmas wish.

Editing by Level Dasher

Written for No Raisin for Jinglemas 2021

Written as a Breezie assignment

Chapters (4)

(Submission for the Sci-Fi contest)
Research into parallel universes has proven to be a limited success. But what happens if the greatest wizard in Equestrian History with access to such a spell runs head-long into one of the greatest threats a newly-formed Equestria might ever face? Will the researcher approve? Will the Princesses? Will History?

(Extra-cartoon locations are also derived from "Map of Equestria... And Beyond!" by "KeenKris" on DeviantArt)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Highs and Lows

Years of guilt and hatred and jealousy have gotten to Sunset Shimmer. She simply cannot take it anymore. She wants to find some way, any way, to alleviate or redirect her anguish, regardless of whether it's constructive or not.

The second instalment of Sunset's Recovery Arc.

Rated "T" for detailed description of self-harm and some cursing.

Chapters (1)

Trixie was looking forward for her cruise trip on her summer vacation, but was ruined the moment she met up with a member of the Rainbooms and the Dazzlings and ended up on a trip with them. Just when her day couldn't get any worse, their ship was caught in a hurricane and then ended up stranded on a desert island. As Pinkie and Sonata were busy having fun, Trixie was determined to get herself off of this island without losing any more of her sanity.

Cover art designed by me.

Constructive criticism welcomed!

Chapters (13)

Based on the Ed Edd & Eddy episode "this won't hurt an Ed"

The Dazzling's are helping the nurse (community service type deal) and Rainbow Dash is being high and mighty but Aria discovers Rainbow is afraid of needles so it's time for some good natured torture.

Chapters (1)